This archive is part of Star Democratic, you may to look on Touhou Galaxy Project version which known as Memory of Kagami Rebirth
- Kasami Hiiragi at SD: Kagami opening (except only final chapter)
- Kasami Hiiragi at SD: Kagami ending (appeared only final chapter)
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Memory of Kagami
Producer: Universal Arts
Writer: Kasami Mikiyoru
Running time: 2/17/2014 - 4/26/2014
Language: English, Japanese
Timeline: 0 BDG
Era: Kagami Era
Government: Interstellar Federation of Galactic Alliance
Main Protagonist: Blanc
Main Antagonist: see Antagonist
Main Enemy: see Enemy
Preceded by: SD: SC: LSGC
Followed by: SD: HDN
- Note: In cut character Example: "
- "Ghost only" on Tsukasa Hiiragi is character has died in previous series, but will appeared in this series.
- "†" is character appeared in this series and after this series will not appeared in the next series or final of this character appeared or will appeared for sometime.
- "Time traval helper" is character in another series has help by time to this time.
- "Holodeck X only" is character is appeared only Holodeck inside of original character, Example: Satan's Robot is play by Issac Clarke.
- "Z" is character that appeared in zombies story. if is other team is "Z2" or "ZX".
- 'en' is English version.
- 'LC' is Lucky Star original copyright, modified as in Star Democratic.
- '->' is new cut name were replaced "
PlotStart by meeting of all universe that being to broken by Lucas to New peace to grow the unity to all universe, start in Lucky Star before to Star Democratic and all dystopia-style universe of Star Trek, Stargate and Babylon 5.
The war on superpower sci-fi are former is Star Democratic and current is Star Wars has ending after event of SD: SC: LSGC, the Star Democratic has sending the fleet to Star Wars for protect from order of Lucas by meeting that Jarson don't send ship to Star Wars only, but he send to other universe are Star Trek, Babylon 5 which most of God in another Sci-fi are called it for.
Jarson has meeting with all creator of scification universe by build a alliance against Star Wars, but Star Wars has attack against all creator during their meeting were all Scification Universe were under control by George Lucas's order were Star Democratic has sent their fleet to another sci-fi are invasion.
The Memory of Kagami's name was based from some saddest anime before named as this because before this series release has discovery the other plot that can used in this series, 'Memory' is te memory of Kasami Hiiragi in Great Universe War and that why she have become as dark memory, 'Kagami' is based on character Kasami 'Amu' Hiiragi instead of Kagami Hiiragi.
Early name that said by current creator was Memory of Everyone.
Special Series
- Reform Title
- Reform
"The Darkside is more powerful"
- Nightmare Title
- Nightmare
"Would you like to know more?"
- Federal Network
- Starship The name is not above, but is Starship that Rico arrive has escape before Babylon fleet arrive. and Would you like to know more?.
- High nooN Expert
- Vengeance
- Lucky Star
- Alien
- Babylon 5
- Battlestar Galactica (Cylon only)
- Farscape
- Lexx
- Lost in Space
- Stargate
- Star Wars (Main Enemy)
- Star Trek
- Kingdom of Chaotica
- Mexican Empire
- Universal Federation of Alliance (Rise of the Disco Improved)
- Battlestar Galactica
- Doctor Who
- Red Dwarf
- Shugo Chara!
- Star Democratic
- Star Wars (less of Rebel are in Star Democratic)
- Starship Troopers
Multiplayer Playable
- Interstellar Federation
- Rebel Alliance
- Battlestar Galactica
- Doctor Who
- Disco Federation
- Galactic Empire
- Stargate
- Star Trek
Sub story
In sub story is story that not relation with Memory of Kagami.Captain Proton
Tom Paris's black-white novel story was used as full story for Star Democratic is adventure of Captain Proton about the Dr Chaotica and his army has used unknown energy as power source known as 'Chaos Energy' (but true name is unknown).
High nooN
Main article: High nooN
The soldier who fight in vietnam war was trap in this country were no food and run out of ammunition, this is true story of John Gamatara who is fight in vietnam war, in Memory of Kagami has appeared as fictional stories.
Shugo Bomber!
Captain Boomer is fighter pilot who work with Ran, Commander of Shugo base to against X people.
List of Character
List of Chapter
See: Memory of Kagami chapters
Behind the Scene
Before Memory of Kagami release, According from Kasami Mikiyoru has say about this series was based from saddest anime scene that before becomes as part of plot, and add plot and script that has used in Lucky Star to this series for Gamatara's quote and Action alone with Kasami Hiiragi actor, which later reveal in Rebirth version.
