"Hyperdimension, is the unreal world of many fictional universe that make by creator so I'm not one of them, as real life are not one of them, but by me, this is secret of many to find out, there is many dimension, first dimension is, the Scification, the world of science fiction has rule by, White Heart in the Star Democratic, the Animiratries, the world of anime has rule by Goddess Sakura Kinomoto, but she is died for long, the......"
- Induction of Lady White Heart
Hyperdimension is location of Star Democratic (Blanc version), Star Wars (Legend version) and most of universe are there.
- ?????, Neptunia, Hyperdimension, Scification, Star Democratic, Milky Way, Alpha Quadrant, Sol, Chiyuki, Japan, Tokyo, Blanc
The Main Dimension was inside the Mythology matter wide known as 'Neptunia' is Sea of matter, as 4 dimension are Hyperdimension and another dimension are still there.
1-Dimension Age
The Age of first Big Bang is not explosive, this is unknown how life in 1-Dimension.
2-Dimension Age
Far away, the Hyperdimension is only two dimension is Rawee and Actactan, Rawee is Dimension of the Real World and Actactan is Parallel dimension of Rawee, which content with tempest, violence and many unknown.
The Rawee dimension has development the advanced neptunian that go to build dimension which known as Animiratries, the Anime Dimension as new dimension for development and set to build far from Rawee.
When another Dimension has arrive, and Actactan has more advanced technology, as they has advanced warp drive that break to another dimension, they has invade entire Hyperdimension, many dimension has been slave (Including with Animiratries, Daralorion, Rawee, Relion, Scification and Videgamindustri) to create Great Empire, as far ago, they raid any dimension until the Great Hyperdimension Wars, many rebel in many dimension has repel the Actactan out the dimension.
Stone Age
When Actactan has been repel out from most of dimension, as survivors has create own galaxy to survive from death, this age was called as Stone Age, the dimension such as Animiratries has start to deploy the advanced technology known as The Relay to another dimension such as first was Scification.
Bronze Age
Since Animiraties deploy the Relay, they has deploy advanced dimension drive known as Hyperdimension Drive for travel another dimension as far from Animiraties dimension to first unexplored dimension known as Scification and second to Videgamindustri and settlement in uninhibited universe (current known as Star Democratic and Hyperdimension Neptunia) with build the Relay and given name as 'Ranmu' and 'Toshumori', which another universe are have own universe and story which slower than most of Animiraties make such as time of Star Democratic are faster than Star Wars.
3-Dimension Age
The Relay
The Relay are Transporter warp for any ship as space race for travel to another dimension, as ASS Reality is an relay but built by Species 20-3 with turret and weapon against enemies ship.
Who has travel to other universe were no one travel, the engine known to travel other universe is Hyperdimension Warp Engine, which this engine has broke all of physic were no way to move which design for Advanced Starship for ASS Marusagi (now to ASS Katsura, ASS Plutia, and most C.P.U. ship such as ASS Blanc or ASS Neptune), as normal ship without these technology can travel by jump into the relay like ASS Reality.Species
- Animiratries
Animiratries are Human species of Anime known as Species 20-3 or Guardian Character, as found in many Anime Universe in Animiratries, most known in another dimension are Hyperdimension Neptunia, Star Democratic human species and many Animiratries that move to unknown dimension, Animiratries when kill or died is not reset or respawn after dead.
- Yoga
Another Human species is Yoga, create by God for their universe, as appeared in many dimension except in Animiratries, Rawee and Relion or even Star Democratic don't have them, Stargate, Star Trek and Star Wars are good example of Yoga species, when kill is respawn when dead.
List of Dimension Universe
Format: Year in standard (Except for Actactan, Bodyoion and uncontent universe)In the Universe that appeared to real world are have only 8 universe that known as Hyperdimension just like to own universe with several galaxy inside these universe were appeared to type of mind were not real in real world which known as Dimension Universe.
All Universe have the Relay that used to travel other universe were in Scifictaion is ASS Reality.
With another Main Dimension from Hyperdimension are similar these dimension were called as Alternate Dimension are Ultradimension (known as Jarson Dimension)
- Actactan
The mystery of this dimension were no relay or way to enter this dimension were dominated by Actactan species of Actactan Empire.
- Animiratries (A-ni-mi-ri-tries, known as Anime Dimension)
See Animiratries
- Bodyoion (Bod-yo-ion, known as India (mark as secret))
The Dimension of Indian Bollywood movie which this Dimension no one escape from this universe, and very very little known about this universe.
- Daralorion (Da-ra-lo-ri-ion, known as Daramicticle)
Dimension of TV Drama.
- Discorna (Dis-cor-na, known as Disco Kingdom)
Dimension of Music as Pop, R & B, Jass and more (is not classic and Rock and Roll), which this universe is original of Disco Federation.
Year of Disco is D.T. 2015
- Rawee (Ra-wii, a.k.a. Real World Universe, also known as Celesita)
The true universe of people and think that added to several universe (except Relion), this dimension is far to almost dimension.
