John 'Guide' Sheppard (Hyperdimension)

"Someone shoot at me"
- An John Sheppard Player (Lady White Heart VG) when enemy player shoot his shuttle

John 'Guide' Sheppard
File:John Sheppard.jpg
Biographical information
Homeworld: Tau'ri
Born: June 14, G.C. 1970
Death: G.C. 2014
            By Kasami Hiiragi
Physical description
Species: Tau'ri
Gender: Male
Height: 177 cm
Mass: 67 kg
Hair color: Black
Skin color: White
Eye color: Brown
Chronological and political information
Nationality: Americon
Religion: None
Rank: Lieutenant Colonel
Occupation: Pilot
Affiliation: Stardoor Command
                   Neutral Alliance
                   - Atlantis expedition
                   - Neutral Alliance Space Fleet
                     - 1st Puddle Squadron
                   Lucas's Alliance
Cause of Death: Blow in half after get shot with
                           Starfurotor-2 Fighter's Missile
John Sheppard
Biographical information
Homeworld: Tau'ri
Born: June 14, G.C. 1970
Physical description
Species: Tau'ri
Gender: Male
Height: 177 cm
Mass: 67 kg
Hair color: Black
Skin color: White
Eye color: Brown
Chronological and political information
Nationality: Americon
Religion: None
Rank: Lieutenant Colonel
Occupation: Pilot
Affiliation: Stardoor Command
                   Neutral Alliance
                   - Atlantis expedition
                   - Neutral Alliance Space Fleet
                     - 1st Puddle Squadron
                   Lowee Empire
John 'Guide' Sheppard or John Sheppard, nickname known as Guide by Blanc or DudeDuded or Doge by Daniel Jackson or Traitor by many of his former friend from enemy was Tau'ri male Pilot from Stargate Universe, he is leader squadron of 1st Puddle Squadron serve in the Neutral Alliance Space Fleet in the HF-302 Sheppard Heavy Fighter. He is Anti-Antagonist who serve as Main Antagonist against Blanc before his defeat and defector to Lowee Empire for against Evil Neutral Alliance that found out that his wife killed by Neutral Alliance member Cameron Mitchell, and he is also survivor from multiple shot from ASS Blanc. Sheppard is spy for Lady White Heart as he once is survive from Great Universe War were most of scification was mind control by Star Conflict to attack Touhou Galaxy. (Lady White Heart)

While Memory of Kagami Rebirth Video Game, he was random antagonist as he was Delta-class most wanted target of Federation Armed Self-Defense Force. During unknown location of space battle, he was ultimate killed by Kasami Hiiragi with her S-2, blow him in half. (Memory of Kagami Rebirth)

Video Game
(Lady White Heart)
He is special pilot in the game as player can using him as air support or space mission like seek against capital ship as he expert against them, but if he is in land battle, player must select him as an driver of military vehicle, if he was eliminated in the mission, player will unable to using him until he is spawn again.

- Level: 45
- Health: 3000
- Armor: 3000
- Shield: 0
- Respawn Time: 30:00

Door of Ultradimension Neptunia
His combo is appeared in Door of Ultradimension Neptunia as he arrive in first time in Ultradimension along with Jarson Gamatara, Neptune and Blanc (Player), his weapon are setting with three fire mode are semi-auto and burst fire and what weapon can shoot such as SG Pistol is limited for semi only so it don't fire in full auto.

FN-90 Assault Rifle (Elite):
(Burst Fire)
Range: 200 Meter
Damage: 15
Organic Damage: 15
Shield Damage: 0
Armor Damage: 15
Hit Count: 3
Accuracy: Medium
Affinity: Neutral
Category: Physical Damage
Type: Rush
Effect: None
Description: Fire in 3 Round Burst.

(Single Shot)
Range: 200 Meter
Damage: 30
Organic Damage: 30
Shield Damage: 0
Armor Damage: 30
Hit Count: 1
Accuracy: High
Affinity: Neutral
Category: Physical Damage
Type: Power
Effect: None
Description: Fire in Semi-Automatic.

(Full Auto)
Range: 200 Meter
Damage: 15
Organic Damage: 15
Shield Damage: 0
Armor Damage: 15
Hit Count: 30
Accuracy: Poor
Affinity: Neutral
Category: Physical Damage
Type: Rush
Effect: None
Description: Fire in Automatic Mode.

(with Grenade Launcher)
(Grenade Out)
Range: 200 Meter
Damage: 50
Organic Damage: 50
Shield Damage: 0
Armor Damage: 200
Hit Count: 1
Accuracy: High
Affinity: Fire
Category: Physical Damage
Type: Power
Effect: None
Description: Shoot the Grenade Launcher.

FN-9 Semi-Automatic Pistol:
(Single Shot)
Range: 200 Meter
Damage: 15
Organic Damage: 15
Shield Damage: 0
Armor Damage: 15
Hit Count: 1
Accuracy: High
Affinity: Neutral
Category: Physical Damage
Type: Power
Effect: None
Description: Fire in Semi-Automatic.

FN-90 Assault Rifle (Elite):
(Blind Burst Firing)
Range: 200 meter
Damage: 50
Organic Damage: 50
Shield Damage: 0
Armor Damage: 50
Hit Count: 30
Accuracy: Poor
Affinity: Neutral
Category: Physical Damage
Type: SP Attack
Effect: None
Description: Shoot Burst Firing with I don't see anything.

FN-9 Semi-Automatic Pistol:
(Shoot Shoot Shoot)
Range: 200 meter
Damage: 50
Organic Damage: 50
Shield Damage: 0
Armor Damage: 50
Hit Count: 10
Accuracy: Medium
Affinity: Neutral
Category: Physical Damage
Type: SP Attack
Effect: None
Description: They are Everywhere, Shoot it.

(Automatic Support)
Range: 50 meter
Damage: 0
Organic Damage: 0
Shield Damage: 0
Armor Damage: 0
Hit Count: 1
Affinity: Neutral
Category: Assist
Type: Support
Effect: ACY +25%
Description: This accuracy should make gunner to shoot automatic good to hit enemy.

FN-90 Assault Rifle (Elite) with Grenade Launcher:
(Bomber Shooter)
Range: ?
Damage: ?
Organic Damage: ?
Shield Damage: 0
Armor Damage: ?
Hit Count: ?
Affinity: Neutral
Category: Physical & Fire Damage
Type: EXE Drive
Effect: ?
Description: Coming Soon.

(Memory of Kagami Rebirth)
There are random chance that he will appeared in battle that involved with Stargate ship as Kasami must kill him.