This archive is part of Touhou Galaxy Project, you may to look on original Star Democratic version which known as Original Memory of Kagami
"The people will always big, but they will not big for long, there will be Rising, Stand Still and Fallen, no one escape this cycle."
- Aiko "Memory of Kagami Rebirth Introduction"
The Memory of Kagami Novel (official known as HyperDimension Neptunia: Touhou Galaxy Project: Memory of Kagami, shortly known as MoK), commonly known as Memory of Kagami Rebirth or simply as Touhou Galaxy Project. The Memory of Kagami Rebirth is not a remake version to the original Memory of Kagami of Star Democratic but rather to be a reboot and first chapter of Touhou Galaxy Project of Lady Kasami Hiiragi Stories.
"Since fallen of Tomoyatalian Empire, no one can stop this invader since rise of the Federation."
"When we have still build our Defense Force, nothing will stop them."
"With Rising, Stand Still, and Fallen."
"Star Conflict have build their army, they take many galaxy as they want, they want to defeat all rebel scum, they want to absolute power, and that they want to take our galaxy."
"Today is another defense time, but this day will be last defense time"
"Because this day, they will pay their karma."
- Kasami Hiiragi
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Lucas's Alliance in Rebirth |
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Interstellar Federation in Rebirth |
Kasami arrive to Senate of the Interstellar to declare herself as next princess until she have declare the Next Order result turn the Federation into the Lastation Empire and herself as goddess, After funeral of Kagami Hiiragi, Kasami and remain ship have arrive into site of top secret that build a super warship that can destroy entire galaxy, ASS Kasami and ASS Plutia, as Kasami have fully control the galaxy after Peon report that remain member who is not agree with Lastation Empire are now annex as part of the empire, after war end, the rule of Touhou Galaxy under Lady Kasami has begin.
Memory of Kagami Rebirth is end here.
Similar to original, Memory of Kagami was based on saddest anime before the name was reveal.
Most of country will use this name, Memory of Kagami; Rebirth, no other name have using.
Sub story
In sub story is story that not relation with Memory of Kagami Rebirth.Captain Proton
Tom Paris's black-white novel story was used as full story for Star Democratic is adventure of Captain Proton about the Dr Chaotica and his army has used unknown energy as power source known as 'Chaos Energy' (but real name remain unknown).
Captain Proton is now return as part of Memory of Kagami Rebirth Video Game Sub-Series with simply as "Proton" which was retconned from B-grade Adventure Sci-fi to Horror Sci-fi such planet X was reveal as planet Mars and energy in previous called 'Chaos Energy' was known as 'Valor Energy' which made out of slave people who not listen to Chaotica, also the stories is about the Mars gone independent from Earth with their goal to dominated the Earth.
Main article: High nooN
Unlike most of High-nooN, this version is completely reboot with no reference from old story which story is about Mexican gangsters were attack the William Town, but this time is new character who arrive to the desert town known as 'Jack Dogucas Hill' were rule by ruthless crimial known as "The La Regla" and player have to save the town from this person with anyway necessary, but single people may can't take him down due to they have a lot cowboy, murder and even legend crime who never caught by United Zone Force.
The soldier who fight in vietnam war was trap in this country were no food and run out of ammunition, this is true story of John Gamatara who is fight in vietnam war, in Memory of Kagami has appeared as fictional stories.
(The TRAP)
The TRAP is now return as part of Memory of Kagami Rebirth Video Game Sub-Series.
Shugo Bomber!
Captain Boomer is fighter pilot who work with Ran, Commander of Shugo base to against X people.
(Shugo Bomber)
Shugo Bomber! is now return as part of Memory of Kagami Rebirth Video Game Sub-Series and will have heavily stories, unlike original that include with after against X people, Ran have discover that X people that they destroy are people after being turn into X people which she and Boomer have escape the base with decision to find cure to help these X people while other people never know about X people which will continue to destroy them as possible.
Video Game
"Now my turn, prepare yourself!"
- Kasami Hiiragi
Memory of Kagami Rebirth Video game is unique, but generally is turn-based tactical open world JRPG mixed with action third person shooter and can switch to first person as well unlike the first person, this is really advanced first person since it using Third person view as you can see your body and even the animation, and have many function similar to Hyperdimension Neptunia but the game have feature with unique attack and ability along with massive Destructible environment in gameplay, and Advanced Ragdoll Physic same as Lady White Heart have as well as open world to each galaxy, and also feature with Dodge & Hit System when player can dodge from enemy attack & projectile quick to save your HP especially SP Skill with quick time event or if you use ability or firearm to aim at enemy in order to Critical hit or likely will miss, Guns are AoE and replaced with effective AoE which you don't need range to shoot at enemy instead using accuracy and recoil as AoE, they can shoot at player or enemy in the field when player shoot enemy will proven with accuracy and recoil to hit an enemy when close enough will easy to hit the enemy, Select Fire are now return from Original Memory of Kagami which you can shoot in semi auto or full auto although they are not take more or reduce the damage, firearm are also have magazine which they can reload but not reserve any ammo so be careful to reload if you have shoot enemy when you have reload to magazine that have low ammo. While the combat are enough, the large thing that HDN don't have in combat mode is the entire map will turn into battle zone after you attack enemy with symbol attack with long range or close range, or simply to avoid it with stealth, enemy can surprise attack if they see player, some may are close range and some are long range. Unlike Lady White Heart and Original Memory of Kagami, Memory of Kagami Rebirth didn't have Multiplayer. If one of party member was down they will incapacitated and need to help them, if any party member have second incapacitated and help up again, they will KO'd if they don't have to revive with health item that restore in full point, when the character died, player are need to using revive item to revive dead character except for main character if she died, game will over so don't fight.
Enemy in the map is appeared in group and doesn't take random encounter like Hyperdimension Neptunia did if you symbol or surprise attack at you, symbol attack at enemy such as using sword or firearm (also while in long range) will track a group of enemy near by to fight against your party, if enemy is long range there are chance that you will likely miss with large shot. If you move to any dungeon or any map and fall to high place will result to dead because there are no invisible wall, also there are many dangerous dungeon or planet in explorer. While the enemy can respawn after 1 minute and they will respawn on place that player don't see them such as behind the wall or sometime they will respawn under 5 second if player kill one while in large battle.
