Trivia: Lady White Heart

These Trivia are appeared in Lady White Heart.

"M2A1 Sandman Assault Personnel Carrier is the Neutral Alliance APC once was using during P3Y-X75 in 'Operation Sandman' were deploy that battle against Lucian Alliance. Also known as Mark 2 that using to support infantry to battlefield and safe keep their soldier from enemies fire, as well as good to assault against infantry, 1 HBM Heavy Autocannon and 1 RPS Anti-Infantry Cannon."
- Description of M2A1 Sandman APC (Lady White Heart VG) as one of most ridiculously referenced in the scene

  for data that has been added, see Referenced in Star Democratic
For the referenced is not include to Referenced or the referenced are appeared only this series are appeared to there.

Downfall Parodies
The Star Democratic has parody with Downfall movie as Hitler need appeared to Lady White Heart series, quote say: one of person say 'Director, Lady White Heart' and another person say 'Lady White Heart is focus on Main Character: Blanc - White Heart, they don't want to need useless character like Director as support character' then Hitler angry say as 'Why main character, why they don't need me!'

Real Life
- When Federation soldier has target such as Starfleet crew has called as 'Stuffe' or Stargate has called as 'Garry' which similar to called German as 'Jerry'.
- CCSS Luka has attack by 3 Battlestar which is mistaken identification which Lady White Heart is within that ship, the incident is mock 'USS Liberty incident' which Luka class was first see by Battlestar Galactica, after this incident, no casualties and losses both side since after several Lowee Imperial Navy has arrive.
- Lowee Empire is based from real life dominated of British Empire, and banish enemies like French Empire, Empire of Japan, most of remnant of Interstellar Federation during Great Universe Wars and part of real Lowee in Hyperdimension Neptunia, which have evil side as in HDN: Victory that from the Goddess.
- Unknown TV series that have referenced that show Blanc has using her sword to slash face of Stargate soldier were his face was cut out were his tongue can see.

- Cardcaptor Sakura:
- Several John Rico chapter are parody of first line was 'Sakura (and/'s/anything) ........'.
- Valley of Clow Card on Tomoya have return from Rise of the Disco as Multiplayer Battlefield.

- Lucky Star:

- There are still have old character from Lucky Star.

Hyperdimension Neptunia
"Emerson: Hey, Strange kid..."
"Rom: ......"
"Emerson: DON'T MOVE, you are my victim now"
"Jarson: This again, back to basic, ha, who make about this cliche"
"Blanc: Let her go! she don't have anything to do with this"
"Emerson: Sorry, Neutral Alliance is always playing dirty for defeat the enemies you know, from human shield, neutral help enemies, and kidnap the kid, this is always Neutral do this trash!, I'm Villain not a Good man"
"Sheridan: Hey, Fight like a Emerson, Emerson!"
"Rom: Help me! Ram"
"[Emerson running with victim]"
"Blanc: Where should we do, he just kidnap a little girl"
A Parody situation when Emerson trap against Blanc and her party

