Tomoya (Blanc Dimension)


"Tomoya in another dimension are just small city with many ruin, but this is big city in my dimension"
- Blanc (SD: HDN)

Planet Emblem
(智也 Tomoya)

Astrographical information
Region: Alpha Quadrant
Sector: Imperial Tomoyatalian Sector
System: Rema System
Suns: Kinoto
Orbital position: 3
Moons: Rena
Grid coordinates: T-5
XYZ coordinates: 7.50 1.00 1.07
Trade routes: Tomoya route
Distance from Core: 220,000 light years
Rotation period: 37 hour
Orbital period: 410 - 415 day
Physical information
Class: M class Planet
Diameter: 5521.0 km
Gravity: 3,500,000 km
Primary terrain: Ecumenopolis
Surface water: Ocean
Points of interest: Site of Ancient Tomoyatalian Civilization
                             Shrine of Tomoyatalian
                             I7 Prison
Native fauna: various
Societal information
Native species: Unknown
Immigrated species: various
Primary language: Amulet
Government: Imperial Tomoyatalian Empire
Population: 1.7 trillion
Denonym: Tomoyatalian
Major cities: Tomoeda (Capital)
Affiliation: Chiyukitalian Empire
                   Tomoyatalian Empire
                   Interstellar Federation
                   Lucas's Alliance (Occupation)
                   Lowee Empire
The Tomoya (智也 Tomoya), also known as Tsuominoyear in Chiyukitalian Language was size of planet between Chiyuki and this planet and also Homeworld of Tomoyatalian, This planet were have many secret with in the planet and known as Parareru (パラレル = Parallel), the Tomoya is the closest capital planet to Chiyuki in the system, this planet were hold original of all Star Democratic technology that they recover and become as Interstellar Federation of Galactic Alliance's second capital, and also second planet of I.F guard by the Goddess, Blanc.

Astronomical data
Far from Species 20-3, the original name of Tomoya is out of date were based of this planet are based from Chiyuki-like name, but this planet is alternate name called is Parareru were this planet are similar to Chiyuki.

- Rema System
- Alpha Quadrant
- 7,1,5 Universal system
- Imperial Tomoya System

Tomoya is close to Alpha V and navigation is close to Chiyuki which can warp as 5 second to this planet.

Original is colony of Chiyukitalian were they came from Chiyuki, After Actactan Attack, this planet has been ruin and less survivors of Chiyukitalian were survive this war, Tomoyatalian are based from Chiyukitalian survivor were became new civilization for advanced their technology, and become as Great Empire of Tomoyatalian, but Tomoya Empire has been vanish by Lando's group that they just explorer but they came for Attack the Star Democratic. However, Survivor of Great Empire of Tomoyatalian have leave this planet to Chiyuki as their new capital, these technology are change everything all time become as Universal Federation of Alliance.

Today of Tomoya
In Kagami series before HDN, Tomoya is just like small colony were just first to planing, in HDN-era, Tomoya is now large city look like Ecumenopolis-type planet, but still remain a sea and landmasses much like Chiyuki.

In Touhou Galaxy Project, Tomoya's capital 'Kinokuto' was replaced with 'Tomoeda' as newer version.


© 2015 Universal Arts, Star Democratic series, Kasami Mikiyoru's Star Democratic series, Tomoya is part of copyrights of Universal Arts Studio, Los Angeles, California, United States