Milky Way Galaxy (Jarson Dimension)


"There's still a galaxy full of trouble out there, are you ready for another dance?"
- Jason Michael -300,008 ADG

The Milky Way Galaxy or Disco Dominion called by Disco Federation is a large barred spiral galaxy that is approximately 100,000 light years in diameter, and contains over 400 billion stars. The galaxy is composed of three major parts: the core, the disc, which is the ring of stars and interstellar dust that gives the galaxy its spiral shape, and the halo, which includes many older stars orbiting the core, but outside the disc, of which most are concentrated in massive globular clusters.

The Milky Way's disc is surrounded by a massive energy field of negative energy called the Galactic barrier, which makes travel into and out of the galaxy difficult before 1,942 ADG that Universal Starship use a Mass-Hyperion Warp Engine in CCSS Enterprise to Ta'mak'wa Galaxy, but this engine be can warp in 15 month.

In 300,008 ADG, the center of the galaxy was explored and found to be a Disco shield generator. By 300,017 ADG, the core had become surrounded by the Moonwalk Shield containing a planet thought to be Mout Disco by Disco Federation be Lock Universal Starship be not connect other allies on other galaxy.