Kasami 'Amu' Hiiragi is redirects here which is part of Touhou Galaxy Project, for SD version, please see Blanc - White Heart
"I was the Goddess of the galaxy, I rule over entire galaxy, but I still not strong as my big sister."
- Kasami Hiiragi (Memory of Kagami Rebirth)
Kotori Hatsumi
初美ことり (Hatsumi Kotori) |
Characteristic information
Real Name: Kotori
Full Name: Kotori Hatsumi Kanji Name: 初美ことり Romaji Name: Hatsumi Kotori Weapon preference: One-handed Sword |
Biographical information
Physical description
Species: Chiyukitalian (Goddess, Clone)
Gender: Female Blood Type: B Height: 158 cm Mass: 48 kg Hair color: Black Skin color: White Eye color: Red Cup size: C Sizes: B83-W56-H82 |
Chronological and political information
Nationality: Chiyukitalian
Religion: Siddharthism FCI code: 001-951112657139-0 Rank: Lady Princess Naval Commander (Former) Galactic Admiral (Former) Occupation: Console Patron Unit Princess of the Federation Student of Ryoo Interstellar Academies (Former) Naval Commander of Federation (Former) Affiliation: Lucky Star Hyperdimension Neptunia Interstellar Federation Lastation Empire |
She was memorable as symbol of Touhou Galaxy Goddess and one of most famous leader of the Touhou Galaxy History by defeat the combine force of Lucas's Alliance and also she is youngest leader who took power to become the Goddess and establish the Empire to expansion the empire to over Galaxy and as well as conquer another galaxy, which she was memorable and become as 1st in history book more than Tomoya Dinoji who is leader of Tomoyatalian Empire and bring the peace to the galaxy after defeat Ducken Empire who is dominated long time ago. Appeared of her death is and will cause Lastation Empire downfall as well.
In Blancitunia, other 3 CPU are died at some point around 6000 year after Kasami have loss in unknown galaxy, although she still alive with her clone and the remain real Kasami's memory which Reco have put Kasami's memory to Miki Hiiragi which her life is still continue.
"You know, there are many of myself across the dimension, other was Kasami, other was Noire, and other was gonna be you."
- Kasami Hiiragi (Traveler from Beyond of Gamindustri)
Satoshi Yoshimizu (†), Yoko Yoshimizu (†)
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Unknown +-------------+------------+
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+--------------------+ +----------------------+----------- Yoshimizu Family
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Taido Hiiragi (†), Miki Hiiragi
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Inori Hiiragi Matsuri Hiiragi Kagami Hiiragi (†) Tsukasa Hiiragi (†) Kasami Hiiragi
| Katsumi Hiiragi |
"Hey, Tsukasa, do not let your little Tsundere sister beat you, I mean, let copy her homework together."
- Konata Izumi (???)
Kasami's real name is Amu, but she is also known as Noire which given name similar to her mother, she was given as 'Kasami Hiiragi' by her mother, Miki Hiiragi.
'Kasami' was based from as Kamigami were same as Kagami Hiiragi which mean Mirror as the Gods to follow her behind the mirror. Although the name is being called as 'scissors' that similar to Hasami which only reason that Kasami is most successful person who cut down many obstacle in her life. She is often being called as Kagami by most of people who mistake between Kagami and Kasami and often to mistake in real life as given her name as 'Kasumi'. Most of character has called her as full name only, she is often being called title "Lady" by general populace as Lady Kasami Hiiragi. Most of people often to called her nickname as 'Little Sister', 'Daughter' or 'Karma-suppress Daughter', Stardoor is always say as 'Cute Girl'.
Kasami's Federal Citizen Identity code is 001-951112657139-0.
"I'm Noire....but I not came from this planet if you don't believe me, I am Noire of Touhou Galaxy."
- Kasami Hiiragi as Noire (Traveler from Beyond of Gamindustri)
She often being called as Noire when someone confuse to other Noire and her, although is not her name, but she widely adopted especially many her friend in Ryoo High School, she is also given name with "-Heart" are Lovely Heart or Lonely Heart.