- Several reference are from Hyperdimension Neptunia which most of adopted are replaced old style that using in Star Democratic far ago, there are white panel on bridge in many newer Imperial Lowee Starship which original is grey.
- Character in Neptunia are similar one in this story such as Blanc is Blanc (with Neptune), or antagonist is O'Neill.
- John Sheridan about his plan to attack Star Democratic (which is into to a trap by SD), there are have some person that not working, but Sheridan has talk to stop that guy, when that guy after meeting, he say 'Mission Failed' as he fail to stop Sheridan's trap plan, as parody fail to contract another goddess which the guard is restrict them before she out from church. (Re;Birth 1)
- Sometime when Blanc is on Lucky Star, she say "There are new video game in Lucky Star" as parody that Vert say "There are new video game in Lowee". (Re;Birth 1)
- Stargate Ship has record a Lowee Anthem which is Lowee theme as HDN Original Soundtrack, another have It's A Good Day to Die.
- The Ending music using "Neptune☆Sagashite" toward HDN and now, which replaced Lucky Star music ending that using in LS and Memory of Kagami, after "It's A Good Day to Die" music is ending, after this music is ending, the message 'All this event is Kasami Hiiragi Theater' has show in ASS Blanc's hull that movie to Hyperdimension Neptunia.
- Several Support Character are appeared in this series to help with Blanc.
- Act 6 and 7 is from Blanc's quote. (HDN: V)
- Many Weakness SG soldier or Starfleet crew has referenced as Dogoo.
- Most of melee weapon are from this anime such as Sword, Laser sword, Spear, Stuff, Hammer and minor character weapon such as syringe with character name such as Neptune, Blanc, or some Jarson weapon as well which have effective against most of firearm include with Babylon 5, Star Democratic, Stargate, Star Trek and Star Wars.
  - There are have stuff is look like pencil with dogoo called 'Dogoo Pencil' that Blanc using to kill Starfleet crew when these guy with PDP are attack.
- Several chapter that appeared to this series such as 'Burrito Knockdown', or same name is The Goddess Awakens, the name was 'Goddess Awakening' with missing with 'ing' and no 'the' and 's'. (HDN: mk2)
- Some Babylon 5 say about Lowee Imperial Navy ship in Earth's orbit that over 500 ship, he think is only 3 ship which parody as 'They are over 500 ship in the orbit, not a 3 ship, idiot!' is parody as Blanc sell masterpiece book which have 500 copies, but only 3 sell out, as fact were Federation ship is only 3 is over planet come before over 500 ship is arrive when their fleet is arrive before them. (HDN)
- All enemies during Fall of Lowee Empire as after Blanc's dead, when shared is glow, all enemies around Star Democratic has been kill by glow shared like most of enemies of Neptunia are flat and then disappear, also the shared is glow and all enemies is disappear which is similar to standard shared that appeared in Neptunia series.
- One of CG Bonus is Blanc have bathing which she eating orange and Blanc Doll is ride on Rubber Duck that float on water is similar one in Neptunia bonus. (HDN: mk2)
  - Also another CG is Blanc wear sailor school uniform and big cap which her schoolbag also have figure of her sister doll.
- Kagami have called herself by nickname as Blanc as Blanny though real nickname of Kasami Mikiyoru was Blanec. (HDN:U Action Unleashed)
- Weapon Plan called 'Oni-Chan' as this weapon is an Hammer with 9,000 damage that capable to destroyed entire enemy guard, this is parody one of cutscene in Neptunia Re;Birth 1 were Blanc say that word. (Re;Birth 1)
  - Another weapon plan is 'This is my farm' is an Double Barrel Shotgun part which also parody of Last Stand movie as well.

- There are new name for Tau'ri ship class are Daniel class Battlecruiser, Hammond class Destroyer and Thifoire class Corvette which came from Daniel Jackson as knowledge of technology (model of Aurora class), George S. Hammond as who is command the ship 'Prometheus' against Anubis's fleet (model of Bilskirnir class), Jonathan O'Neill and some time is from Main Antagonist of HDN as Smaller can beat bigger nation, similar how BC-304 can beat large ship.
  - O'Neill's vessel is known as Super BC-304, which similar to those of BC-304, but the armanment is powerful to destroyed Entire Fleet of Lowee and ASS Plutia as well, Large version was Samantha's ship were known as Super Daniel class, but can't take down Executor class from Star Wars.
- Carter class was out from O'Neill class Ship were have mock description as 'Solve from Lucan threat'.
- Jonathan O'Neill in this series is gone to be similar as HDN Main Antagonist who is power skill to take down any gods, as well as Star Democratic, he have power defense shield inside him which normal weapon can't take down (such as M-50 Assault Rifle), only Legendary Weapon or Advanced Weapon project can take him down, O'Neill is similar to main antagonist of Hyperdimension Neptunia, which known as Normal Weapon can't kill this guy, and the powerful alliance of neutral army are similar to Monster of Neptunia, O'Neill's Monster is gone to be as Super BC-304.
- Daniel Jackson in this series as to be Alert man who need to stop Jonathan O'Neil who is person can beat and kill any gods as he want, before he defeated by Goddess, in Video game is change as enemies.
- Many SG Soldier as not in Lady White Heart series is similar US soldier uniform as same to those of SG universe armed with P-90 Sub-Machine Gun, as in Lady White Heart series have SG Soldier wear Armored exoskeleton military gear armed with FN-90 Assault Rifle and also Exosuit, as original SG soldier uniform is only seen in who is say "Only Good Goddess that for Dead Horse".
- The B-302, an F-302 Fighter in role of Bomber, like F-302 name as Death Gilder, B-302 name appeared as 'Buster'.
- In Video Game, FN-90 Assault Rifle scripts in game file is say P90_SMG which was leaked on development trailer.