Most of music such as Main theme of Farscape, Imperial Match and various music from Lady White Heart are back but is now more high quality and realistic.
The MoK Rebirth Video game was based on heavily-modified version of Interstellar "Dark Sheep Advanced Game Engine" (DS-AGE) were original was take from Hyperdimension Neptunia Victory version of PhyreEngine which have been heavily re-write for this specific game which have feature with advanced rendering engine, more advanced and powerful graphic over Lady White Heart such as Photogrammetry, Physically based rendering, audio, animation, visual effects, as well as cutscene is still using visual novel style animation cutscene as common, but is also enhanced with more unique to each scene, but also add In-game cutscene like one from Hyperdimension Neptunia Victory with photorealistic rendering, unique dialog system to each character and the character quote will be different to each word even is same cutscene, and Gamatara Advanced Physic Engine (G.A.P.E.) System that similar to previous game which allow more physic object such as small rock and particle effect which unlike one from Lady White Heart that ragdoll physic is restricted on player, but in Memory of Kagami Rebirth is now fully support ragdoll physic to all player characters. Unlike original Memory of Kagami were using Sheep Engine which have several limited.
NPC in this game that not in story scripts have intelligent agents system to use which no AI will stay same place everyday and they will not follow their same scripts which easily to track down, also enemy AI is also brave to kill enemy player especially in Hiiragi Must Died and they may will find the cover to ambush player when they ran out of military. Enemy were limited unlike Lady White Heart were often to respawn, however, they were large number and hard to kill them all while small mission have extremely limited of enemy which they will not respawn unless see player and contact support.
Being very advanced and more superior than one in Megadimension Neptunia version. Interstellar engine was take from Hyperdimension Neptunia Victory version of PhyreEngine which there are ton several limitation to Interstellar Engine include with outdated version of code and stuff which difficult to rewrite the system. Interstellar Engine also didn't support other console more than PlayStation.
"You are the young girl who fight between the biggest conflict between Interstellar Federation who protect this galaxy from evil Lucas's Alliance who want to destroy this galaxy, Around the conflict there are place like heaven and peaceful planet that not involved in the war for people who don't want to see the war gone out."
- Memory of Kagami Rebirth Video Game
The Game is focus on main character, Kasami Hiiragi as lead character, about to fight against Star Conflict who is at war with Touhou Galaxy never end which this time have to join alliance to defeat until Lucas have arrive and using Great Mind Trick against alliance to against Touhou Galaxy Government.
The story are nonlinear because you can select to any side mission which are affect to main story, though that Memory of Kagami's side mission are very risk of main character such as Battle, Stealth, or Contact Mission, these are very hard to play such as save hostage, many have random chance will happens such as hostage get kill without detected, or hostage was bring to another mission, or kill minor villain mission, may you can keep them alive until final mission such as get mission failed or free them, but there are no mission failed and restart because the game will continue even you fail to that objective since these are not affect the ending (except with such as CCSS Shinano get destroy by 'Great Mind Trick' which result in game over more than mission failed due to the ship is main hub prior before Battle of Chiyuki). Unlike Lady White Heart, All side effect will not affect the ending. Travel to each location was using real time system such as travel to Babylon 5 from Touhou Galaxy will using 5 hour when Chiyuki to Tomoya is using 1 minute, this was based on scrap scout system from Hyperdimension Neptunia, and it will become more faster if player have acquire a powerful warp drive (or level up), Travel in space to next mission, side mission or explore the planet will likely that George 'Will' Lucas will bring his ship to attack you at any time as he want and highly chase you if Great Universe War is begin and he will try to destroy your ship as well, if your ship was destroy will result in game over and back to main menu, and load the save game!
There are few way to cause the game over are, entire Party member are KO or knockdown and Kasami Hiiragi died while other is still alive.
Shares system are now return to this game but they will not affect to the stories more than unlocked item and event as well as reduce enemy strength, there are only two shares are Interstellar and Lu-Al and the shares will using local and universe such as arrive to Babylon 5 were Interstellar share will be around 5% when in Touhou Galaxy is 99%, SP Skill in this game have more complex, as you can dodge their attack as well to keep health high as you must lock on the SP or EXE skill on enemy accurate or it will they will attack with miss to an enemy. Kasami is only character who can switch the weapon to primary or secondary per one turn, for example, her primary weapon are for close range combat or as you are far for enemy, you can using your weapon to reflect any enemy projectile when hitting you when secondary are firearm for long range, when player have go to any mission or stories, there are will have ROS or rate of successful appeared to make sure that party will survive the enemy attack if any party member have level that require to beat this enemy. The Firearm now can setup with attachment which in Lady White Heart didn't have it.
Several gameplay from Hyperdimension Neptunia Victory were appear in Memory of Kagami Rebirth along with their Re;Birth version, but this list were new in this series and improve from old system.
Unlike Hyperdimension Neptunia series, dungeon in Memory of Kagami Rebirth were random generate by planet which have balance chance to see the monster and even the enemy base. Shop, Guild, Disc Dev. and Museum were different from the Neptunia series which need to explore instead of instant click. Each Planet have dungeon from lowest is 1 to highest is 12. Specific planet such as Chiyuki and Tomoya were different from most of planet that were random. Hyperdrive on starship were important to take your time to reach the planet faster. Monster in the map were spawn in group instead of one per section that similar to Neptunia, attack one of these monster will track nearby monster to fight against player.
Remake System:
The Remake system was introduction in Neptunia Re;Birth 1 were allowing the player change the world, system and even difficulty with the plan. However, unlike Neptunia series were start with Change, Develop, Deploy and Destroy section such as Deploy plan are design for support the world while Destroy plan will destroy the target by the plan. As this version can be found or obtain in store only which most of plan were cheaper to expansive, some were can be found when complete specific objective such as Peon have take total 50,000 damage will allow to unlocked the plan that allow Peon to speak in the menu when she want.