Kasami's age is still unknown but accord to her age at birth in G.C. 1997 and Memory of Kagami is 15, and Traveler from Beyond of Gamindustri is 21 and Amitious has fallen is 11 which all 3 stories are have similar face and body size, if she is immortal like most of CPU in Gamindustri.
Currently (as G.C. 2017)
Memory of Kagami
15 - 16
Traveller from Beyond of Gamindustri
Ambitious has fallen
Kasami Hiiragi is rumor to be born somewhere in Gamindustri, from Chiyukitalian record have rumor that Gamindustri was original gateway to Chiyuki and also the ancient homeworld of Chiyukitalian as well, but no one ever know about the gateway what came from and what the gate now is located.
Until one of chaos in Gamindustri have arrive to due being one of conflict known as Great or First Console War have arrive and destroy much of surface, which one of survivor is Kasami's Mother before arrive to the gate (Tome only is allow to traveler to travel in Hyperdimension). (Memory of Kagami Rebirth)
Early Life
"Konata: You have got in same room as us again? this room is for student who have a lot of problem in social of Japanese that don't want to be a useful resource or just kind you might have one of them that my teacher want you, your age is weird, you didn't cross the class like Yutaka? or your twintail have no Tsudere that might is cause that you are problem, or Kagami don't have any lucky that hard study girl like Kagami and you can't study in same room."
"Kasami: Sorry, I'm just 'Year 2'"
"Kasami: Sorry, I'm just 'Year 2'"
- Konata Izumi to Kasami Hiiragi
She was born in March 3, G.C. 1997, her real name is unclear but most of source is known as Noire and other minor and official information is known as Amu, after she born, she was orphan after the Great Console War as she was send into the stargate into the Chiyuki, she was found in Hiiragi household were many Hiiragi family have found her. She is adopted by Hiiragi family, Miki have give her name as 'Kasami Hiiragi' as symbol of good fortune. Kagami Hiiragi was in-charge of become a new Princess of the Federation have teaching Kasami to training with sword fighting like to Tsukasa and how to be friend with Konata and Miyuki, but she still like to talk with Konata and Miyuki polite and honestly unlike her sister. (Memory of Kagami Rebirth)Ryoo School Massacre
Before the Massacre was came shortly, Kasami as Year 3 have study in Ryoo High School have meet with new student, Teijiki Peon, as she have sit near Kasami's desk before start the studies.
A group of Star Conflict Terrorist include with Star Conflict Leader George 'Will' Lucas have attack on Ryoo High School were she study in classroom as entire her classmate all kill by these terrorist, Kasami unable to escape from school instead she hide from these terrorist, she have using pistol that drop by these terrorist to kill one of these terrorist member to protect herself until the Special Force have arrive. Some student believed that she also have transform to mystery goddess that burn entire Star Conflict terrorist (with except of Lucas) and save remain survivor.
After this Massacre, Kasami have left the school along with her sister and many student when Kagami belived that Kasami is death during massacre as well since she never return to home as she have join to Yakamiji Naval Academies without her family known and she have become as youngest person who reach the Galactic Admiral in 4 month and she have command CCSS Misaka, an Yashima class Battlecruiser that once the ship was part of Operation Sand Storm alongside with CCSS Makuko prior before she have command newest warship, CCSS Nagato of Nagato class Battleship, after 2 week, the Interstellar Federation have declare war against Star Conflict after Star Conflict have Invasion over Touhou Galaxy as Federation try to revenge the Star Conflict as they did to that School Massacre and the Assassination of 18th President of the Federation. (Memory of Kagami Rebirth)
Star Conflict Invasion over Touhou Galaxy
Kasami was promote as Lady of the Federation and also Naval Commander of Federation as she have command on CCSS Nagato, first Nagato-class Battleship as transport of Kagami and Tsukasa Hiiragi which that Kasami have reunite with her sister again after she never back to home for 7 month. Her order is retake the planet from Star Conflict, until one battle have lose one of Kagami's Sister forever, Tsukasa Hiiragi to hand of George Lucas. (Memory of Kagami Rebirth)
Dark Memories of Kagami
Great Universe Wars
The First Goddess of Lowee Empire
Arrive to Old Homeworld
"Aiko, Kasami... Kasami is me, Kasami is create by me, she is prefect clone to me, but I left my other soul left in frozen if some she or me died, one will born."
