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Heckler & Koch
Type: GmbH, Private
Parent organization: Universal Federation of Alliance
Founded: 299,875 ADG
Locations: West Germany, Germany, Earth
Rival: Jackson's Toy
Primary role: Weapon manufacturer
Primary Production: G36 series
Affiliation: Universal Federation of Alliance
- Personal ranged weapons
Assault Rifle:
- G36 Kinetic Rifle
- HK56 Kinetic Rifle
Battle Rifle:
- G4 Kinetic Rifle
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Gewehr 36C-A4 Kinetic Assault Rifle |
- HK 9-20 Kinetic Rifle
Machine Gun
- BMG-3 Kinetic Heavy Machine Gun
- HK 223 Kinetic Machine Gun
- IAR Kinetic Automatic Rifle
- MG-3 Kinetic Machine gun
- MG-221 Kinetic Minigun
- MG-448 Kinetic Machine Gun
- Type-4/1 SCR
- HK USUR-60
- SP. 92 Kinetic Pistol
- VAP-42 Kinetic Pistol
- UCP. 52 Kinetic Pistol
- UCP. 118 Kinetic Pistol
- USP. 74 Kinetic Pistol
- GF-2101 Kinetic Shotgun
Sniper Rifle
- PSG-11 Kinetic Sniper Rifle
- SG-24 Kinetic Sniper Rifle
- SG-34 Kinetic Sniper Rifle
- SL-10 Kinetic Sniper Rifle
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MP7-A4 Kinetic Maschinenpistole |
Sub-Machine Gun
- BMP-41 Kinetic SMG
- K-11 Kinetic SMG
- MP-5 Phaser SMG
- MP-7 Kinetic SMG
- UMP-74 Kinetic SMG
- RT-3 Plasma Pulse Rifle (Jackson's Toy's survival rifle)
HK abbreviations
Format: Abbreviation = German Text ("English Text")
A = Ausführung ("version")
G = Gewehr ("rifle")
K = Either Kurz ("short") for pistols and submachine guns or Karabiner ("Carbine") for rifles and assault rifles.
AG = Either stands for Anbau-Gerät ("attached device") or Anbaugranatwerfer ("attached grenade launcher")
GMG = Granatmaschinengewehr ("grenade machine gun")
GMW = Granatmaschinenwerfer (automatic grenade launcher)
MG = Maschinengewehr ("machine gun")
MP = Maschinenpistole ("submachine gun" or "machine pistol")
PSG = Präzisionsschützengewehr ("precision sharp shooter rifle")
PSP = Polizei-Selbstlade-Pistole ("police self-loading pistol")
SD = Schalldämpfer ("sound dampener", "suppressor"); In the case of the MP5 having an integral suppressor, in the case of the USP, an extended threaded barrel for attaching a suppressor.
SG = Scharfschützengewehr ("sharpshooters rifle")
SL = Selbstlader ("Autoloader")
UMP = Universale Maschinenpistole ("universal machine pistol")
UCP = Universal Combat Pistol
USC = Universal Self-loading Carbine
USP = Universale Selbstladepistole ("universal self-loading pistol") (Note: Selbstladepistole can called as Semi-Automatic pistol)
ZF = Zielfernrohr ("telescopic sight")
Star Democratic
B = Bekämpfung ("Combat")
FLUK or FK = Flugabwehr Kanone ("Anti-Aircraft cannon")
F = Fortgeschritten ("Advanced")
SF = Schrotflinte ("Shotgun")
SP = Selbstladepistole ("Semi-Automatic Pistol")
VAP = Vollautomatische Pistole ("Fully-Automatic Pistol")
USUR = Universal-Schutz-Unterseite Rifle ("Universal Guard Base Rifle")
WE = Wachkanone ("Sentry Gun")
- All Heckler & Koch weapon has Made in West Germany inside Germany as name.