Battle and EXP System:
The Battle System in this game is same as from Neptunia series were 4-member turn-based system, but it more advanced than their version such as the Tactical Battlefield were more larger (and even larger in important battle such as Battle of Tomoya). Luck are not exist in this game which rather with avoiding system that good chance to avoid the critical hit especially their special ability and EXE Drive. Status ailments system also back with more number and specific, such as Poison & Bleeding have same ability to loss your character's HP per turn when Poison do standard HP damage, Bleeding do less half HP Damage per turn, but it will increase the character more vulnerable to attack. Starting battle will tracking enemy nearby that close to monster target, unlike they will appear as single enemy. Character's turn or chance of character being start in their turn is based on Character's turn formation which can be change which who can be attack first or last.
EXP system is different, instead of winning for everyone. EXP are based on those have do various action such as fighting, clear quest, find rare item, take damage, winning, and be the victory pose. Like Neptunia, any member died in the battle after win the fight will not gain EXP.
Disc Developer:
Disc Developer were same as from Neptunia Victory as allow the player to create a disc with ideal clip to improve character's effect. Some disc with specific ideal will become "Godly Game" which gain additional stat bonus, or "Sucky Game" which have become important unlike Neptunia game as Sucky Game in this version is have strong stat, but it also came with heavily price, such as "CoD" will increase character to aiming down the sight more accurate, but it also gain enemy to do more damage on your character, and "Legendary Game" which can be obtain after your character using "Sucky Game" more often and win the match without dying which chance to become Legendary is likely rare but always happen.
The Event is nothing change from Neptunia series as the event will appear in red mark or blue diamond.
- In Cutscene were there are no voice, you may can make your character reaction face by open the face mode.
- You may asking the answer by input the text, some text such as "Yoshino is not dead" may will affect the dialog when you talk about Yoshino's death.
- Can option to set your character died in ragdoll or static like in Neptunia series, or gore system. (except in Japanese and German version)
- Symbol Destroyer are come with unique way such as Firearm need to equip with silencer, while melee weapon still using plan. But monster nearby and see corpse will likely to alert the enemy and find the player if you being spot.
- Symbol Attack were unique based on as attacking enemy will track nearby enemy based on your radius to enemy, highest radius to track all enemy is using huge sound such as Explosive weapon. Enemy who see character may will alert monster nearby.
- Normal Mode
Story Mode, everything is setting to balance, follow script and unlocked the ending, there are no Normal, Good or True Ending but rather Character ending, if you complete stories in this mode will unlocked 'Book of G'Quan' that allowed to translate against Skia or Shadow. Complete the game will allow you to free-roam anywhere as you want and allow to create a sandbox game play for allow the player to create a massive chaos or own story scripts.
- Single person Mode
"Kasami Hiiragi-only mode, All AI will automatic shoot at enemy without wait on their turn."
- Description
Advanced Story Mode (and VR Experience as default), you can control only your main character while other party member will automatic response as they want (there are basic command for the AI to tasking), but remember, also try to buy revive item to help you but don't being greed with less revive heal point item because they will help your with item that you have it almost, if you complete stories in this mode will unlocked 'It's Good Day to Die Album' into Album Gallery, although they don't any special to deal enemy more than Omar Anoke will killed in accident in Boss Fight if you meet him.
- Hiiragi Must Died
"No save point, no monster 9999 damage, increase damage and realistic explosive, Headshot instant kill and 2 - 3 shot can kill anyone (except George Lucas), No HUD, spawn a drop weapon don't include with magazine, if Kasami Hiiragi died on this mode, game will over and will OVER!"
- Description
No save point, Monster in this mode have no level and they can be take down in same health and they don't do critical hit like 9999 damage against party member and No Real Time Travel or Great Mind Trick chase, and also it very realistic that shoot any weapon will like instant kill especially headshot but not with player party or George Lucas, no HUD, character can grab enemy weapon but have one magazine which can't reload unless get another magazine from same weapon, and also no mercy for main character, if your main character died, game will over and need to restart whole game (and Monster will direct attack at Kasami Hiiragi, which make firearm useless in this mode due to no protect which Hiiragira only is best weapon to reflect to most weapon), if you complete stories in this mode will unlocked 'Drayton's DD-07 Heavy Pistol', a High-powered ballistic heavy pistol that projectile will instant hit and instant kill to any enemy with headshot only, as well as play as George Lucas.
- X-mas Mode
Can be unlock only Dec 24 toward Dec 1 (real time, not with change date), entire people will wear red cloth (except for main character) and shoot or have a weapon like snowball include you and throw them each other, if you complete stories in this mode will unlocked 'Hyperdimension Noire's Outfit' allow Kasami to dress like her
After this quote, a Post-credit scene will show major Federation planet that heavy casualties and damage after
Great Universe War include K-11, Coruscant, Tomoya, Vargayang, Raji, and Chiyuki, and show the worker being repair the damage building and being new era of Lastation Empire, and Kasami Hiiragi have hold picture of Kagami Hiiragi and several S-2 have bypass over Saidainogikai, the tallest building in the Touhou Galaxy and symbol of power of the empire, and the fleet of Lowee Imperial Navy have prepare for great war against people who earn the karma which first target was.... Starship Troopers.
Main Story end here.
(Exapnsion game)
- Hero of the Villain
Your role in the main game in this story is antagonist. You have two option protagonist in this story are, Jimmy Vars, the 9-year Tau'ri male who want to save his universe from being rip off by Lastation Empire and stop Kasami Hiiragi, or, Lady Miki Hiiragi, the CPU of formerly government, Interstellar Federation which turn into Lastation, your role have to prevent Jimmy to do complete his job, as well as stop Kasami Hiiragi.