- Miki to Aiko about Kasami Hiiragi (Memory of Kagami Rebirth, secret cutscene)
Kasami Hiiragi on several novel such as Memory of Kagami, HDN, Lady White Heart, and Memory of Kagami Rebirth have different to each character based on, such as Memory of Kagami was take from Kagami Hiiragi when HDN and Lady White Heart was take from Blanc, until Memory of Kagami Rebirth have official form as taking from Noire, but most of Kasami Hiiragi have same (except for HDN to beyond and Lady White Heart) is have twintail hairstyle. Unlike Noire in most of dimensions, this Noire is higher than every Noire being high at 168 cm while all is 158 cm although when Kasami have compare her height to other Noire is same as 158 cm because Kasami will be height at 168 cm when in Touhou Galaxy, this will same to other Noire who have appear in Touhou Galaxy.
Human Form:
Kasami in Memory of Kagami Rebirth is loosely similar to original Kasami Hiiragi such as she wear Sailor uniform, Twintail and ribbon, however, this version is extremely different such as she appeared as pigtail hair instead of twintail similar to Noire except her uniform may similar to Sailor uniform but is entire white with black tie and also her ribbon is white-line black, she is also red eye which using to be newer anime character that plan to put in by Kasami Mikiyoru as replacement as Blanc although is for alternate universe however.
Rumor that Kasami's Heart is Artificial since she is injure during Ryoo School Massacre.
- Clone
"If you want a duo who have kind special ability similar as you, XJM Project will make everything become a real, but make sure this is non-canon."
- Description of Artificial Kasami Hiiragi (Memory of Kagami Rebirth)
Goddess Form:
"Time to get serious."
- Kasami Hiiragi (Human form)
"I will perish whole people who earn the karma to protect my sister!"
- Kasami Hiiragi (Goddess form)
Random quote when she get transform (Memory of Kagami Rebirth VG)
In video game, the transform will unlocked in final battle against George 'Will' Lucas, after win the game, the transform will free to play after new game plus.
Final Form:
"Oh no, I have been turn into the weapon? where is my body now?"
- Kasami Hiiragi quote after use Final Form for first time (Memory of Kagami Rebirth VG)
Kasami can transform to her final form into the Larger version of Hiiragira with High-powered Beam Launcher much like Peon, Yoshimizu and Niwa that Kagami use to eliminated Beta-level villain.
- Karma people!
- People who earn karma
- My name, Lady Kasami Hiiragi of the Interstellar Federation, the CPU and people who will be perish all karma people.
- If there are nobody can fight that thing, I will do.
- Ahhh! My leg... I can't going anymore, please heal me (1 HP remain)
- Hey, Don't ignore me, heal me would you? (low health)
- I'm still fine, but I need to heal now (medium health)
- I'm fine, no need to heal me (high health)
- I'm okay, I'm don't want to do anything (full health)
- Yeah! (jump, non-combat only)
- I'm no more credit to buy anything, leave it now... (have credit low than 10)
- I'm gonna look to buy something but I need to keep my credit (low credit)
- I have the credit to buy, but I don't want to buy some expensive item (medium credit)
- I have a lot of credit, I'm free to do (high credit)
- AHHHHAAAAA!!!!!! (fall from high place)
- Rahh wwwwaaaaa!!!! (drown)
- THERE! (attack)
- Got one! (attack)
- Yaaaahhh!! (attack)
- This is my turn (her turn)
- Get ready! (her turn)
- My turn (her turn)
- I'm ready to beat the karma people (symbol attack)
- Where are looking, I'm over here, Here! (symbol attack)
- I'm taking fire! (surprise attack)
- Ahh!! They got us. (surprise attack)
- This gonna end you for good! (formal attack)
- This is the enemy? I can't see how this guy will game over (formal attack)
- You fail me now, karma people (defeat enemy)
- Game over, man. Game over! (defeat enemy)
- I can still FIGHT! (defeated)
- How could I lose..... (defeated)
- I'm, I'm sorry..... (died)
- I'm never thought this have get me (died)
- Target lock all warship, Base Delta Zero! (Navy Bombardment)
- Impact on target! (Navy Bombardment)
Lady Kasami's Log
Information | ||
Core Name:
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First Name:
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Last Name:
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Populace Name:
Lady Kasami Hiiragi
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March 3, G.C. 1997, Planeptune, Gamindustri
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General Habit:
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Known for:
5th Princess of the Interstellar Federation
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Princess of the Federation
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Summary | ||
Kasami Hiiragi was Lady of the Interstellar Federation who work along with her sister and princess, Kagami Hiiragi, she is smart in battle strategy while she is want to become more stronger than Kagami as her ultimate goal. Kasami's style was Lady which general populace always called her as Lady Kasami Hiiragi. She was the one of most memorable in Touhou Galaxy History more than ancient Chiyukitalian person such as Tomoya Dinoji and Reco being she have protect this galaxy from the downfall by Lucas's Alliance, but not only just survive, but bring the Chiyukitalian become the Superpower and most powerful species in the galaxy.
