Sorry, I never heard that Stargate Command have Bomber-302 Before
"We make war for stop the war"
Lowee at War
Beginning: 4/20/7 ADG (2015 SCS)
End: 9/27/7 ADG (2015 SCS)
- Most of Neutral Alliance member and Star Wars were dominated by Lowee Empire
- Hyperdimension Neptunia
- Lowee Imperial Army Air Force
- Lucky Star
(Aillance of Lowee Empire against Neutral)
- Battlestar Galactica
- Colonial Alliance of Kobal
- Colonial Armed Force
- Colonial Army
- Colonial Fleet
- Red Dwarf
- New Republic
- Rebel Military
- Alliance Army
- Alliance Fleet
- Babylon 5 (Resistance Force)
- Doctor Who
- Starship Troopers (Rebel Force)
- United Federation
- Rebel Mobile Infantry
- Rebel Mobile Fleet
- Neutral Alliance Armed Force†
- Neutral Alliance Militia†
- Neutral Alliance Explorer Team†
- Neutral Alliance M.A.L.P. Team†
- Neutral Alliance Guerrilla†
- Neutral Alliance Raid Team†
- Neutral Alliance Stargate Team†
- Neutral Alliance Corruption Team†
- Neutral Alliance Hacker Team†
- Neutral Alliance Raid Fleet†
- Neutral Alliance Pirate Fleet†
- Neutral Alliance Insurgency Team†
- Neutral Alliance Militia for Free Star Democratic†
- Alien†
- Colonial Earth
- Colonial Paramilitary
- Colonial Military Army
- Colonial Marine
- Colonial Military Fleet
- Babylon 5 (Loyally Force)†
- United Earth Alliance
- United Earth Armed Force†
- Earthforce
- Earmy
- Farscape†
- Lexx†
- Lost in Space†
- Star Trek†
- United Federation of Planet†
- Starfleet Armed Force†
- Starfleet Gound Force†
- Starfleet Space Navy†
- Starship Troopers (Loyally Force)†
- United Citizen Remnant†
- Loyally Mobile Infantry†
- Free Star Demoratic†
- Pig Rebellion†
- Disco Rebellion†
- Michael Rebel Group†
- Lando Rebel Group†
- Imperial Remnant†
- C.P.U./Supreme Strategic Commander: Nepgear - Purple Sister
- C.P.U./Supreme Tactical Commander: Neptune - Purple Heart
- C.P.U./Front Commander of Lowee Imperial Navy: Noire - Black Heart
- C.P.U./Front Commander of Lowee Imperial Army: Vert - Green Heart
- Neutral Alliance System Leader: Jonathan 'Jack' O'Neill
- Supreme Admiral of Neutral Alliance: Henry 'Tom' Landry
- Admiral Doctor: Daniel 'Don' Jackson (Early)
- Colonel: Cameron 'Mike' Mitchell
- Colonel: Lionel Pendergast
- Colonel: Steven 'Steve' Caldwell
- Colonel: Abraham 'Abe' Ellis
- Colonel: Vladimir 'Vlad' Chekov
Star Trek:
- Starfleet Command: Alexander 'Alex' Marcus
Babylon 5:
- President: William 'Morgan' Clark†
- Unknown
Total: Massive
Military Dead:
- Star Democratic: Over 2,200,000,000
- Another: Over 6,700,000
Civilian Dead:
- Star Democratic: 650,000,000
- Another: 78,000,000
Total: Disaster
Military Dead:
- Stargate: Over 70,000,000
- Star Trek: Over 65,000,000
Civilian Dead:
- Stargate: 170,000,000,000
- Star Trek: 25,000,000,000
- Anoter: 560,000,000
Total: Massive
Military Dead:
- Over 6,000,000
Civilian Dead:
- Over 120,000,000
Lowee at War, also known as
Great Hyperdimension Wars or
Lowee Empire Invasion, official known as ニュートラルアライアンスの悪に対するるうい帝国の侵略 (Chūritsu dōmei no Aku ni taisuru Ruui Teikoki no shinkō,
Lowee Empire Invasion against evil of Neutral Alliance) is 5 mouth war were known as largest conflict in the Hyperdimension between Imperialism Current Superpower Anime Culture Hyperdimension Neptunia's
Lowee Empire and Neutral Universe Major Superpower Militarism Humanism
Neutral Alliance, as well as Star Wars have intervention to this war as well, cause of this war were came from Lowee Empire were signed
Treaty of Hiiragi after war against Star Wars and brainwashed control of Star Trek, Stargate and many of universe were against Star Democratic were cause to loser to pay the money, military and area to Star Democratic to repair the damage on Star Democratic, after rise of Empire, Star Democratic has invasion to most of alliance after they raid on Lowee Fleet during Invasion on Star Wars, the Neutral Alliance known this operation as
Hyperdimension Neptunia Invasion which Hyperdimension Neptunia is head faction of Lowee Empire instead Star Democratic co with Lucky Star who have Kasami 'Amu' Hiiragi as who is live in Lucky Star as born from Hyperdimension Neptunia, Star Democratic think this war will end at least 15 - 20 day but turn into 4 - 5 mouth and turn into Great Hyperdimension War were conflict to another dimension as well though Stargate didn't have technology to travel to another dimension.
This war is largest scale conflict between Lowee Empire and Neutral Alliance after Neutral Alliance attack on Star Wars were Star Democratic is attack on them.