
(空間-11 Kūkan-Ori-Ori)

Astrographical information
Region: Gamma Quadrant
Sector: Unknown
System: Kukan System
Suns: Kukan-1
Orbital position: 11
Moons: Kukan-12
Grid coordinates: T-5
Distance from Core: 370,000 light years
Rotation period: 27 hour
Orbital period: 395 day
Physical information
Class: M class Planet
Diameter: 2759.7 km
Gravity: 3,000,000 km
Primary terrain: Ecumenopolis
Surface water: None
Points of interest: Crash site of CCSS Makuko
                             Hyperion Shipyard Headquarter
Native fauna: various
Societal information
Native species: Sabakuan
Immigrated species: Chiyukitalian
Primary language: Amulet
Government: Kukan Goverment System
Population: 75 (before G.C. 1988)
                   7 trillion (before G.C. 2014)
                   750,000 (after G.C. 2014)
                   18 trillion (as G.C. 2018)
Denonym: Kukanian
Major cities: Yoshino (Capital)
Affiliation: Interstellar Federation
                   Lucas's Alliance (Occupation)
                   Lowee Empire
K-11 (空間-11 Kūkan-Ori-Ori, known as Space-11) is military site area planet class EM were location between Alpha and Gamma Quadrant, and is the Main Shipyard of the Interstellar Federation also manufacturer most of Federation warship which K-11 is extreme with industries and heavy factory to product the ship to Federation Defense Fleet and one of Federation Defense Force base in the Touhou Galaxy.