"She is honestly when she is weak, but she may will serious when on commanding in the fleet and it will more likely will use deadly tactic against enemy if she see own tactic become a failure, she will change mode upon on her action, and also she love color blue, she is also extreme hate people who have the karma, but she don't have a Tsundere although she act like them."
- Kagami Hiiragi to Ensign Teijiki Peon about Kasami Hiiragi's habit (Unknown)
Both Human and Goddess form have same habit which she will have do similar action, but most of all action mode are similar when she hate people who earn their karma. Kasami is always as 'Little Sister mode' which she will be good person and honestly in most appeared when she is at house or place that not involve with military like those Navy, however, she is look more weak and afraid everything that she don't like such as Ghost, Zombie, and George 'Will' Lucas. Although Kasami is twintail hair, she lack of Tsundere in mind unlike Kagami who is since she never have do the action that kind like the Tsundere but fact that she is tsundere to due her quote.
'Commander mode' will appeared as long as she command an Starship or Government in trouble, as well as talk with someone serious. (Memory of Kagami Rebirth)
'Sadist Mode' is greatly not often being use by Kasami which she will kill anyone not even her sister, Kagami Hiiragi, 'Sadly Mode' is another mode when she is losing sister or lover thing. (Memory of Kagami Rebirth: Traveler from beyond of Gamindustri)
Like to every Kasami Hiiragi version, she also love to take a bath in tub as well (not even in Commander mode) when she is at house is often being soak on onsen more than bathtub when she is command on starship.
Command Style
Kasami Hiiragi is often to being creative commanding when engage enemy warship such as regular one, she is often being use few batteries to engage enemy warship in close range target.
- Anime
- Befriend
- Light novel
- Manga
- Type-4/2
- Video Game
Kasami's weakness known is 'Headdeadphobia', because she don't like to died as beheaded or head explosive.
"Who now is the karma people, or actually an Idiot."
- Kasami Hiiragi after she shoot down John 'Guide' Sheppard's fighter (Memory of Kagami Rebirth)
Kasami have using own word to say those people are include with:
- Disney = Ultradimension Star Conflict (otherwise as Non-canon Star Wars Universe)
- Legend = Hyperdimension Star Conflict (otherwise as Canon Star Wars Universe)
- Lu-Al = Lucas's Alliance
- Karma = Bad (or Idiot)
- Ne-win = Neutral Alliance
- Pigeon = Peace (sometime she will often to called it as Plu-io-ga-ele-oes-no)
- Wallace = War race
- Yoso = Yoshimizu Starbase
Skill and Ability
"I know that most adult captain and admiral have one think that they don't have, the Creative."
- Kasami Hiiragi (Memory of Kagami Rebirth)
Kasami Hiiragi have studies in Ryoo High School, Most Advanced and Best School of Touhou Galaxy in that time, as fastest student who have hard study with just 11 year ago, as she strong in Math and various until massacre. She was left the school and join the Yakamiji Naval Academies with Peon that she have became as first Captain by training on CCSS Mikasa, an Yashima class Battlecruiser as trainer ship and become as Galactic Admiral just only 4 month and she also command as Naval Commander of Federation on newer battleship, Nagato class Battleship during Star Conflict Invasion over Touhou Galaxy as well. She have studies to Tomokyo University which known as one of best university in Touhou Galaxy. (Memory of Kagami Rebirth)
Order and Command
"It will be done, my Lady."