(Short game)
- Invasion for Gamindustri
This is Base Defense Simulator game with non-canon stories as player can choose to play as Lastation Empire CPU as invader to dominated the Gamindustri or Gamindustri CPU to protect the Gamindustri from Lastation Empire invasion with several wave, however, those who play as Gamindustri CPU will 'ALWAYS' lose to Lastation Empire CPU in final wave because they using Warship to BDZ all ground surface these warship are tough to destroy as these ship will allow to fight only CPU vs CPU, Gamindustri CPU team is often to being losing the force in 4th and 5th Wave to due the MBT-21 Tank and Mammoth are almost impossible to defeat before end the match.
List of Wave:
| |
Gamindustri | Lastation Empire |
First Wave | |
4000xPlaneptune Soldier 2000xDogoo | 2000xImperial Trooper 1000xTouhou Galaxy Dogoo |
Second Wave | |
2000xLastation Soldier 1000xLowee Soldier 1000xLeanbox Soldier | 1000xHeavy Trooper 500xSniper Trooper 250xImperial Navy Seals 250xImperial Special Force |
Third Wave | |
1000xBit Robot 500xPlaneptunian Artillery | 500xM-2 Sabertooth Tank 250xAA-7 Kinetic Defense Turret |
Fourth Wave | |
500xR-4 Bit 250xShock Tank | 250xMBT-21 Falchion Heavy Battle Tank 125xM-29 Turtle Multiple Rocket Launcher |
Fifth Wave | |
250xGiant Dogoo 125xLastation XMB Launcher | 50xM-46 Mammoth Attack Transport 10xSPHA-T Anti-Starship Artillery |
Sixth Wave | |
1000xFlying Dogoo 500xFlying Bit | 500xStarfurotor-2 Starfighter |
Seventh Wave | |
500x1000-Year Dolphin 250xFlying R-4 Bit | 250xBomobor-1 Starbomber |
Eighth Wave | |
250xFlying Horsebird | 125xStarfurotorX-3 Interceptor 75xStarfurotorX-4 Multiple-role Starfighter |
Ninth Wave | |
125xFlying Dragon | 5xBomobor-2 Cruiser Bomber |
Final Wave | |
None | 2xYutaka class Assault Destroyer 1xNagato class Battleship 1xShinano class Carrier |
Conclusion Wave | |
8xGamindustrian CPU - Neptune - Nepgear - Noire - Uni - Blanc - Rom - Ram - Vert | 5xChiyukitalian CPU - Kasami Hiiragi - Teijiki Peon - Aiko - Vertimiki Niwa - Miki Hiiragi |
- The Night Trap: Murder is not always eviL
First Person mode as you play as Ultradimension Noire (which is Kasami Hiiragi) with another 3 survivor women who being hunt by Michael Bateman, the serial murder that he have set trap in his office, your goal is bring 3 survivor to safely place by don't let them died or you will have less chance to survive this office until Marrick Bateman arrive at 6:00 AM.
- G.C. (Stand for Gamindustri Calendar 2937)
You play as Vladimir Kaloyev, a sole survivor from Nuclear Blast after the an conflict between Bashkirian and Skyguide nation who want to seek kill Paul 'Skyguide' Nielsen, a Skyguide leader who have detonated his town "Überlingen" with nuclear weapon code name 'DHL' or 'Idiot', killing his wife and son.
- Weyland-Yutani Corporation
A Mystery school girl have escape the evil Weyland corp after find out the evil plan of Weyland to using Ghost and Demon as Weapon of Destruction, the story is take place in fictional universe.
Status ailments:- Weyland-Yutani Corporation
A Mystery school girl have escape the evil Weyland corp after find out the evil plan of Weyland to using Ghost and Demon as Weapon of Destruction, the story is take place in fictional universe.
Like Lady White Heart, There are still some status effect appeared because Memory of Kagami Rebirth is an RPG, also there are various effect to character, firearm and vehicle.
- Poison, Victim take damage to health point per turn
- Bleed, Same as poison but have less take damage and decrease defense point.
- Seal, Victim can't using skill to attack opposite.
- Tired, Victim will require more Special Point twice time and Aim Down Sight have less steady
- Stun, Victim can't move your own to survive attack, but can attack in limited action.
- Virus, Victim can't using HDD Mode. CPUs only have this effect and if non-CPU or CPU in non transform have this effect will jam the Disc if character have it, as well as the technology toy such as Laser sight
- Bullet Jam, Any Ballistic-based Firearm have this effect will unable to shoot against enemy and must be repair for single turn or switch to weapon that don't have Jam, the chance is very low.
- Overheated: Any Energy-based Firearm have this effect will unable to shoot against enemy and must wait for few turn before it cooldown, it will happen when using rush combo.
(Vehicle & Starfighter)
- Engine Broke, If the vehicle have collision with other building or enemy vehicle many time at high collision, there will chance to this status.
- Playable Character:
Memory of Kagami Rebirth have only 4 permanent character are playable and all will start in level 1 except Kagami Hiiragi are include with:
(Main Character)
- Kasami Hiiragi
Element: Neutral
Role Class: Unique (Melee-Attacker as default)
Character Class: CPU
Default Health Point: 100
Default SP Ability: Fuzzaror Blade
Default EXE Ability: Base Delta Zero
Default Item Capacity: 50 MB
Default Primary Weapon: One-handed Sword (Hiiragira)
Default Primary Weapon (Firearm): Assault Rifle
Default Secondary Weapon (Firearm): Semi-Automatic Pistol
Default Character Join Party: Chapter A
Description: Main and leading character, Naval Commander of Federation, Princess, Lady and CPU of Interstellar Federation and later Lastation Empire, she is suitable to many mission and always start as first turn, she not have any special more than as Human standard with unlimited to any class as player want as attack role, support role or anything, easily to use and useful in any mission and dungeon, but she is always as Melee-Attacker class best to using melee weapon since she can reflect most of projectile weapon, however, she is major priority target for enemy which if you loss your health and if she have effect on third strike after she have been incapacitated, you will died instead of KO'd and game will over or completely loss in Hiiragi Must Died! Also, she can't be replaced with other character (except on other character's single person event).