Starship Troopers
- SG Soldier's quote "Only Good Goddess that for Dead Horse" is mock off "Only Good Bug is a Dead Bug" when his horse is stab and eat by SG Command.
- Blanc's quote "I'm from Lowee then I say Bang them out" is parody Rico's quote is "I'm from Buenos Aires and I say Kill them all" when talk to crew of CCSS Luka to blow single Star Destroyer.
- The Final trailer will see Klingon is wear headphone and open the music when appeared as 'It's A Good Day to Die' in voice style of R&B and parody Armageddon ending soundtrack is 'I Don't Want to Miss a Thing' which also mock of Worf's quote (or Deep Space 9) in same name when another crew and the bridge has heavy damage as the crew are runaway as the screen is move away from Klingon and last when into target screen when Blanc's hand is right there before she shoot the ASS Blanc's Superweapon and then turn to black screen before logo Lady White Heart is appeared.
  - And also in ending as second music before "Neptune☆Sagashite".
- CCSS Luka has blow off when warp to somewhere before out of space before detected by 3 Battlestar (see above) which mock off when the Ship is warp and fall off to an Bug planet.
- An Stargate propaganda advertisement show PDP (Personal Defense Pen) pen which is pen have gun inside them, which one of Stargate crew has use this pen to attack Lady White Heart, but when pen is out of his hand, Blanc has kick rather grab that pen and then fire bullet hit to his face which is mock when MI's ads show heavy shovel, which kill himself by incoming shovel, and Blanc has grab a pen out from his face after hit to his brain, and someone using these weapon but kill by Blanc that using 'Dogoo Pencil', the pen hitting face is also mock Batman movie.

Star Trek

- Most of chapter are mock off series and one movie.
- 'Where No Man Has Defeated Before' is parody of 'Where No Man Has Gone Before'

Star Wars

- Several chapter are parody of movie episode name and new series of Star Wars is The Goddess Awakens is mock The Force Awakens.
  - Though The Goddess Awakens is name from Hyperdimension Neptunia as Goddess Awakening.
- Admiral Alexander Marcus is Star Trek character which have same action as Darth Sidious and his voice.
- Most of Federation bridge style of Alliance and Luka class of this series are similar to Empire version of Imperial class Star Destroyer, but the similar one in Hyperdimension Neptunia method.
- Most of Federation Soldier have same behavior as Clone Trooper, such as Yes sir; right to way sir, some rare is be Rebel Soldier.

- Entire Logo of Lady White Heart have Yellow on 'Lady White' and Red on 'Heart'.
- This is first film of Star Democratic franchise that did not start with 'Star Democratic'.
Lionel Pendergast is only Stargate Character who don't have central name.

- Development of Lowee Empire's Military Solider are using Female Soldier were dress with big red cap and red cloth with Yellow Sakura emblem were carry M-50 Assault Rifle that resemble one was Hyperdimension Neptunia Victory, but replaced as Male Soldier with GIGN Gear like White Armor that similar as Stormtrooper, but Female Soldier is still appeared as Lowee Imperial Elite Soldier of Lowee Empire, Lowee Imperial Artillery Gunner or Lowee Imperial Navy Trooper.
- Universal Trooper from Dark rise of Federation have return to Lady White Heart series as Lowee Advanced Assault Trooper, unlike that version, this version is entire white armor.
- Main Character that once have plan to wear Autumn Leaves rather as White because Lowee Empire have theme similar as Japanese imperialism.
- Another Video Game such as High-nooN: Last Law and SC: AMU II Re;Birth have using this engine which they have using Blanc as tester of main character.