- An Lowee Trooper during Kasami's Next Order (Memory of Kagami Rebirth)
Kasami Hiiragi have ability to order many soldier and personal with no one have disobey her order, however, some battle in Great Universe War have few personal have disobey her order which have lead to failure each tactic that she have plan.
Carry the Weapons
"Are you serious? You can't spawn the weapon from your hand, this kind like the anime did you!"
- George 'Will' Lucas (Memory of Kagami Rebirth)
Kasami have spawn the weapon from her hand, it was unknown if there are have transporter carrier with it since they can be detected as well.
Combat skill and Force Power
"Although I young, but I not younger as you, this will be easily than my sister."
- Uni as duel with Kasami that using to duel as Noire (Traveler from Beyond of Gamindustri)
Kasami have various special ability such as 'Fuzzaror Blade', 'Direct Aerial Engagement' and 'Lowee Imperial Navy Bombardment' (In Memory of Kagami Rebirth is replaced the name as 'Base Delta Zero') that same in Lady White Heart which very powerful and enough to destroy entire enemy, even 4 to 8 CPU couldn't defeat her, she can transform into giant Hiiragira sword that capable to destroy enemy starship in one hit. Kasami when using sword is often to cut their enemy's head although is rare to using in one hand.
When the fighting combat is best, she is also have high skill in naval combat in her ship and fighter pilot that Kagami can't beat her. In combat, Kasami can fight against enemy with sword along with using firearm at sametime. (Memory of Kagami Rebirth VG)
Fuzzaror Blade |
Type: SP Attack Level: Initial SP Cost: 1 Power: 350 Oragnic Damage: 150 Shield Damage: 50 Armor Damage: 100 Guard Damage: 200 Radius: Single Target Category: Melee Attack Affinity: Neutral Hit Count: 5 Effective Range: 50 meter Effect: None Require: Melee Weapon Notes: None |
Description: Kasami's basic technically melee special power, it don't decrease when never use QTE, but it will to more damage if you using QTE, just like to press X to not die! |
Direct Aerial Engagement |
Type: SP Attack Level: Initial SP Cost: 1 Power: 500 Oragnic Damage: 50 Shield Damage: 50 Armor Damage: 25 Guard Damage: 100 Radius: Single Target (Firearm Aim) Category: Range Attack Affinity: Neutral Hit Count: 12 Effective Range: 300 meter Effect: None Require: Fully Automatic-based Firearm Notes: None |
Description: Kasami's basic technically firearm special power, aim at enemy epsecially on their head will increase allow more enemy to take damage at once, aim and shoot at enemy as you can to take more damage. |
"There are have many people have own Idea, which I was a central of response."
- Kasami Hiiragi (Memory of Kagami Rebirth)
Kasami is like to build the friendship to many stranger person (especially when she arrive to Gamindustri) after she have met, she don't like anyone become her enemy which if someone is enemy against her will be kill.
Kasami is like to build the friendship to many stranger person (especially when she arrive to Gamindustri) after she have met, she don't like anyone become her enemy which if someone is enemy against her will be kill.
Kasami Hiiragi was member of Hiiragi family.
- Kagami Hiiragi
Kagami and Kasami relationships is very close family and she is big sister of Kasami who want to be, as well as she is one of only sister who teach Kasami how to use the sword and many other like teach how to be friend with Konata and Miyuki. Kasami is love her big sister and want to be stronger than her.
- Miki Hiiragi
Miki have adopted Kasami as her family member, she is love Kasami much like many Hiiragi daughter, in MoK: Traveler from Beyond of Gamindustri have show that she love Kasami like many other even she is attack by 8 CPU who was brainwashed by old woman.
- Tsukasa Hiiragi
Between Kasami and Tsukasa is younger sister as she love her sister which Kasami often being watch Tsukasa's homework to compare her homework.
- Aiko Yoshimizu
- Tejiki Peon
- Vertimiki Niwa
- Konata Izumi
- Miyuki Takara
- Kagami Hiiragi
Kagami and Kasami relationships is very close family and she is big sister of Kasami who want to be, as well as she is one of only sister who teach Kasami how to use the sword and many other like teach how to be friend with Konata and Miyuki. Kasami is love her big sister and want to be stronger than her.