- Teijiki Peon
Element: Lightning
Role Class: Melee-Attacker
Character Class: CPU
Default Health Point: 95
Default SP Ability: Cross Combo
Default EXE Ability: 64-Bit Wave Motion Gun
Default Item Capacity: 50 MB
Default Primary Weapon: Katana
Default Secondary Weapon: None
Default Character Join Party: Chapter B
Description: New Recruit Federation crew who work CCSS Shinano as Ensign since Star Conflict Invasion over Touhou Galaxy 6 year ago and friend of Kasami Hiiragi since first meet on Ryoo High School 1 day before the massarce, she is work as conn, captain, admiral and now NCF, she is best for long range and she is firing in double time, take cover or guard in that turn will gain health regenerate faster than other while she is not best for close range to due defenseless while no cover to take which guard will take 50% damage from enemy attack.
- Aiko
Element: Ice
Role Class: Ranged-Defender
Character Class: CPU
Default Health Point: 75
Default SP Ability: Konket
Default EXE Ability: Breath of the Wild
Default Item Capacity: 150 MB
Default Primary Weapon: Magic Staff
Default Secondary Weapon: None
Default Character Join Party: Chapter B
Description: Commander Anti-Lu-Al Force Commander who have become the deadliest solider of Anti-Lu-Al Force while her real wish was to become a novel writer which her dream was ruin when Star Conflict Invasion over Touhou Galaxy 6 year ago, which same time that she is become the Commander of Federation Self Defense Force, she is youngest character in TGP and she is best for healing support and magic capable while attack skill is best on long range target.
- Vertimiki Niwa
Element: Wind
Role Class: Ranged-Attacker
Character Class: CPU
Default Health Point: 150
Default SP Ability: Set to Kill
Default EXE Ability: Maximilian Target lock
Default Item Capacity: 75 MB
Default Primary Weapon: Assault Rifle
Default Secondary Weapon: None
Default Character Join Party: Chapter B
Description: Alpha Force Guardian who work on guard Hiiragi member in Alpha Force Squad on this warship, unlike Alexander Munro, this rebirth version is female instead of male and she is familiar to Vert, she is best for attack at close to mid range, she also can move after attack to take cover if move range is enough time to cover, however her health regenerate is slower than other people.
(Other Character)
- Kagami Hiiragi
Element: Fire
Role Class: Melee-Defender
Character Class: Human
Default Health Point: 350
Default SP Ability: Princess Way
Default EXE Ability: Sister Unite (require Kasami Hiiragi or Tsukasa Hiiragi if she in the combat)
Default Item Capacity: 10 MB
Default Primary Weapon: Hiiragami Sword
Default Character Join Party: Chapter D
Description: Princess of Interstellar Federation, Second Main Character of the game, Powerful character, she is Last Princess of Interstellar Federation, easily to slash enemy within range and also she have highest hit/defense point and toughest character while she have less move range more than other, she carry Hiiragami Sword as default weapon.
- John 'Johnny' Sheridan
Element: Neutral
Role Class: Ranged-Attacker
Character Class: Human
Default Health Point: 2,500
Default Shield Point: 1,500
Default SP Ability: Plasma Sperrfeuer
Default Item Capacity: 70 MB
Default Primary Weapon: Sheridania 5 class Assault Rifle
Default Secondary Weapon: Sheridania 5 class Semi-Automatic Pistol
Default Character Join Party: Chapter L
Description: Captain of Sheridan 5 Station, John Sheridan is the most powerful character in the Sheridania 5 if he present here, and remember to not get a blow five if he get headshot by enemy rocket launcher.
(Hiding Character)
- Tsukasa Hiiragi (Pre-order and 90 day AL DLC)
Element: Ice
Role Class: Melee-Support
Character Class: Human
Default Health Point: 75
Default Item Capacity: 50 MB
Default Primary Weapon: Masamune Sword
Description: Princess alongside with Kagami and Kasami Hiiragi although she is dead since Star Conflict Invasion over Touhou Galaxy, easy to play and very strong in battle, she carry Masamune Sword as default weapon and she is best for healing teammate, however, she is high priority target for enemy after Kasami Hiiragi, she have weakest hit point more than other.
- Miki Hiiragi (DLC only)
Element: Fire
Role Class: Unique
Character Class: CPU
Default Health Point: 100
Default Item Capacity: 50 MB
Default Primary Weapon: Hiiragira
Description: Empress Miki.
- George 'Will' Lucas (Secret unlocked only)
Element: Neutral
Role Class: Ranged-Villain
Character Class: Villain
Default Health Point: 5,000,000
Default Shield Point: 5,000,000
Default Primary Weapon: F-Spectrum Touch Launcher
Default Secondary Weapon: WESTERN-47 Compression Nikora Pistol
Description: Antagonist may are not playable if you have met with 100% complete with Hiiragi Must Died, remember, he is replaced whole Kasami Hiiragi's party and will affected with Antagonist as he will not appeared in start story if you are play new game plus which he will break the entire game that include with various script such as No enemy (that are Lu-Al monster) will attack you.