- Introduction of this movie is part of climax were main character is kill.
- Lady White Heart series character voice are newer version, it don't carry with over old voice such as Federation Soldier Death sound that using since Rise of the Disco series until Memory of Kagami, also using in HDN as well, but in Lady White Heart is not.
  - As early is plan as well, but later has change entirely.
- Entire sound effect are redesign, such as TIE Fighter laser sound, and Tau'ri's Railgun has change to sound VX version in space.
- This series is design with many genre such as Comedy (such as parody), Drama (such as enemies's plan action), Tragedy (such as Blanc's death), Action (such as Scification War), Adventure (such as main character travel to many sci-fi), Horror (usch as Blanc's old memory), Mystery, Political, Thriller, and the General is Science Fiction.
- This first appeared were Kagami Hiiragi Jr. were take cover before shooting.
- This is one of series that show most powerful of Star Democratic's Advanced Technology are this series as future series will appeared as well, but delay.
- Jarson Gamatara in this series is sleep at hospital after Great Universe Wars as fight against George Lucas, which Jarson Gamatara is freeze like Darth Vader as he was burn by engine.
- This series is make traditional thing in Star Democratic such as attack like Star Wars or Indian-head test pattern (see below) that using in Signal lost has been end and using modern and Neptunia style.
- In the final first teaser trailer will see a Leonard McCoy see Own fleet (along with another fleet) take down by Star Democratic's Superweapon (ASS Blanc) as he see the fall of greatest enemies of Star Democratic.
  - And he is also who kill Blanc at ending.
- This series were said that, 'No Neutral in the world war'.
- The first scene of Teaser Trailer has show BC-304 (Star Democratic called BC-304 as Thifoire-class Corvette) shoot fly over an Luka-class Supercarrier before that supercarrier destroyed that move to attack another 2 supercarrier.
- This series were first to appeared the Goddess (Blanc) to talk her people in her station, much like in Hyperdimension Neptunia which she called as 'Blancstation' (Though that Interstellar Federation's Galactic TV station was Federation News Network System F.N.N.S.).
  - After this will show the News about one Starfleet personal kill own horse for food.
'Execute code Section 39.' is parody of Star Wars was 'Execute order 66.'
- When universe character killed in own universe such as Jack'O Neil died in Stargate will respawn him in next time since is similar to Movie which count to many sci-fi universe that character are killed in own universe except Star Democratic, such as Colorer killed in own universe (is Star Democratic) will not respawn or person died in another universe such as George Lucas from Star Wars killed in Star Democratic.
- There are have many advanced weapon that most of them are appeared to this series, such as Railgun, Gunblade, Lock-On Beam Gun, Beam Blaster Gun and most of Japanese powerful weapon to Advanced Star Democratic weapon is Pulsar Blaster Gun, which most of are make in the Future series that plan by Kasami Mikiyoru is Advancedimension World of Blancitunia, which future series of Star Democratic are don't appeared anymore.
- There are mock when the Advanced Stealth Thifoire-class Corvette and another universe ship has hide into the Lady White Heart's Advanced Battleship project which is high defense from enemies as this ship is fake of an Federation ship, the Stargate captain say for undetected is 'only we detected is if we not speech or sing Lowee Anthem'.
- The Ending of Lady White Heart (along with HDN) is not similar to most of Kagami series and Memory of Kagami when the final message is 'All this event is Kasami Hiiragi Theater', but both was shown when appeared to another scene such as in LWH was the ASS Blanc with this message and 'Thank you for Playing' when show before move to Hyperdimension Neptunia, and HDN is show when appeared in game console as after say Thank you for Playing.
- Most of Referenced are 'Mock' which is parody but inside as revenge or racist.
- If John Sheridan or Jarson Gamatara is dead, a sound is scream like 45 - 60, which the original scream is 30.
  - Also Colorer Rebel's dead in this series don't have 'Grri No' death scream.
- The Final trailer when final word music of 'It's A Good Day to Die' after say (Courage, Duty, Honor!), the music is say 'For Lady White Heart, I will give your life!' instead as 'For the Federation I will give my life!' except as ending music is same original.
- This series is show with Star Democratic is rise and fall at once.
- This series can see White Heart Fighting in the ending, another are cameo (also in HDN as well).
- This series is movie and video game rather than television series.
- This series don't have Disco government.
Federation News Network System Signal Lost in this series is Test Card F (right picture) in 10 second before into as SMPTE, as well as appeared to future series, as before Lady White Heart is look like Indian-head test pattern (left) which is using since Star Democratic Federation Tier 8 until Memory of Kagami.
- That Blanc's dead is mean that people is love her which that cause to revive and the shared is glow up, that is fact why White Heart is fall from HDN but move to Red Dwarf that Blanc is there were similar to HDN series, also why Kagami Hiiragi Jr. before as Blanc can transform which normally she can't transform though she is Human than Goddess.
- Sometime when Starfleet crew ride a torpedo against Lowee navy, Blanc say 'That was Blanc-buster to blow me off', an Goa'uld Buster that using by Stargate which has parody name was 'Ghostbusters' since Goa'uld-buster is using to blow the ship.
- At the ending will see Starfleet crew beam down to Federation Defense Fleet HQ when beam out has been kill by Federation Soldier which a crew died like flat and disappear which parody of HDN enemies when kill.
- The Ending soundtrack is using many in their franchise such as Battle Over The Ocean from Stargate, It's Good Day to Died from Starship Troopers, The Imperial March from Star Wars or Hyperdimension Neptunia opening theme is Dimension Tripper!!!! and ending theme is Neptune☆Sagashite.
  - But Video Game version is using Star Democratic's Own music is 'My Lover' and opening is 'Central of the Heart' which help with Hyperdimension Neptunia to design this music.
- Lady White Heart series is only have full dismember to any faction, except as Star Democratic.
- Most of Firearm in Lady White Heart is start with 'M' such as M-50.
- Blanc voice in this series is Nepgear.
- Lady White Heart series is one of largest blood amount in the anime film similar to most of Japanese movie (another was Memory of Kagami), unlike old series. 
Movie Logo
Video Game Logo
- Movie Logo and Video Game is completely different most of thing.
- Lady White Heart have more Gay or LGBT person in film total 67 person, make as most LGBT appeared in Star Democratic series, which compare to entire series is just few 2 - 3 person.


