The Shared are power that the Goddess are used to protect other people were came from confidence people were new feature in SD: Lady White Heart, is symbol power of Interstellar Federation of Galactic Alliance, Goddess can strong can arrive this planet if the shared is strong, sometime if the shared are low, the Goddess can't have power to protect these planet or can't fight the enemies, most of are used feed for Federation Armed Force (Especially is Federation Defense Fleet). (SD: Lady White Heart)
The Shared around the Galaxy is 70% and another are power from another government such as Disco Federation and Disco Lando's Galactic Empire are power of Greatilism which can corrupt the shared, another from other galaxy are Star Wars and Star Trek's Trekkies, if Star Trek have Trekkies in Star Democratic, they are value of their power to teach the Goddess, The Shared are used from Capital shared and Local shared, a Capital are Chiyuki, Tomoya, K-11, Raji, Capital Disco, Lando's Main Club, these planet are highly to have the Shared, and they are also as power of the way to dominate Disco planet.
Starfleet Ground Army
"If you need to kill Lady White Heart and bring her head to me, don't wear Redshirt"
- Alexander Marcus (Lady White Heart)
- Alexander Marcus (Lady White Heart)
These missions, deemed away missions, might include exploration, first contact, diplomacy, scientific research, or even combat. These missions are typically launched using a ship's transporter to send the crew to their destination, or by shuttlecraft, when use of the transporter was impossible or undesirable.
Away team are most rival and most brutal enemy of Federation Defense Force were many army are broke down by minimal crew that they did, Example: event battle in K-11 in Memory of Kagami were Army of Federation were defeat by destroyed all federation vehicles to track enemies alliance army to defeat the Fed army during Great Universe Wars. (SD: Memory of Kagami)
In SD: HDN, away team are also known as Ground Force of Starfleet called by Goddess (Blanc) were used by United Federation of Planet's Starfleet were they are used to invasion HDN by attack center of city landmasses and attack against Goddess of thier city, even they used attack against Federation Defense Force that guard the landmasses and also engage herself.
Many term has reference Away Team as Stararmies by Star Democratic. (SD: HDN)
Category: Character
The Characters were individual, single person that acting in the story. Characters were have both good, evil or neutral. The Character may appear in human, animal or an object based on story script.
A Character Traits were seen in many story of Star Democratic, Blancitunia and Touhou Galaxy Project were have single habit or more than two, a character may (or not) like each other side like good were Protagonist or evil were Antagonist, or even Neutral were Support or both.
A Character Traits were seen in many story of Star Democratic, Blancitunia and Touhou Galaxy Project were have single habit or more than two, a character may (or not) like each other side like good were Protagonist or evil were Antagonist, or even Neutral were Support or both.
Special Case 2 series
"Every story are Greatilism, but tomorrow is goes to free"
- Kasami Hiiragi at SD: SC opening (only GC)
"Last Stand of the Last Empire that is true story of ....... ?"
- Kasami Hiiragi at SD: SC opening (only LSGC)
"They can found the key for see it"
- Kasami Hiiragi at SD: SC ending (from GC chapter)
Special Case 2 series
Director: Jason GamataraProducer: Universal Arts Writer: Kasami Mikiyoru Running time: 12/20/2011 - 7/1/2012 Language: English, Japanese as background Timeline: 88,000,000 - 87,999,935 BDG Era: Pre-Actactan Era Kagami Era Government: Interstellar Federation of Galactic Alliance Main Protagonist: Kagami Hiiragi Jr. Main Antagonist: Emperor Actactan XI Main Enemy: Actactan Empire Followed by: SD: Memory of Kagami Plot: Kagami series |
The Special Case 2 is lot of talking like in Lucky Star as since GC series but they talking about most of nothing and joking before the mission.
Primary series
- John Gamatara (during act against Jason Gamatara in 2010)
Main Plot of Star Democratic series, the Primary series are major story event since 88,000,000 BDG until 88,000,060 ADG were most event are primary story of all Star Democratic event, but not show as event of Kagami series, however, since after Lando's Most Revenge, all Star Democratic series that have all event in these series are 'Never happen' in the Star Democratic series.
Kagami Series
- Blanc/Kagami Hiiragi Jr. to all Star Democratic Kagami series ending