Super Goddess of Noire - Lonely Heart | You did it, you are one of the Goddess of the Lady Kasami Hiiragi who blow all karma people as you got all trophy from these karma people. - Kasami Hiiragi (Complete all Achievement) | Platinum |
Movie Critic | You have a lot to watch an TV or Movie. - Kasami Hiiragi (Complete Singleplayer Achievement) | Gold |
You are really a real Peashy! | Everytime you have a lot of mistake today, well. - Kasami Hiiragi (Complete Dump Reward Achievement) | Gold |
Goddess Engage | Big Adventure of Lady Kasami Hiiragi is begin. - Kasami Hiiragi (Start Game) | Bronze |
Normal Ending | Lady Kasami Hiiragi have stuck in know where ending that nothing as normal. - Kasami Hiiragi (See Normal Ending) | Sliver |
Fin | I never like to ending like Fin so you get it. - Kasami Hiiragi (Ending with non English) | Sliver |
It is Good? | We kill the alliance, but I still unknown what is my power. - Kasami Hiiragi (See Good Ending) | Sliver |
I love my true sister | Finally, I'm feel stronger, who want to say Kill them all, prepare yourself - Kasami Hiiragi (See True Ending) | Gold |
Medal of Honor | People see me first time and they start to shoot at me. -Kasami Hiiragi (Start Combat at first time) | Bronze |
Battlefield | I start to shoot at enemy for trigger the combat now. - Kasami Hiiragi (Start Combat 100 time) | Bronze |
Call of Duty | Died, Spawn, Died, Spawn. - Kasami Hiiragi (Start Combat 500 time) | Bronze |
Buenos Aires | I from Touhou Galaxy then I say bang them out. - Kasami Hiiragi (Kill 5,000,000 enemy in total) | Bronze |
Marathon | Run to battle, move for few time. - Kasami Hiiragi (Run 5,000,000 km in total) | Bronze |
Set to Kill | Phaser, set to kill! - Kasami Hiiragi (Kill 50,000 enemy with normal shot) | Bronze |
Set to Stun | Ion, set to stun. - Kasami Hiiragi (Stun 50,000 enemy with Ion shot) | Bronze |
Set to Burn | Plasma is highest enemy to burn enemy, unlike Distuptor. - Kasami Hiiragi (Burn 50,000 enemy with Plasma shot) | Bronze |
Set to Freeze | Enemy will stuck with they are on Lowee though it was from my weapon. - Kasami Hiiragi (Freeze 50,000 enemy with Cycrotic shot) | Bronze |
Varon-T | Star Trek have return with this shit for now, likely they are piece of shit. - Kasami Hiiragi (Disintegrated 50,000 enemy with Distuptor shot or Instant Kill Beam Launcher) | Bronze |
I win! | Everyone believed in me, so I won't lose. - Kasami Hiiragi (Victory poses 500 time with Kasami Hiiragi only) | Bronze |
1.H.M. | Most of Neptunia game have this thing you must cover money into 100,000,000 which it will turn as 99,999,999, include this game well. - Kasami Hiiragi (Have 100,000,000 in credits) (Note: Like to most of Neptunia series which all money will turn into 99,999,999 credit when you reach 100,000,000 credit) | Bronze |
No more mising | Aim the target, I strong to shoot anything no more missing - Kasami Hiiragi (Hit the enemy with single round with any Rapid class Firearm without any shot are miss) | Bronze |
Cover Taken | He never take serious as cover. - Kasami Hiiragi (Kill 25 take cover enemy while take cover) | Bronze |
One Girl Army | Entire Lucas Alliance are no match for me. - Kasami Hiiragi (Defeat Entire Lucas Alliance in single mission with Kasami Hiiragi only) | Bronze |
Mirage Dance Unleashing | Oh! Please lose already. - Kasami Hiiragi (Using SP skill 50 time) | Bronze |
Hard Break Perish | I using for no mercy, HARD BREAK. - Kasami Hiiragi (Using EXE Drive 25 time) | Bronze |
I hate Red Barrel | They step into Red Barrel. - Kasami Hiiragi (Kill 50 enemy with Explosive object that have "Red" Color) | Bronze |
Nep Solo | I can fight alone if you want to do next. - Kasami Hiiragi (Kill any monster in single dungeon with single character only) (Note: Kasami Hiiragi is only character can do this since she can't be replaced with another character when another character such as Kagami, Peon can be remove or replaced) | Bronze |
Karma people | I'm just do what I do, you know that. - Kasami Hiiragi (Have "Extremely karma people" Karma system level as Kasami Hiiragi) | Bronze |
Advanced Physic Engine | This is advanced game engine based on Neptunia game, there will be some feature like this one anyway. - Kasami Hiiragi (Smash 10 enemy with your vehicle while brake, kill enemy by have your vehicle that enough speed to support the physic to crash into the enemy) | Bronze |
Need of Speed | Engage!. - Kasami Hiiragi (Crash 10 enemy ship with warp engage) | Bronze |
You want a piece of me, boy? | This is not for kid, so kid shouldn't play this game. - Kasami Hiiragi (Kill 10 trooper-type enemy that completely explosive into the piece) (Note: This is a joke that this game is for Mature which is feature with blood and gore, note that Japanese version can't have gore system so it will get this if kill in direct hit) | Bronze |
11383947 | No number are lucky than this one. - Kasami Hiiragi (Warp your ship into location gird 11-38-39-47) (Note: Joke number in Star Wars = 1138, Star Democratic = 39 and Star Trek = 47, you can't allow to warp until have advanced gird navigation computer) | Bronze |
Blanc Shoot First | The Goddess of Lowee have shoot a person who just shoot at me. - Kasami Hiiragi (Kill 10 spot enemy before they shoot) | Sliver |
Platoon | He want to survive but the story want him death. - Kasami Hiiragi (Watch a picture that Federation Soldier died after large number of B-2 Heavy Bomber have arrive) | Sliver |
Neutralize Alliance | Lucas Alliance is Neutralize. - Kasami Hiiragi (Defeat Lucas Alliance with only using C.P.U. character) | Sliver |
Good shot! kid, that was one of million | No one can hit at them 100%, even the force, except yourself's mind. - Kasami Hiiragi (Kill 50,000 enemy with one shot) (Note: Goddess of Flame and Starship weapons will not count) | Sliver |
If the Alliance was your Enemies! | Listen to me if I was your wife. - Kasami Hiiragi (No Skip any cutscene) | Sliver |
I'm from Touhou Galaxy then I say Bang them out! | I born in Lucky Star, that why I say to kill them all. - Kasami Hiiragi (Kill 5,000 enemy in single chapter) | Sliver |