- Act 1 chapter 0.2 and 0.3 is only chapter that Lady White Heart wear Lucky Star school uniform rather than Goddess costume, but is still as Blanc.
- Act 2 and Attack of the FAF is mock most Star Wars episode except episode 1.
- Act 2 name is 'Down of the Dead' were some Trekkies fan think is incorrect and correct word was 'Dawn of the Dead', which Dawn is mean rising but Kasami think is mock this act as zombie movie, but as Down is mean falling, correct was Down of the Dead that mean the falling of Enemies, Down is might be mock from Downfall, that Trekkies guy think is Dawn of the Dead than Down of the Dead has been perish by Kasami Mikiyoru to due disturb her chapter during making.
- In Act 7 chapter 0.3 name is 'Iron Sky' as mock-off when whole enemies fleet is blow off another fleet in same team.
- First chapter and Final chapter is setting in 2,997 ADG.
- In Act 8 were Chapter number is 0.
- Many chapter of John Rico are similar as Cardcaptor Sakura's Title.

Video Game

- Weapon of Lady White Heart are No option of Weapon Camouflage (only Reskin of same model, but they are not same gun).
- This is Second Star Democratic video game that feature with Iron Sight, first game is Memory of Kagami in Multiplayer.
- In Alpha Main Menu is the computer that scan any federation unit such as Alliance, Luka, M35 IFV and all thing, before Final was replaced by City shot similar one in Hyperdimension Neptunia Mk2.
- This Game is no HUD, much like Memory of Kagami.
- The Co-Op mode is only play as Blanc model, 4 player is make as 4 Blanc.
- There are have achievement called 'Kill them all' as Blanc must kill 50,000 soldier in total which parody that John Rico's dream need to kill all bugs.
- The achievement called 'AG-3' as Blanc must help to bring all unfinished AG-3 to Tau'ri before O'Neill's ship has arrive, and 'Heretic vs Religious' is Daniel Jackson has attack Jack's Thifoire before blow SG's planet.
The achievement called 'Hammond disease' is play as McCoy must kill Blanc by using Type-2 Phaser with stun mode at chests, as the name is mock that George Hammond dead by heart attack.
- In Multiplayer, as Kill Starfleet crew NPC will show message as Player [Gun Icon that using] Dogoo, there are example of character are replaced instead Neptunia character are:
  - Blanc (NPC) is Neptune
  - Jarson Gamatara is Compa
  - John Sheridan is Vert
  - Daniel Jackson is Noire
  - Jonathan O'Neill is ???
  - Paul Emerson is ???
- DS Age is known as Dark Sheep Advanced Game Engine which based from Hyperdimension Neptunia's engine.
  - Later has called in official as Interstellar.
  - Blanc model is same in Hyperdimension Neptunia, as Rebirth version.
  - As Memory of Kagami is using Sheep engine which is old engine with regular ragdoll physics and animation cutscene which DS Age is not from this engine since this engine don't support CG cutscene with lack of achievement, aim down your sight, skill and RPG system and more.
  - Though DS Age is re-witting anyting code, but still have Hyperdimension Neptunia code remain such as Dogoo which appeared Starfleet crew enemies or Blanc as code name was 'Neptune'.
- Jarson Gamatara's model game file '...../MODEL/CHARA/HUMAN/SD/039/.....'
- This game is First person shooter (also tactical turn-base combat and real time strategy when as space battle), it don't have most of old school such as reload when ammo (old: 15-30 / 300 and after reload is 30-30 / 285, in this game, 3 magazine are 25/30/14, and after reload is look this 30/14/25), or projectile gun but not instant hit.
- Strange that Starfleet crew AI has speak like Dogoo sound or Blanc dead has speak sound like Neptune.
- Lady White Heart series don't support to Xbox console to due fact that Interstellar Engine is PhyreEngine are design to Playstation console, unlike Memory of Kagami.
- If All Party or Blanc has kill before another member has kill, a picture will show 8-bit Blanc was lick by horde of Dogoo and message 'GAME OVER', if Blanc is died as White Heart form will show different as White Heart red eye against Dogoo when lick by those of horde of Dogoo, and respawn from near planet that you died and will lose all item that you carry or return to main menu.
- As Cutscene is has using as Visual novel as two (three or four) character are show in display like in Hyperdimension Neptunia with capable of AAS 'Active Animation System', but as combat or some cutscene (but different what player is first or third person mode for camera) is using same another game, but the player can't move.
