"This time, All Gamindustri Fleet, Retake the Chiyuki, from the Evil Gay In Great Number!"
- UD Kagami Hiiragi Jr. as prepare to retake Chiyuki from Lando Davien's Gay In Great Number (SD: Lady White Heart: Door of Ultradimension Neptunia)
Born: 997,800,000,017 BDG (as Chiyuki)
87,999,999 BDG (as Earth)
8,800 ADG (as Chiyuki)
Class: Fertile area (M class)
Type: Planet
Satellites: Luna
Capital: San Francisco, United States (3,022 - 8,819 ADG)
Affiliation: Actactan Empire
Great Empire of Tomoyatalian
United Federation of Earth
Universal Federation of Alliance
Interstellar Federation of Galactic Alliance
Lando's Gay In Great Number
Empire of Neptunia
Chiyuki (千幸 Chiyuki?) also known as Earth was Homeworld of Species 20-3 the third planet of the Sol system. It was the primary planet of the United Federation and 3 of 6 Capital planet of Universal Federation of Alliance or 1 of 3 Capital planet after Second Actactan War and also Homeworld of Human race. Earth is Main Capital planet of Universal after 1,950 ADG and this key of final to Disco Federation a way to capture in other galaxy only this planet to open gate of galaxy. and Part of Interstellar Federation of Galactic Alliance's main capital planet.
Astronomical data
Little to known about the name on this planet, as this name was Chiyuki called by Species 20-3, by human called as Earth.
Nexus Disco was called during as at war with Disco Federation by Jason Michael were is final key of Disco were known that Michael has born this planet but little known why he called this planet to that term.
- Sol Sector (sector 1)
- Sol System
- Alpha Quadrant
- 4,1,9 Universal system
- Earth System Alliance
- Nexus Club name on Disco Federation to open the key
Earth Map
In Dark Color is Capital.
Blue = United Federation
Dark Green = South America Federation
Green = European Union
Grey = African Empire
Yellow = Arabian Union
Red = Russia Federation (Soviet Union) and Alliance
Light Blue = Asian-Ocean Federation
In Dark Blue is Center of Interstellar Federation.
In Green is South America Federation.
The Federation that appeared in present are Austria, Australia, Belgium, Burma, Canada, China, Czechoslovakia, Germany, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Mexico, Nepal, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea (Indonesia state), Russia, South America Federation, Switzerland, Thailand, Timor, United Federation of Kingdom, United States and Vietnam while they are group of superpower with Interstellar Federation.
The Chiyuki was appeared as lava planet as the planet has been construction and filling, the date of planet was far to 997,800,000,017 BDG or around 11,338 BBY in Star Wars, the planet has become a green planet and with new living creature within, were Human species known as Animiratries was location in this homeworld before spread to another dimension in anime universe.
New born
The Animiratries are came to this planet first were use this planet as first homeworld as far from Celesita Dimension, as they has escape from ruthless of Actactan to this planet as new homeworld.
First visited from another Universe/Dimension
Since Animiratries has build their civilization before have space achievement and move to anime universe, a first alien visited from another dimension to Chiyuki was Star Wars were this galaxy is only this planet were rising the civilization and second Star Trek were one of Starfleet ship has fall into a black hole and navigation to found this planet were found most of Animiratries people has contract to that ship with an 5 jet fighter before they left and back to Starfleet, to another universe like Babylon 5, Battlestar Galactica, Red Dwarf, Stargate, Farscape, Starship Trooper, Lexx, Alien and Doctor Who has visited this planet far ago before such as an Police box float on Chiyuki's orbit were Animiratries has seeing rise of Star Democratic series.
Four Nation
Chiyuki in era of nation around 5,500,004,742 BDG or 62 BBY in Star Wars were only 4 nation has around the world are fight against another together, this is one of most event that came become a start space race in the Star Democratic, were four nation are in Asia, Europe, North America and Africa were most of them are different in they style and culture, as well as technology, the nation in Asia has dominated all 3 nation by start to combine as one unity has begin, and came to end as become the Federation of Chiyuki.
End of Chiyuki
As the Empire of Animiratries were came to end in 88,000,000 BDG as Actactan Empire has invade this planet to cause wiped out most of Animiratries, few remain was left to new world in the Anime Universe, another is still on this universe such as Tomoya before they leave from underground, many technology was dry on ground before they left to their dimension, a new group of human from Star Wars has settle this planet as new colony but soon lost contact for almost year to year were become as Star Democratic Universe.
"At this point is into Jarson Dimension so they are not different feature from Blanc Dimension's Example except this above"
Rise of the Human WorldHuman civilization has advanced from ruin of Tomoyatalian as they accord is 4,753 BDG and first contract between Star Republic from human same body but their language is galactic english standard.
Begin of Federation's Main Capital
First of Universal Federation of Alliance, the Earth were not to be main capital planet were Universal Federation of Alliance has found on this planet were main capital has to Coruscant (Today is Capital Disco) before Second Actactan Wars, after Actactan Invasion, the UFA has set to Earth as Main Capital were less damage during the war were Coruscant has took heavy damage.
Today of Earth
Chiyuki today before Ultradimension Neptunia invasion Lando Davien's Gay in Great Number in Star Democratic Galaxy is perish and using as capital of Lando's Empire and turn this planet into massive kingdom-like city were massive of building much like Blanc Dimension counterpart.
- First visited from another Universe/Dimension and Four Nation is a parody from Babylon 5 and Hyperdimension Neptunia. (As they are feature in Blanc Dimension, but these event are not different from Jarson Dimension)
- see Chiyuki 'Trivia'
Behind the Scenes
Earth was primary planet that will become as capital of all galactic government since Universal Federation of Alliance until as Interstellar Federation of Galactic Alliance were Earth was major planet of the Federation were only planet that have remain of ruin of Species 20-3, another planet are wiped out, as Earth was original homeworld of human in Star Democratic art, but in SD: SC: GC, the Earth was homeworld of Species 20-3 and planet name called as Chiyuki.
As Chiyuki was japanese term (千幸) were called for planet of dream wish were many Species 20-3, after Species 20-3 wiped-out by Actactan, this planet was rename as Earth (but still using in Blanc Dimension), this name was given called as Earth for new modern term that used same alien planet name or someelse like Capital Disco or Riji.
Nexus Disco:
In War of Disco, the Nexus Disco was called as Earth has been captured by Disco Federation were Universal Federation are no match for Disco Federation military, after the war, this planet will still common term planet for Disco Federation were called this planet were appeared called by Michael Jackson in SD: Rules of the Disco.
Homeworld of Species 20-3:
Little known about the homeworld of species 20-3 was Chiyuki were first appeared is SC: Lando's Most Revenge but was ban by John Gamatara from 2010 until May 2014 were this is most important of human race was from few survivors of species 20-3 were called during before war is begin.
Earth was appeared to almost series of Star Democratic, but these are for first appeared.
- Star Democratic (First Appeared)
- SD: SC: Lando's Most Revenge (First Appeared as Homeworld of Species 20-3)
- SD: War of Disco (First Appeared as Nexus Disco)