Fish AI | One of game industry shouldn't talking in big mouth about your special capable like those of Fish AI. - Kasami Hiiragi (Kill 50 enemy with Fish only) | Sliver |
Tarkin | Bombard a planet. - Kasami Hiiragi (Bombard a planet) | Sliver |
B.R. Code | If we hit that thing before losing many soldier or I should using that code. - Kasami Hiiragi (Bombard a stronghold after your entire party member have defeat) | Sliver |
Mastodon vs AT-AT | My Lord, A Rebel Super Tank is go blow our walker, Damn, Hahaha you prove failed against Lowee Military for now. - Kasami Hiiragi (Prove your strength against Star Conflict) (Note: M-46 Mammoth was replaced M-56 Mastodon in this game which have more firepower than Mastodon) | Sliver |
Hiiragi Master | I always using the sword to kill enemy, you know, I was in Hiiragi Family. - Kasami Hiiragi (Complete the game without anyone using ranged weapon) (Note: Sidearms when going down will not count, Magic stuff is also count) | Sliver |
Sky rule everything | German Super Battleship can sink by outdated fighter like Swordfish, sorry, Touhou Galaxy never heard them. - Kasami Hiiragi (Complete Mission that involve with land battle by using Aircraft without touch to surface or Destroy Capital Ship) (Note: Board on enemy vessel will not count) | Sliver |
TR-8R | TRAITOR!!!!!! - Kasami Hiiragi (Win the battle by using Character that are same faction as enemy and must no other character than their faction) (Note: Such as Babylon 5 Character like John Sheridan against Babylon 5 enemy, note that Kasami Hiiragi can't be replace in party position which she don't count as other character than their faction) | Sliver |
Doge! | Doge? I hate Dog. - Kasami Hiiragi (Dodge 25 enemy SP skill or EXE Drive without take any hit) | Sliver |
Mark 2 | No more weak weapon. - Kasami Hiiragi (Have one weapon get level 99) | Sliver |
Tough enough | We have up to 99, no more people can defeat me. - Kasami Hiiragi (Have at least one party member get level 99 or higher) | Sliver |
Federation Shot First! | I guess that we shoot them first, not him. - Kasami Hiiragi (Kill all Lu-Al enemy before Lucas arrive and shoot one of his soldier) (Note: If Lucas arrive and there are soldier remain, he will kill one of his soldier to show that they shot them first, if you kill all before he arrive will be same except no soldier where shot) | Sliver |
Support role only? | I guess that I was frontline character only, but why? - Kasami Hiiragi (Win the battle by have Kasami Hiiragi as support role and must behind to all most of member party) (Note: Such as Sniper or Healing role) | Sliver |
Divine Wind | Critical Attack! - Kasami Hiiragi (Kill full health enemy with character that have health point lower than 100 remain) | Sliver |
Meat Shield | They shoot at me. - Kasami Hiiragi (Take 50,000 damage in single battle without died) | Sliver |
Commander Mode | Battlestation! all batteries open fire. - Kasami Hiiragi (Destroy 25 enemy warship with CCSS Shinano only) | Sliver |
Transport-to-Ship weapon | Not any tactic will work more than attack them inside. - Kasami Hiiragi (Attack enemy in their ship) | Sliver |
Farmer's Revenge | Get out my farm! - Kasami Hiiragi (Kill enemy sniper with double-barrel shotgun only) | Sliver |
Almost as Sandwich! | I gonna almost died as Sandwich. - Kasami Hiiragi (Doge enemy's special attack have more than 12 combo with take damage less than 100) | Sliver |
Mugen Souls | I'm not a rabbit guy who can take damage more than trillion! - Kasami Hiiragi (Win the battle with more 100,000,000,000 damage in total) | Sliver |
Return of the Kaloyev | He is Revenge, not Return. - Kasami Hiiragi (Complete Mr. Kaloyev's quest) (Note: Parody of Star Wars: Episode VI were he is Revenge instead of Return) | Sliver |
Top Gun | I'm tell them that we back to take you down. - Kasami Hiiragi (Take down 150 enemy aircraft with StarfurotorX-4's Fusion Autocannon only) | Sliver |
Iron Eagle | Doug-Charles-Akir, Lock On! - Kasami Hiiragi (Take down 150 ground enemy with StarfurotorX-3's Autocannon only) | Sliver |
Master of Unlocked | If we don't have a key to unlocked that door, then blow up. - Kasami Hiiragi (Destroy the logic by destroy all lockable door) | Sliver |
It's a Trap | We are serious that chance to get this one. - Kasami Hiiragi (Get your ship almost destroyed by Great Mind Trick during warp when you are not in the game) | Sliver |
Sword in the Nuke Fight | No powerful weapon more than make to kill only is work! - Kasami Hiiragi (Kill VI enemy who carry a Nuke beam launcher with their own weapon as being reflect by Hiiragira sword) | Sliver |
San Andreas | I'm think that we have denounced them now. - Kasami Hiiragi (Watch Don get kill by I.L.A. IFV) | Sliver |
Do that most people don't want you to do | I have do that other people didn't do. - Kasami Hiiragi (Do a choice that most player didn't choose.) | Gold |
The Only Kid who never listen the adult | I not kid anymore, but I still young want to risk anything as I want. - Kasami Hiiragi (Complete the mission that have rate of successful lower than 10% without died or load the save file.) | Gold |
Neptunia Invasion | No people would survive the Neptunia Culture like my song. So this shit is now death! - Kasami Hiiragi (As Kasami Hiiragi, win the song with "with confidence" against "It's a Good Day to Die", "Baby", "Tunak Tunak Tun", "Final Countdown" and "The 7th Element") | Gold |
The Most Annoying Thing the Touhou Galaxy | I think that Man for Species Helper of the Animalia will hate us if you kill this thing if still want to keep these Annoying Thing in the Galaxy alive and invasion Touhou Galaxy. - Kasami Hiiragi (Kill entire CF-2005 species in all planet in Farscape Galaxy before they have prefer the song into Touhou Galaxy, as well as destroy PETA-like Headquarter if they see you kill too many CF-2005) | Gold |
Dump Reward:
Note that unlike Dump Reward achievement in Lady White Heart, this is in-game achievement.