- According to Dark Sheep, Lady White Heart series is available in Steam only (as PC), so it must no piracy or pirate version, if have a piracy version, if you tried to escape to windows, a horrible scene show Black scene and Blanc wear Autumn Leaves Costume as she is fully with blood on her face and body with eye as red pupil rather as blue (not glow which not as angry) and hold a cleaver knife to slash and pull a intestine from an Dead Stargate Soldier (possibly is Paul Emerson), and red message say as '39 rule that you is always make Lady White Heart angry if you don't play with a legal game' which CG is using to appeared in Zombies Story, as legal version also add as CG image when move to Conquest Ending Route, same as Blanc hold a knife with blood on her body but different as no Stargate Soldier but appeared as corpse of many people like mountain at background, with say in alternate message is 'This is the true power of the Goddess, I kill everyone, I am monster'.
- This is Open World game and have Free Roam, However, when you Complete any Ending, no Free Roam after that, if you load your last save as save after complete ending will turn as new game+ rather as continues after story complete.
  - But this fix when unlocked Lady White Heart mode True Ending.
- If you kill a enemies when spawn as plot, a enemies as random spawn is similar to Left 4 Dead that enemies spawn at 30 - 40 person, and spawn even there is no door or dead end location which normal is only one way, and also spawn on above of player or close to player.
- Federation Soldier AI is carry with Tier 1 weapon (rare were carry with Tier 2 beyond) and most of Soldier are carry Rifle such as Assault Rifle, Battle Rifle, Burst Rifle and Semi-Automatic Rifle, Sharpshooter are carry Sniper such as Single-Shot Sniper Rifle, Bolt-Action Sniper Rifle and Semi-Automatic Sniper Rifle, Engineer are carry Shotgun such as Pump-Action Shotgun, Semi-Automatic Shotgun and Sawed-off Shotgun, Commando are carry Machine Gun version of Sub-Machine gun Some AI are carry with Tier 2 such as Support Gunner are carry Machine Gun which Tier 1 is Sub-Machine Gun and Anti-Tank Soldier are carry Grenade Launcher or Fusion Burst.
- The Ending soundtrack is 'My Lover', as Conquest Ending is 'Ito' which Blanc was shot by Jack O'Neill of the Neutral Remnant in 299,997 ADG at Lowee Imperial Parliament were play after music 'Battle Over The Ocean' was cut after shortly in 30 second.
- Jonathan's SP Skill called 'All Batteries Open Fire!' is similar to Emerson's quote, also say same sound from him.
- the file in this game were leaked on development trailer are
Game file is called .duck 'duck unique contain keeper' are,,, etc
Blanc Character Game file is .pac is contain with Blanc character model and texture which called as Player.pac.
Game Scripts file is using .dsscript 'dark sheep script' are G36rifle.dsscript, HiiragiraSword.dsscript, story_plot2.dsscript, etc
Blanc model file is .ism2 are face_c.ism2, body_c.ism2, etc
Jarson model file is .dsm2 'dark sheep model 2' are face_kirk.dsm2, uniform.dsm2, etc
Regular model file is .dsm 'dark sheep model' are Daniel_J.dsm, Jonathan_ON.dsm, LoweeFlagship.dsm
Texture file is .tid
Sound file bank were Mono is .dsmsf
                                   Stereo is .dsssf
- Many Enemies Monster such as Starfleet Crew have 250 HP which your character as first level is just 100 HP, and some gun at start is damage at 20 - 30 STR, as enemies damage is 60 - 80 STR.
- There are no way to equip M-60 OICW for Jarson Gamatara because is RPG game, only Blanc can equip to any weapon as she want, as Jarson is only Tier 1.
- In the early test and plan of Lady White Heart engine were no ragdoll physic and real time graphics, because this game is based out of Hyperdimension Neptunia game based, in final can disabled from advanced optional mode on menu.
- Weapon class in Lady White Heart were no more than two gun is same class such as Assault Rifle were have only one was M-50 Assault Rifle, unlike Memory of Kagami were have many Assault Rifle such as G36C, RT-3D, Type-17/1, REA-31, some weapon such as REA-31 is Assault Rifle were return in this series but was called as Rapid Rifle and M-31.
- Entire Animation in this game are using Motion Capture, as well as full function Blanc's costume/hair and hand (except face is texture animation) as well.
- Many character quote when combat are shared same quote such as Space combat is "Attack" "Fire" "Open Fire" "Attack that Target" "Attacking Target" "Fire at well" "Attacking" "Targeting" "Firing" or Land combat is "There" "Here I come" "Take This" "Prepare yourself" "Mine" "Ya" "You".
- Lady White Heart don't have cheat code like most of Kasami era's SD game.
  - Cheat too much in this game (such as hack or trainer) will cause appeared as 
Blanc wear Autumn Leaves Costume as she is fully with blood and she hold decapitated head of Stargate Character (most likely is also Paul Emerson) same as piracy version and message say 'You are cheating are you, now you are died!, as well as most of game with Interstellar Engine such as High-nooN: Last Law' has using this same picture.