- Miki Hiiragi
Miki have adopted Kasami as her family member, she is love Kasami much like many Hiiragi daughter, in MoK: Traveler from Beyond of Gamindustri have show that she love Kasami like many other even she is attack by 8 CPU who was brainwashed by old woman.
- Tsukasa Hiiragi
Between Kasami and Tsukasa is younger sister as she love her sister which Kasami often being watch Tsukasa's homework to compare her homework.
- Aiko Yoshimizu
- Tejiki Peon
- Vertimiki Niwa
- Konata Izumi
- Miyuki Takara
Kasami Hiiragi don't have anyone is enemies.
Melee Weapon:
![]() |
Hiiragira is her main weapon |
- Assault Rifle
- Semi-Automatic Pistol
Behind the Scene
"You know me, I will become what the greatest what I want and I will always success, look the farmer boy who born in poorest planet that became as one of greatest hero to defeat the evil empire (mean Luke Skywalker), look the young girl who born as human that became as goddess and found own nation to defeat one (mean Ultradimension Noire), look the girl who have born in the great empire and leave the empire to save the hopeless species from dark empire and bring the species rise to power and defeat the dark empire and bring peace to the galaxy (mean Tomoya Dinoji), look the young girl who have many pain and many fate of life that help the federation survive another day that will become the greatest goddess to rise the power and who is try to write the history of the Touhou Galaxy become the true (mean herself), and look on yourself, you are one page of the story to write on, nothing is write forever, they will remember you as hero as people have agree. Today, Interstellar Federation will write the greatest history that not ever encounter, Defeat the one of greatest evil that we don't want to see our galaxy to become what as they want, I, Lady Kasami Hiiragi, the last Princess of the Federation, who is fight with this evil never end with my sister, Our last planet stand, Chiyuki, will not fall to the enemy hand, with newest and powerful Yoshimizu Starbase could stop that Great Mind Trick and karma people one and for all!"
- Kasami Hiiragi (Memory of Kagami Rebirth)
![]() |
Kasami Hiiragi in Original Memory of Kagami Rebirth |
Almost Kasami habit are share from Creator are loved, her food, bathing and her hair is almost appeared as Twintail, but unlike the cliche, Kasami is Tsundere although she never have do the action that kind like a Tsundere. Kasami Hiiragi is known as reference as fifth generation game console as she is 5th daughter of Hiiragi family althought other Hiiragi member is not count.
Kasami, Kagami and Noire have similar and different:
- Both have similar generally appeared.
- Both are the Goddess and CPU
- Both have using one handed-sword
- Both have sister
- Both are hard work and do everything
- Both are smart and have almost high score in exam
- Both have same share same "Kagami Hiiragi"
- Both is disagree with Konata's thinking
- Both are ruler of the Interstellar Federation
- Both have ages
- Tsundere
- Twintail hair
- Don't like Lazy people
- Kasami is almost best for everything such as became Naval Commander, Fly a Jet, cooking etc
- Kasami have positive world
- Kasami have love friend
- Kasami is Clone to Miki Hiiragi
- Kasami is also Yandere (while killing karma people)
In early concept art and name original known as Madowa Hirutagami were pig tail white hair girl, unlike Kagami Hiiragi, the character was development with deep flashback of her own sadness story until Kasami Mikiyoru have redesign the character were based on Kagami Hiiragi which that time is influence with Lucky Star during that time, the character was change into Kasami Hiiragi which is current name were same character as Kagami Hiiragi.
During HDN, Kasami Hiiragi was likely to reveal as one of early Hyperdimension Neptunia was Nepgear and Noire as same from Kagami Hiiragi, but in fact that First Season was setting in HDN original were only 4 C.P.U. was Neptune, Noire, Blanc and Vert, as Neptune is not good choice for Kasami Hiiragi were replaced Blanc instead since Kasami's nickname is known as Blanec.
During Memory of Kagami Rebirth, Kasami Hiiragi will return as twintail girl again, as originally is to be red hair girl and given her name as Blanec, until 10/13/2016, Mikiyoru have change character to new name known as Kasami Hiiragi which taking from original character from Star Democratic with Amu as her real name and the character form is replaced to Noire which currently Kasami Hiiragi is look like, Altough this form is not completely scarp.
