Neutral Alliance Fleet


Sorry, I never heard that Stargate Command have Bomber-302 Before

This achieve is appeared in Lady White Heart only

"Neutral Alliance Space Fleet, we need a man, need a creation, need a various, need a different, and need a victory for Neutral Alliance Space Fleet"
- Neutral Fleet Propaganda which stolen from Lady White Heart's Idea (Lady White Heart)

Neutral Alliance Space Fleet
General information
Leader: Supreme Leader of Neutral Fleet
Headquarters: Stardoor Command, Cheyenne City
                       United States, Tau'ri (Destroyed)
                       USS Samantha Carter (Destroyed)
Historical information
Formed from: Tau'ri Fleet
Date founded: G.C. 2015
Date fragmented: G.C. 2015
Date dissolve: G.C. 2015
Engagements: Lowee at War
Other information
Motto: Combine of Fleet can stand with one unity
Part of: Neutral Alliance Armed Force
Affiliation: Stardoor
                   Neutral Alliance
Status: Dissolve
Neutral Alliance Fleet (N.A.F.) or official known as Neutral Alliance Space Fleet (N.A.S.F.), short name known as Neutral Fleet, as based from Stardoor's Tau'ri Fleet, were known as largest navy during Lowee at War were capable rival against Lowee Empire's Lowee Imperial Navy. Neutral Alliance Fleet is known as Lowee Shield Breaker Team by various encounter by Blanc and crew of CCSS Luka as they can pierce on most of shield in Lowee Starship, but they are weak against Star Wars fleet such as Entire of Neutral Alliance Fleet never beat up more 3 Executor ship with entire their fleet as no ship could beat it. Neutral Alliance Fleet is serve as Fish of Neutral Alliance, as they fleet is similar as swarm of fish in defense against Lowee Empire Invasion(Lady White Heart)

Military Effective
Neutral Alliance fleet have large number of many starship from many universe especially Stardoor who have avoid the treaty to build those ship in hideout area that the Lowee can't reach it, however, they are much ineffective against Star Wars fleet in large number and also they are not large as Lowee Imperial Navy.

USS Jonathan O'Neill is main flagship of Neutral Alliance as second ship was USS Samantha Carter were known as Largest ship in the Neutral Alliance fleet.

Most of Neutral Alliance fleet military rank are taken same as Stardoor universe were Tauri States Air Force was take as major role unlike many scification universe have using Naval rank.

List of Ship Service 
These class are current service in Neutral Alliance Fleet.

Format: Name, Class, Include year, Manufacturer, Notes
Capital Ship:
PictureNameClassInclude yearManufacturerNote
CarterBattlecruiserG.C. 2014Nevada Spacebuilder
DanielBattlecruiserG.C. 2014Nevada Spacebuilder
HammondDestroyerG.C. 2014Nevada Spacebuilder
SolSupercarrierG.C. 2014UnknownOnly one was appear

Light Ship:
PictureNameClassInclude yearManufacturerNote
ThifoireCorvetteG.C. 2005Nevada Spacebuilder
PrometheusPatrol BoatG.C. 2003Nevada Spacebuilder
Ta'radLight CarrierUnknownNevada Spacebuilder
TravelerMissile BoatG.C. 2014Nevada Spacebuilder

PictureNameClassInclude yearManufacturerNote
F-302Attack FighterG.C. 2002Nevada Spacebuilder
B-302Attack BomberG.C. 2005Nevada Spacebuilder
HF-302Heavy FighterG.C. 2014Nevada Spacebuilder
HB-302Heavy BomberG.C. 2014Nevada Spacebuilder
Al'keshGunship/BomberUnknownNevada Spacebuilder
SF-302Stealth FighterG.C. 2014Nevada SpacebuilderAll Destroyed in Battle of P3Y-884
Tel'takTransportUnknownNevada Spacebuilder