- Civilian with non-combat are appeared and also can kill such as on Chiyuki, many world and enemies planet as well, but if you kill one of civilian (or Lowee solider member in non-combat), all civilian will start fire at you with M-50 Assault Rifle (strange that all civilian have M-50 Rifle if they are not on Lowee Empire such as Stargate) quickly and if you hide anywhere, they can see anything, by reason this game was only 'M'.
  - Another game SD: SC: AMU Black and Dark (2000) which if Munro shoot at one of crew, they all will start shoot at you which similar case.
- GAPE is make entire physic to this game such as SG soldier death like ragdoll physic, except as Lady White Heart both single player and multi player which is static death.
- There are have Interstellar Development Kit within full game for design this game, as game marker template was make for Hyperdimension Neptunia-like game only, but can't make in full game of Lady White Heart, but graphic is all of this game were capable of GAPE physic engine and Interstellar engine that make random path and scripts, as well as entire source code that make Lady White Heart.
  - Full version is licensed by Dark Sheep Studio and Proprietary only.
- Hiiragi Must Died and Lady White Heart mode were can't unlocked White Heart to play.
- If Main Character get critical hit by Enemy Frog, she will transform into White Heart and automatic kill these frog with advanced gunblade (though player did not buy this gun whatever) and can't be turn off this form until 1 day of real life.
- If you start your main character and enter your birthday or using steam profile (if content with your birthday) and play in your birthday until enter to cutscene that meet with Konata, she will bring a cake and many friend of Lucky Star that Blanc meet are come.
- Though this game is realistic such as hungry, bathing or sleeping, eating too much doesn't make Player become a fat, but High-nooN and AMU-II Re;Birth does.

