Samantha 'Sam' Carter

"Why! Why Me!"
- Samantha 'Sam' Carter Player when Defeat by Enemy Player (Lady White Heart: Orphan or Children of Hiiragi)

Samantha 'Sam' Carter
Biographical information
Homeworld: Tau'ri
Born: December 29, 1968
          Americon, Tau'ri
Death: January 20, G.C. 2014
            By Yui Mishiko with CCSS Yui (indirect by Kasami Hiiragi)
Physical description
Species: Tau'ri
Gender: Female
Blood Type: O
Height: 175 cm
Mass: 61 kg
Hair color: Brown
Skin color: White
Eye color: Grey
Chronological and political information
Nationality: Americon
Religion: None
Rank: Supreme Leader
Occupation: Supreme Leader
Affiliation: Stardoor Command
                   - Neutral Alliance
                   Lucas's Alliance
Cause of Death: Crashed into the Great Mind Trick from pushed by CCSS Yui
Samantha 'Sam' Carter
Biographical information
Homeworld: Tau'ri
Born: December 29, 1968
          Americon, Tau'ri
Physical description
Species: Tau'ri
Gender: Female
Blood Type: O
Height: 175 cm
Mass: 61 kg
Hair color: Brown
Skin color: White
Eye color: Grey
Chronological and political information
Nationality: Americon
Religion: None
Rank: Supreme Leader
Occupation: Supreme Leader
Affiliation: Stardoor Command
                   - Neutral Alliance
Samantha 'Sam' Carter, also known as Samantha Carter was female Tau'ri supreme leader from Stardoor Universe, Commander of Neutral Alliance ship USS Samantha Carter, Super Denial class Battlecruiser. She is central antagonist who Supreme leader of Neutral Alliance military and also she is ship designer for Nevada shipbuilder, her brain is the one of national resource which many make the ship and technology are from Carter like Stardoor universe, Like HDN Counterpart, She also rival to Jonathan O'Neill who is focus on military offensive against Lowee Empire, as in HDN were she have to offensive against his invader, Steve Caldwell.

Samantha Carter is one of de facto leader as who have using superweapon that banned from Lowee Empire's Treaty were capable to destroyed entire planet were first was using on planet in Touhou Galaxy. (Lady White Heart: Orphan or Children of Hiiragi)

She is also fought in Great Universe War, one of battle was Battle of Chiyuki were she command USS Samantha Carter and attempt to destroy enemy force before her ship was disabled by group of Bomobor-1 and her ship was pushed by CCSS Yui to crash on VAF Asesinato before finally crash on Great Mind Trick. (Memory of Kagami Rebirth)