Neo-Tomoyatalian Empire (Blanc Dimension)


Neo-Tomoyatalian Empire
(智也帝国 Tomoya teikoku)
Political information
Type of Government: Parliamentary Constitutional monarchy
Founding document: Imperial Declaration
Constitution: Po-lo-ko
Head of state: Empress
Head of government: Princess
Commander-in-chief: Tomo Chief of Imperial command
Executive branch: Tomo Imperial Senate
Legislative branch: Senate of the Tomo
Judicial branch: Tomo Imperial Court
Military branch: Imperial Tomoyatalian Armed Defense Force
                           - Imperial Tomoyatalian Defense Force
                           - Imperial Tomoyatalian Defense Fleet
Societal information
Capital: Chiyuki
Official language: Amulet
Currency: Yen (¥)
Motto: The Empire of the Tomoyatalian
Anthem: Teikoku no Tsubasa
Historical information
Formed from: Tomoyatalian Empire
Date established: G.C. 10
Date reorganized: G.C. 1942
Status: Reorganized to Interstellar Federation

The Neo-Tomoyatalian Empire (also known as Neo-Chiyukitalian Empire) is the government after fall of Tomoyatalian Empire same time as rising of Interstellar Republic that exist around G.C. 10, the capital was move from Tomoya to Chiyuki, the government was run before time of Interstellar Federation. (Touhou Galaxy Project: ????)