Year of Rawee is 2015.
- Relion (Rel-ion)
Dimension that is original of Religion that spread culture to entire Hyperdimension, known as one of most powerful dimension in Hyperdimension know to be as who is first create Hyperdimension warp drive and also their people can unlock the secret of Hyperdimension.
- Scification (Sci-fic-sta-tion, known as Science Fiction Universe)
See Scification
- Venustation (Ve-nus-sta-tion, known as Venus Trap Station (mark as secret))
Dimension were most of male character want to explore this universe, like Bodyoion Dimension, this universe were no one escape this universe were cause from unknown.
Year of Venustation is 6969.9, used ........... as date. (mark as secret)
- Videgamindustri (Vi-de-Ga-min-dust-tri, known as Gamindustri)
Universe of Video Game were Dead Space, Halo and Mass Effect are there.
Year of Videgamindustri is G.C. 2015, used Hyperdimension Neptunia as date. (G.C. mean Gamindustri Calendar)
- Most of Dimension are reference from:
Animiratries = Animation Entertainment Industries = Anime
Bodyoion = Bollywood Moive = Indian movie
Daralorion = Drama Location = Drama
Discorna = Disco ranyana = Music
Rawee = Real World Universe = Real World
Relion = Religion
Scification = Science Fiction Station = Future story or Science Fiction
Venustation = Venus Trap location = Heaven place of .......
Videgamindustri = Video Game Industry = Video Game
- Main dimension was called as Hyperdimension, which name used from Hyperdimension Neptunia.
- There are 3 another parallel main dimension, major known Ultradimension were Dead Star Democratic series are there, Megadimension and Superdimension, dead dimension is Zero Dimension.
- If counterpart of 4 dimension as Star Democratic dimension from Hyperdimension to Super are Blanc Dimension, Jarson Dimension, Sakura Dimension and unknown dimension.
- Most of sci-fi heaven was Celestial, but Star Democratic called as Celesital.
- Venustation was parody of Venustraphobia.
- The year that take place was 6969.9 and date 3 month 9.
The Relay
The Relay are transport that can warp to another dimension such as ASS Reality, ASS Yoshi, Relay 301 and Yama Relay are Relay that can travel to another dimension, most of relay are create by Anime Universe and launch from some where.
If Relay is Destroyed will cause of Supernova against one galaxy, as old relay that saw in Star Wars are death from galaxy that close to them and explosive and remain are into Star Wars Galaxy.
The Relay can used own power against another dimension by shoot relay to core of dimension to cause destruction of single dimension can disappear and explosive along own dimension will explosive by relay from overload.
List of Relay
- ASS Reality (Lady White Heart known as ASS Betsu no doa), Scification
- Unnamed Relay, Scification
- ASS Yoshi, Animiratries
- Danceron Relay, Discorna
- Gamticon Relay, Videgamindustri
- Relay 03, Relion
- Relay 02, Rawee
- Relay 98, Venustation
- Relay 301, Daralorion
- Yama Relay, Bodyoion
- The Relay that used to travel other dimension are based from Mass Relay of Mass Effect.
- Both ASS Reality and ASS Yoshi are bulit by Species 20-3 as Military defense relay.
Behind the Scene
Hyperdimension and several universe are much like based on Indian religion were give religion to thier people similar to this dimension are given to many people in real world, one dimension are have only one milky way galaxy in thier dimension and some universe are race for given people in real world. According to Jason Gamatara, there are proof of original form of think such as human, technology and everything as duck in real world are food to be eat by human but original of duck can be first race and control of planet but sometime as they have power has punishment by god to be food of human.
As Dimension think are first known by Kasami Mikiyoru as dimension of universe were many think are added to their dimension example science fiction type are Star Democratic, Star Trek and Star Wars are sci-fi were push to Scification Dimension.
As Dimension are used to be as several parallel world of many same time as drama live that used same time but not same event and location just like in Star Democratic are have this feature to be next generation of science.
As Heaven and Hell are have in several Dimension and also several Galaxy as well were hard to found out.
The Appeared
First known about dimension universe has appeared in SD: Federation Tier 2 with only 2 universe is Star Wars called as "The Galaxy or Hi minshu shugi or non-democratic" and Star Trek called as "Democracy Universe or Minshu yunibāsu or Doctor Who as Federation Universe" as just universe only Scification.
In SC vs SD, SD: LS series has appeared with most of universe that runing around the universe (of Star Democratic) that apperad for imported.
Were LS 2 have more universe, were known as universe but only entire universe has used only warp engine that were rare in almost starship and only Advanced Starship only to used Example: ASS Marusagi.
After LS 2 to HDN were have several dimension in the universe, see List of Dimension Universe.
- SD: Federation Tier 9 (First Appeared)
- SD: Rise of the Disco (First appeared called as Several Parallel Dimension)
- SC vs SD
- SD: HDN (First Appeared called as Dimension Universe)
- Lady White Heart
- SD: Memory of Kagami
- SD: SC: HK (First Appeared called as Hyperdimension)