You say Duck as F*** | Duck in your language is mean fly creature, if you say to Stargate people will hear as F*** and they will kill you. - Kasami Hiiragi (Forget to know language tactic) | None |
This is not a FPS game | You can reload the weapon but the magazine won't reserve to another magazine, remember, you can reload the weapon but you can't reload the weapon while there are bullet remain. - Kasami Hiiragi (Reload a Firearm 3 time while magazine it not empty) | None |
(No longer used as the game allow to play in post game except True Ending) | None | |
No Boss, Retreat! | Our Mastodon is down, everyone, Retreat! - Kasami Hiiragi (Defeated in War Elephant as Lowee Empire) (Note: There are no way to get this because this game is lack of Multiplayer) | None |
CRAP!! | Player X kill Player X - XXXXXXXXXXXXX - Kasami Hiiragi (Have whole team get kill by Explosive or Structure collapse) (Note: There are no way to get this because this game is lack of Multiplayer) | None |
Kid shouldn't play Memory of Kagami Rebirth because | Kid shouldn't play Memory of Kagami Rebirth because. - Kasami Hiiragi (Do something that look like a kid do in shooter game) (Note: There are no way to get this because this game is lack of Multiplayer) | None |
Greatilism is Detected! | No more Greatilism beyond this point. - Kasami Hiiragi (Have Memory of Kagami Rebirth not allow a player from playing) (Note: PC only, see MoK video game restricted rule below) | None |
Restricted rule and International different
- Cheating or Hacking in this game with third party program will break the game system which result game crash. There will be no pirated version because it will require a code wheel to put in and PC version need with Steam or it will crash upon loading.
- Japanese version of this game and age under 18 will disabled the blood and gore system unless Adult version, and English subtitles of Japanese voice were different, all playable character will died in static death much like Hyperdimension Neptunia instead of ragdoll physic. (Strange enough that enemy disappear much like most of Neptunia game instead of ragdoll physic)
- PC version of this game with Steam can't select a New game or load game if there are Getting Over It with Bennett Foddy install in the computer if player didn't have pass the game for first time which require to uninstall it and gain "Greatilism is Detected!" achievement, if play MoK and install that game after they was remove will resulting game crash.
- PC version of this game with Steam can't select a New game or load game if there are Getting Over It with Bennett Foddy install in the computer if player didn't have pass the game for first time which require to uninstall it and gain "Greatilism is Detected!" achievement, if play MoK and install that game after they was remove will resulting game crash.
- Don't mock Loading quote.
- German version of this game will disable the blood and gore system, as well as german language on universe that will be use such as Sheridania 5, as well as all character will died in static way instead of ragdoll physic.
- English, Japanese and Chinese language were support.
- Memory of Kagami Rebirth Mod Tool were using same engine and element from Hyperdimension Neptunia, but it not allow export to modding that game because it using different engine and code.
- German version of this game will disable the blood and gore system, as well as german language on universe that will be use such as Sheridania 5, as well as all character will died in static way instead of ragdoll physic.
- English, Japanese and Chinese language were support.
- Memory of Kagami Rebirth Mod Tool were using same engine and element from Hyperdimension Neptunia, but it not allow export to modding that game because it using different engine and code.
List of Character
See: Memory of Kagami character
List of Chapter
See: Memory of Kagami chapters
Behind the Scene
According from Kasami Mikiyoru have said that the series was based on saddest anime which have put as plot, as well as the script are very similar to future event that might be happen such as World War III and also the dangerous treaty, the Memory of Kagami Rebirth is not the part of Star Democratic, but instead as part of Touhou Galaxy Project were see the Federation have many technology are kind in retro in most of many such as CRT Monitor in many federation naval warship unlike Hologram or LED Monitor in original Memory of Kagami due the story like to keep the technology not go beyond quickly.
Memory of Kagami story is similar to Hyperdimension Neptunia mk2 were Kasami have to solve her problem and her friend have start to fight with her, Lucas's Alliance is also similar to evil faction in that game.
"You take care your man, but I don't..."
- George 'Will' Lucas
In Video Game, Dark Sheep developer will declare that Memory of Kagami Rebirth will have one controversies feature similar to Lady White Heart video game is the Kasami hold the cursed sword with many corpse on the background to show people who earn karma by not buy a legal game as well as cheating in the game which Universal Arts will track down any people who have try to made the image into the series of creepypasta due to Universal Arts copyrights.
List of Anime, Film, Television and Video Game that reference to Memory of Kagami Rebirth:
- Aftermath (2017 film)
- Alien
- American Psycho
- Andromeda
- Apocalypse Now
- Babylon 5
- Battlefield (video game)
- Battlestar Galactica
- Battle Royale
- Call of Duty
- Cardcaptor Sakura
- Doctor Who
- Dr. Strangelove
- Farscape
- Game of Thrones
- Hyperdimension Neptunia
- Lexx
- Lost
- Lucky Star
- Night Trap
- Planet of the Apes
- Platoon
- Predator
- Red Dwarf
- Resident Evil
- San Andreas
- Shugo Chara!
- Skyline
- Soylent Green
- Stargate
- Starship Troopers
- Star Democratic (?)
- Star Trek
- Star Wars
- The Mist
- The Last Stand (2013 film)
- Top Gun
- Uncharted (video game)
- Crazy Frog
- George Michael
- Careless Whisper
Note: the reference have '?' is unknown was location that appeared such as Hyperdimension Neptunia and Lost in Space is unknown.
Rebirth Version
Memory of Kagami: Rebirth is reversion of Memory of Kagami, but have lot of different from original version are:
- Kasami Hiiragi have official character form as Noire.
- The story was not relation with Lady White Heart or HDN, but it was the official story.
- Interstellar Federation Flag and later Lastation Empire Flag is now similar to Lowee Empire but different color, the Symbol is now similar to Universal Federation of Alliance in old series with official seal for every story.
- CCSS Shinano that command by Kasami Hiiragi at trailer was fall into sea.
See Trivia: Memory of Kagami
© 2017 Kasami Mikiyoru, Memory of Kagami.
© 2017 三木夜かさみ かがみのメモリ (japan)
"Although the Rising, Stand Still and Fallen is sad way in cycle, but there are legend that Although they have fallen, they will be rise again and will greater than before."
- Aiko "Memory of Kagami Rebirth Ending"