Rival Fictional Youngest Leader
"If you think who you are, Polish kid who dare to attack me, your children army is weak or not even try to beat up a smart girl, succumb to the ground and called me a 'Lady'!"
- Kasami Hiiragi
There are no Fictional Youngest Leader of the Galaxy to compare Lady Kasami Hiiragi anyway. When to compare fictional work around the world, Lady Kasami Hiiragi have another rival fictional youngest leader is Polish 'King Matt the First' from novel same name, to compare him, he have stupid decision to reform focus on child more than whole country which one of his reform is switch adult to child to work the country when as Lady Kasami Hiiragi have more serious age to recognize it although she is still not come as legal age until G.C. 2015, but she smart and she also rule over adult or older than her age but she still respect older age. Unlike King Matt, Lady Kasami Hiiragi have many people have worship or even build the fan club and fan song 'Lady Come First' that about to her is became among the most popular song in Touhou Galaxy when she is also have that song as well.
Lady Come First (song):
In Memory of Kagami Rebirth, Several Lowee Troopers were dance a parody version of YMCA called 'Lady Come First' about young man who join the Lowee Imperial Army when they also cheer Lady Kasami Hiiragi to bring more conflict with enemy were an Lowee Imperial Special Force Trooper are sing the song about young man who is just new recruit to Lowee military, as well as Lady Kasami is also sing in this song as well.
True Form:
Kasami Hiiragi never have a real form to due the novel have no mentioned the physical form of Kasami but give only that she is Twintail girl with flattest chest, which she will appeared in many different form in each novel Lady White Heart as Blanc, Memory of Kagami Rebirth as Noire and future is still unknown.
Kasami Hiiragi is Mass Murder:
In various form (especially in Noire form) in video game if player go for conquest ending path will show that Kasami is very sadist and try to kill anyone (just like in Conquest Ending in Hyperdimension Neptunia), and she is often to use knife to kill people.
In Memory of Kagami Rebirth, Kasami have order ASS Kasami have to open fire a high-powered beam toward Starvessel Soldiers capital of Terra, killing trilion of people although she have strong feeling many people have scream before suddenly silenced.
The character name is Kasami Hiiragi, she was based on Kagami Hiiragi, many people have mistake to called as "Kasumi" instead of "Kasami" due to the name is not often being regular in Japanese, the original name of this character that According from Kasami Mikiyoru is Madowa Hirutagami (ひるたがみ まどわ Hirutagami Madowa) were used in SD: LS series tester as fight against Jarson's Armed Force known as Twintail girl of Guardian.
Kasami has used her name to this character rather than to used that name but she need same name was found as Kagami Hiiragi in the Lucky Star, used Hiiragi as surname and Kasami was used from creator, Kasami Mikiyoru, but early was say is used from Kagami and Tsukasa, However, later was used Kagami inside than used Kasami, which known as Kasami Hiiragi, however, the name is almost rare in Japanese and often to mistake referred as 'Kasumi'. In Star Democratic is known as Kagami Hiiragi Jr.
In the HDN series, Kasami has new given name for Kagami, she was called as Blanc (ブラン Buran) in her rank before Kagami has been transform, as from Kasami's nickname 'Blanec', full official name known as Kasami 'Amu' Hiiragi (Lady White Heart) and Blanec was used in Memory of Kagami Rebirth.
Although Kasami Hiiragi is twintail hairstyle girl and she is seem to act like Tsundere, but she lack of Tsundere unlike most of cliche Twintail girl and Kagami Hiiragi.
According from Kasami Mikiyoru, the Headdeadphobia is phobia of Kasami Hiiragi that fear to beheaded or other person to beheaded her.
Kagami series:
- SD: LS series (First Appeared)
- SD: LS 2
- SD: Memory of Kagami
- SD: Mercenaries
- ???