- Like Memory of Kagami, there are have Blanc as Zombie in this series as well which instead of Kasami as Zombie.
- Blanc costume in Zombies story is to be as Autumn Leaves and her weapon is to be as Hiiragira only.

Door of Ultradimension Neptunia:
- First time when Blanc came to Ultradimension have fall into Noire like those of Neptunia series.
- Lando Davien's Military Special Elite Force like Gay In Great Number is parody of GIGN.
- This is first time were appeared of Dallas Gamatara which actually is appeared as Vert which David Gamatara is belong to Vert, but not Jarson Gamatara because he was belong to Gay In Great Number.
- If Ultradimension Jarson Gamatara have using EXE Drive and Target Player, a music resemble as 'I Believe I Can Fly' is play.
- When Player have chance to Chiyuki in Ultradimension Star Democratic which found out that Entire Planet is overrun by Lando's Guard which setting this planet as main capital of Royal Kingdom of Gay Lando.
- This is first time were show that Ultradimension Star Democratic have been rule by Hyperdimension Neptunia to due beat up Lando's regime before spread to dominated another universe in scification.
- When Lando have communique to Gay Lando's Kingdom Television which before his communique, a advertised of Lando Soap Opera series 'Shadow Power' is parody of Thailand Soap Opera 'Raeng Ngao', is also another Kasami Mikiyoru's Revenge.
- At the ending, Blanc have say goodbye to another Blanc before smile to Noire, This was rumor were Touhou Galaxy Project will leading with Noire.

* 'Player' is referenced as Blanc - White Heart.


- Mikiyoru has banned too many country which only around 25 country (Outside of United States and Japan) can access this series, which in Memory of Kagami was 55 country.
- When Starfleet crew ride a torpedo, the scene will turn black and white and the scene is look like stop-motion.
- Controversy about death by ASS Blanc's Superpulsar gun is mock-off most of brutal death are Energy bone that turn anyone are black bone is mock of The Day After as boom by Nuclear bomb, Heat Ray that turn anyone that see them turn as bone is mock of H.G. Well movie's heat ray fire from alien ship and shoot against Star Trek ship will see most of guy shirt are turn as red which is mock they are death, Body face that heat and head explosive is mock of Indiana Jones when Nazi guy see the Ark.
- Controversy about Eating Horse is mock of World War I that Germany don't have money and make people to eating horse was mock when another sci-fi don't have food and eating horse as food.
  - Another were many horse are tried to escape to Star Democratic to due don't to be a food.
- The Controversy don't appeared to Star Wars are eating horse or something poor since Empire are at war against Rebel that support by Star Democratic, or any Alliance of Star Democratic such as Battlestar Galactica since Galactica are never fight against SD.
- The Talk of Eating horse was mock when Enemies of the war are defeat and eating horse are both Germany in World Wars are correct that pay for after war, but Russia after defeated Cold Wars in 1991 is unlikely unknown but possible is true when Soviet Union has defeated this war and pay the money are most of country are independence from Russia, which Russia become as poor and their people are eating horse after that.
- Eating horse that say by Stargate soldier that mock of Starship Troopers's catchphrase is 'Only Good Bug is a Dead Bug', as SST has kick from Star Democratic's Alliance when found the Greatilism.
- Most of Space Combat Controversies are likely in-joke that make the bad people to blow Lowee Supercarrier into the explosive with great number of crew which as another ship never make it.


- First archive that added to 10 book are Character is Blanc - White Heart, Technology is Warp Drive, Planet and Location is Chiyuki, Government and Organization is Interstellar Federation of Galactic Alliance, Starship and Fighter is Alliance class Dreadnought, Weapons and Firearms is M-50 Assault Rifle, Species is Human, Hyperdimension is Scification, Culture is Wars in anytime, and History and Event is History of Star Democratic series.
- 20 year of CardCaptor Sakura Edition Box set have content with Replica Kasami Mikiyoru's Daily Book which have only one were in which have same as real version.