Like LS series, they are based from other universe that used in this part, Example: Jarson has shoot enemy in meeting like James Bond 007's Bar Fight, some action is similar to Star Trek Into Darkness is Jarson Gamatara need to kill George Lucas after he kill Kagami, ASS Marusagi fall into the earth but AFG will sacrifice by he go to warp core of this ship that kill him instant by electronic field after he restore the power, Fight against Babylon 5 before the ship has escape into Jumpgate and Babylon 5 crash (along explosive when on land) to London and destroyed Star Democratic's real Headquarter is SD's Sereal Headquarter.
And this series is go to be show are largest that previous series never appeared is Imperial Tomoya Navy from SD: Tomo series once was largest fleet in the Star Democratic Universe since 1977 until 2014 has defeated by Federation Defense Fleet that largest 2 size of fleet.
List of Anime, Film, Television and Video Game that reference to SD: Memory of Kagami:
- Alien
- vs. Predator
- Andromeda (?)
- Angry Bird
- Babylon 5
- Battlestar Galactica
- Call of Duty
- Cardcaptor Sakura
- Doctor Who
- Elfed Lied
- Farscape
- Galaxy Quest (?)
- Halo (Video Game) (?)
- Hayate the Combat Butler
- High Noon
- Hyperdimension Neptunia (?)
- James Bond 007
- Jurassic Park
- Lexx
- Lord of the Ring
- Lost
- Lost In Space (?)
- Lucky Star
- K-On! (Less appeared)
- Mass Effect
- Minecraft
- Night Trap
- Predator (+2)
- Rambo (movie)
- Red Dwarf (X)
- Shugo Chara!
- Star Democratic
- Stargate series
- SG-1
- Starship Troopers
- Star Trek series
- TOS The Original Series
- TNG The Next Generation
- DS9 Deep Space 9
- ENT Enterprise
- VOY Voyager
- Adventure of Captain Proton
- Star Wars
- V (TV series) (Less appeared)
- War of the World (Less appeared)
Note: the reference have '?' is unknown was location that appeared such as Hyperdimension Neptunia and Lost in Space is unknown.
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We have a weapon......? |
Another Advanced Omega class Star Destroyer is Alpha class Star Destroyer is Bioship were not from Babylon 5 but is reference from them.
High nooN:
The based on film but Star Democratic had used High nooN as holodeck in SD: SC: AMU.
The enemy who want to destroyed United States of America is the Mexican, was in 1914 after German contract during World War I.
Before Lady White Heart and HDN series, this series was show for make the peace, but when Lady White Heart and HDN series has release, most mistake were make incorrectly such as IFGA is still as IFGA but later was Galactic Empire.
- At the End of Memory of Kagami, were Kagami has wear school uniform rather than Goddess costume, later has remastered to HDN series.
- At great new empire were Kagami Hiiragi Jr. say herself as Blanc - Lady White Heart.
- HDN beta tester has mistake on sci-fi are trap on Disco invasion HDN were several sci-fi include Stargate, Star Trek, Star Wars and other are trap in HDN, but later was enemies than friendly.
- an SX-3 squadron at the End of Memory of Kagami has incorrectly engine sound which same as normal SX-3 when they fly through 3 Lowee Imperial Navy's Alliance class Dreadnought which Remastered has fixed with sound that used on TIE Fighter in Star Wars.
- The fleet total 27 milions ship were 21m were destroyed in battle, later was 26.99m were destroyed.
- Only 7 Dreadnought were active in the Imperial fleet by used that ending scene as fact.
Deities Parody
After End of Memory of Kagami, Star Democratic has parody of deities that appeared in scene are:
- Blanc or Kagami Hiiragi Jr.: Goddess of Knowledge and Dares (or Dared Everything not even Gods or Jarson Gamatara) (better known as White Heart)
- Gene Roddenberry (Star Trek): God of Explorer and Western Robber
- George Lucas (Star Wars): God of Wars and Conflict
- Jarson Gamatara (Star Democratic): God of Firearm and Aim Down your Sight
- John Gamatara (Star Democratic): God of Democratic and Liberty
- Lando Davien: God of Revenge and Rapacious
- Stargate Creator: God of Defeat another god and Importer
See Trivia: Memory of Kagami
© 2014 Kasami Mikiyoru, Star Democratic: Memory of Kagami.
© 2014 三木夜かさみ 民主党のスター: かがみのメモリ (japan)