

The Ecumenopolis (plural Ecumenopoleis) or class EM is the type of planet with single worldwide city, or some case as moon or most of type planet.

All this events is Kasami Hiiragi Theater

"All this events is Kasami Hiiragi Theater"
"All this events is Kasami Hiiragi Theater" is ending quote that appear in final credit line in many Kasami Mikiyoru work such as Star Democratic: Kagami series, as well as Non-Star Democratic such as Blancitunia and Touhou Galaxy Project which the quote is about respect to creator Kasami Mikiyoru and Lucky Star creator reference Kagami Yoshimizu, as one of famous quote after ending credits which used for her fictional character, Kasami Hiiragi.

The quote was inspired by Lucky Star's intro is "Kagami Yoshimizu Theater" that appeared in opening of the anime which the quote was using for post-end credit, this quote is very hard to kill by another quote from Jason Gamatara were he attempt to kill this quote.

Since HDN has add 'Thank you for Playing!' when after this quote which general appeared in Blancitunia and Touhou Galaxy Project.