"This treaty will lead no war, no wallace, no people who oppose us and they soon will fall!"
Treaty of Hiiragi
Political information
Signed: 1/21/G.C. 2014
Location: Imperial Lastation Parliament, Chiyuki, Touhou Galaxy
Effective: 1/22/G.C. 2014
Condition: Ratification by Lastation Empire
Signatories: (Superpower)
(Major power)
Battlestar Galactica
Several Resistance Force
(Loser universe)
Behindspace (Forced)
Foreigner (Forced)
Sheridania 5 (Forced)
Stardoor (Forced)
Depositary: Lastation Government
Treaty of Hiiragi
Political information
Signed: 1/20/G.C. 2014
Location: Lowee Imperial Parliament, Chiyuki, Touhou Galaxy
Effective: 1/21/G.C. 2014
Condition: Ratification by Lowee Empire
Signatories: (Superpower)
Lowee Empire
(Major power)
Stardoor (Forced)
Star Explorer (Forced)
(Minor power)
Babylon 5
Battlestar Galactica
Doctor Who
Starship Troopers
Depositary: Lowee Government
Treaty of Hiiragi (柊条約 Hīragi jōyaku) is the peace treaty that bring the end of Great Universe War between Lastation Empire with their alliance, and the Loser universe who attacking Touhou Galaxy in that conflict. The goal of this treaty is keep the peace between Touhou Galaxy and Loser universe which most of Loser universe have to pay reparations the loss and damage to Lastation Empire. Although the treaty is signed for peaceful and end of war, Lastation Empire have use this benefits from this treaty increasing hostile toward those loser universe who have to pay ton of reparations or there will be war by the Lastation Empire to those loser who don't pay since the General Order 1 is no longer exist in military rule which the empire have right to war on anyone without being they was attacking. The treaty is make several rule for Lastation Empire more powerful such as if Lastation Empire attacking or declare war on loser universe is refer "Attacked" by Loser universe not "Declare war" on Loser universe, as well as those loser universe who refuse to payment or declare war on Lastation Empire will giving Lastation Empire right to be annex these loser universe. (Memory of Kagami Rebirth)
"Any Loser who opposite to this rule, we have right to annex this galaxy from the Attacker from Loser."
- Article 39 of Treaty of Hiiragi
The Treaty of Hiiragi is one of peace treaty that signed by Lowee Empire alongside with Treaty of Megami and Treaty of Niwa which decrease of enemy universe's military or no military starship to build it as well as stop rising of major power like Stardoor who is being enemy of Touhou Galaxy and also banned of established of any neutral alliance, which make as good treaty, however, this treaty also make Lowee Empire to increase their military faster than most of universe and become hostile toward any loser who attack the Touhou Galaxy during Great Universe War which that lead to Invasion over Starship Troopers, some rule are make as rip off another loser universe who attack by Touhou Galaxy which that rule make because Touhou Galaxy is heavily damage by enemy attack were no budget to restore the planet or ruin of these planet.
While the Treaty of Megami is known for annex Touhou Galaxy Alliance such as Battlestar Galactica and Red Dwarf into the part of Lowee Empire since their universe were unable to rebuild the military to prevent the future conflict with someone.
This treaty have 27 rule about no offensive against Lowee Empire, these are followed this.
- Note 1: No Offensive against Lowee Empire
- Note 2: Loser Universe must not Established any Neutral universe
- Note 3: Loser Universe must not build any military starship
- Note 4: Loser Universe must decrease economy power from 80% to 0.2%
- Note 5: Loser Universe must pay 75% of budget to Lowee Empire per year
- Note 6: Loser Universe must not have government support the military
- Note 7: Any Universe must Support Lowee Empire when at war
- Note 8: No Universe have 'Neutral' status when Lowee Empire at war.
- Note 9: No Universe established any military alliance, except as Lowee Empire
- Note 39: Loser Universe who refuse to payment will result the declaration of war by Lastation Empire, Loser Universe that target by Lastation is referred as "Attacker" instead of "Defender".
Effect to Lowee Empire
No rule of this treaty were affect to Lowee Empire instead it make Lowee Empire more powerful than Star Conflict since this treaty is make by Lowee Empire and against most of universe who attack Touhou Galaxy.
Effect to Lowee Empire's Alliance
Battlestar Galactica is one of LE Alliance were affect to this treaty but not much because rule 2 to 6 are make for Loser Universe only.
Effect to Lowee Empire's Enemy
Stardoor and Star Explorer is one of universe who affect to most of treaty as no offensive against Lowee Empire such as build any military ship to against them.
Effect to Star Conflict
Star Conflict don't affect to this treaty since Galactic Empire never follow this Lowee Empire treaty which lead Lowee Empire to annex most of part of Star Conflict Galaxy and also Star Conflict is in civil war were Rebel and Empire are fighting never end as Lowee have support Rebel to win this war.
Effect to Loser Universe
As Loser Universe were same as Enemy of Touhou Galaxy are but little than as Major Enemy like Star Explorer and Stardoor.
"Only Good Goddess that for Dead Horse"
- An SG Solider say after his horse has stab and eating by SG Command. (Lady White Heart)
Affect of Treaty of Hiiragi to all Loser universe have leading their people to eating horse after food is empty or payment to Lastation Empire such as Stardoor and Star Explorer known as 'Horsniibalism'. Lastation Empire have response to these eating horse as uncivilized which also lead to Lastation Empire to annex some part of Babylon 5 after they gone insane to kill more horse after one of their horse is escape into the Touhou Galaxy to other universe as lesson about to no more eating horse to sure that they will not eat more horse, but they didn't. Some are also leading Lastation Empire to lead other people to strike against Stardoor Command which lead 9.999999 Massacre on Stardoor as well as Stardoor Horse meat that make from human remain. (Memory of Kagami Rebirth)
Annex of Starvessel Soldiers by Lastation Empire
Lastation Empire after have payment from these universe have seek to hostile one of these loser universe as their lesson was Starvessel Soldiers as loyalty force are engage rebel force as Lastation Empire have arrive to support the rebel force which lead Lastation Empire to annex all of Starvessel Soldiers. (Memory of Kagami Rebirth)
Lowee at War
see Lowee at War/Cause
Behind the Scene
"After Soviet Union fall in Cold War, they loss the war and they end up with payment to United States after the Union have act as war crime against humanity, and crime for using the nuclear weapon. Without food, people have became famine and need a horse for food as their choice."
"And this were lead the war, not a peace by someone."
- Treaty of Hiiragi's reference from Real Life Event
The Treaty of Hiiragi was based on infamous France peace treaty 'Treaty of Versailles' which lead Germany to World War II after Germany have payment to allied power and eating horse after no food supply which that is also based on this treaty, but the most important was the End of Cold War after Soviet Union have fall which lead their people payment to United States because of their proxy war as well as eating horse remain which became as one of most infamous event in the history that in Touhou Galaxy Project have referred in the universe because this historical event can leading Russia to annexation the Crimea which making western nation concern about the Russia's increase hostile toward NATO, as well as China who is alliance with Russia which would using non-combat weapon such as Trading against the America, and also that might lead to World War III if possible.
While Treaty of Megami appeared to referred to annex all of people into part of universe to prevent lead war with Lowee Empire Alliance is likely based on Annexation of Crimea by Russian Federation that likely will lead war with Ukraine and Crimea which lead war with Russia instead, and Treaty of Niwa is treaty that restricted to any universe declare war each other. (Not official source)