Touhou Galaxy Project:
- Lady White Heart
- Memory of Kagami Rebirth (First Appeared as Official form of Kasami Hiiragi)
- Hero of the Villain
- Traveler from Beyond the Gamindustri
- STAR DEM0CRATIC (Cut, due to copyrights strike by Mikiyoru)
- The Running gag that involve with Kasami Hiiragi was if she arrive to any place with her hovercycle and if there are enemy have ambush and destroy her hovercycle (if they ride with modern one) or stolen her cycle, a 74-Z Speeder Bike will appear out of know where and she will no choice but use this obsolete bike against modern one, this running gag was based on Star Wars: The Force Awakens were Rey and Finn attempt to escape which one of their ship have to choose have destroy which they don't have choice but fly that junk.
- Like Noire who was plump by other character who fall from sky and land on her although Kasami Hiiragi have careful to avoid being plump by other character if she see someone fall on sky and if there are somebody nearby her, she will put Konata or Peon (but not with Kagami) to land on them instead, however, few character have success to landing on her body are include with Kagami and Tsukasa Hiiragi, John Crichton (if successful), Teijiki Peon and Neptune. Also she have plumping into anyone when she is fall from sky. Kasami is another Noire who also landing on other Noire. If she was plump by John Crichton in fight, Careless Whisper song will play.
- Kasami never hate if someone have make her in cosplay since she will love to arrest anyone who have her image without her copyright, Noire have mock that if Kasami would be same to all Noire.
- Kasami Hiiragi is opposite to cliche of character who sacrifice or get a trouble such as All CPU have use their power successful to destroy evil person before they was explosive along with all CPU with it, but she is not, or some case were she is also disappear along with them before she is falling from sky, as well as she will not be capture by the enemy and will easily to escape.
- Kasami's birthday was March 3 which same day as Hinamatsuri or Doll's Day and Girls' Day which similar that Kasami is love doll and she is most luckiest girl in Hiiragi family such as Kasami wish to study in Kagami's classroom by do right thing more than same to 3 trouble maker. (being that Kagami is unluckiest).
- Kasami is often to say 'Karma' more than 'Idiot'.
- Many people have often mistake her name refer as 'Kasumi' in real life, because there are not many Japanese people have name like 'Kasami' at all such as Kasami Mikiyoru, creator of Kasami Hiiragi being fact that name 'Kasami' is almost rare name in Japanese people.
- Kasami Hiiragi is often to talk about Luke Skywalker than any other who mentioned to due he is likely poor farmer boy who have become the greatest hero, another mentioned person is not more than (Ultra) Noire, Tomoya Dinoji, Sakura Kinomoto and Kagami Hiiragi, as well as herself.
- Kasami Hiiragi is only person who see a real Gekino Bird that was gone extinct since fall of Tomoyatalian Empire when another people more than Kagami Hiiragi and Tsukasa Hiiragi never saw it.
- This character is rival Jarson Gamatara.
- This character is list as second character who died before 18, as she at 17 year (In Memory of Kagami Rebirth was 16), number one is still as Sakura Kinomoto is at 12 year.
- This character is only who never leave her weapon when ammo is out from battle.
- She is love to take a bath frequently especially bathtub, much like most of Chiyukitalian characters.
- In Early make of Memory of Kagami Rebirth, Kasami is often to punishment her Shinano crew when make a mistake were similar to Darth Vader from Star Wars, however, it prove to difficult to do because CCSS Shinano have only 2,500 crew which there are no time to replaced her crew anyway.
- In Memory of Kagami Rebirth, many Federation crew and operative have often to say as 'Lady Kasami Hiiragi' or 'Lady White Heart' more frequently in this novel more than Kagami Hiiragi to due people often mistake her as Goddess or kind like in Lady White Heart have did before, being fact that Kagami is princess and leader of Interstellar Federation at that time and also she is big sister of Kasami Hiiragi as well.
- Kasami is also using Homing Pigeon (Birdy) during Great Universe War which proven more effective than analog radio transmission on CCSS Shinano when jamming by those enemy to send a message to CCSS Nagato.
- In Memory of Kagami Rebirth, Kasami have transform that joke as Hyperdimension Neptunia about Neptunia goddesses and sisters which fact that Kasami want to become more stronger than Kagami although Kagami is not Goddess to compare to Kasami who is Goddess, because of Kagami is big sister and she always stronger than Kasami in her way and she never have beat Kagami not even in her goddess form.