The World of Star Democratic or known as...
Voldemort's Disco
Harry's Disco
Harry's Disco is part of Disco Federation guard by Harry Potter and his capital is Harry's Disco same name.
Colorer's Disco
Bartender's Bar Club
ASS Blanc
- Kasami Hiiragi (Memory of Kagami Rebirth)
Construction of ASS Blanc was began after Great Universe War with victory of Interstellar Federation left with many planet in ruin by Lucas's Alliance with death of Kagami Hiiragi and rise of Lowee Empire lead by Lady Kasami, ASS Blanc along with ASS Plutia was build in orbit of Chiyuki at wreck of Yoshimizu Starbase 001.
ASS Blanc is also saw during battle of Gamindustri against CPU were Kasami have prepare to using Shinmegami Cannon to lock-on at Lowee to show the Stargate that connect to Chiyuki which was underground at Hiiragi house.
M-15 Rifle
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Heckler & Kock M-15
Characteristics of the gun
Type: Battle Rifle
Type Energy: MAFE
Length: 750 mm
Weight: 2.1 kg
Shots before Overheat: 81 (M-15-C)
69 (M-15-K and M-15-V)
64.4 (M-15-T)
Size: Medium
Velocity: 1,227 m/s
Place of origin: Chiyuki
Barrel length: 300mm
Cartridge: Unknown MAFE
Sights: Iron Sight
Cost: $ 10,000 (?)
Working of M-15
Range: 300 meter
Recoil: Low
Accuracy: High
Weakness: None
Special: None
Rate of fire: 600 round/min (Season 1 only)
Action: Short-stroke piston, rotating bolt
Designed: 299,999 ADG
Produced: 300,002 ADG - present
Number built: ~7,000
Variants: M-15-C, M-15-K, M-15-T, M-15-V
In service: 300,007 ADG/B - present
Manufacturer: SCR
Used by person: Blanc
Kaidan Alenko
Lando's Main Club (Jarson Dimension)
Lando's Main Club
Class: Fertile area (M class)
Type: Planet
Satellites: Lando's Luna
Capital: Lando's Great City
Native Species: Human
Location: Hevengeance System
Beta Quadrant
Affiliation: Star Republic
Universal Federation of Alliance
Disco Federation
Lando Davien's Galactic Empire
Lando's Main Club is Capital planet of Disco Lando's Galactic Empire under system of Disco Federation, nickname called as Heaven of Greatilism, guard by Lando Davien the Great.
Nickname called Heaven of Greatilism were have many people as Greatilism. Lando's Main Club is Capital Planet of the Disco Lando's Galactic Empire and part of the Disco Federation's capital planet guard by Disco Lando the Great, the Lando's Main Club is most important planet that increase the military production.
- First seen of City of Lando's Main Club were have a wall to protect around the city, most likely based from Klingon Qo'noS on Star Trek.

"The Scification is the Dimension for Science Fiction so Star Democratic has control it, since most of Sci-fi world has think that own galaxy is bigger."
- Blanc (SD: Lady White Heart)

"Hyperdimension, is the unreal world of many fictional universe that make by creator so I'm not one of them, as real life are not one of them, but by me, this is secret of many to find out, there is many dimension, first dimension is, the Scification, the world of science fiction has rule by, White Heart in the Star Democratic, the Animiratries, the world of anime has rule by Goddess Sakura Kinomoto, but she is died for long, the......"
- Induction of Lady White Heart
Hyperdimension is location of Star Democratic (Blanc version), Star Wars (Legend version) and most of universe are there.
Neptune class Battleship
"Neptune Battleship ready"
- An Captain of Neptune class
Neptune class Battleship
Production information
Manufacturer: Hyperion Shipyard
Product line: Battleship
Model: Neptune-class
Class: Battleship
Cost: $ 14,000,000,000,000
Technical specifications
Length: 1,500 meter
Maximum speed: 840.0 km/h
Engine unit(s): SK-2 pulsar engine (2)
SK-5 pulsar core engine (1)
Hyperdrive rating: class 11.0
Power plant: PKS-1a Fusion rector
Shielding: Hyperion GHS-1 Alliance rector (1)
Sensor systems: LSG-15 Multion contactor
Targeting systems: KMS-4 targeting system guide
Armament: 500mm Fusion Cannon (6)
250mm Twin Kinetic Cannon (4) (ASS Neptune only)
Complement: None
Crew: Officer (7,500)
Cargo capacity: 3,500,000 metric tons
Consumables: 25 year
Communication systems: Universal Starnet transceiver
Role(s): Battleship
Command Ship
Heavy Transport Ship
Year introduced: 7 ADG (First Appeared)
Affiliation: Interstellar Federation of Galactic Alliance
Luka class Supercarrier
"Supercarrier, reporting and ready for duty sir"
- an Captain of Luka class
Luka class Supercarrier
Production information
Manufacturer: Hyperion Shipyard
Product line: Supercarrier
Model: Luka class Carrier
Class: Carrier
Cost: $ 6,300,000,000,000
Technical specifications
Length: 2,250 meter
Maximum speed: 470.5 km/h
Engine unit(s): SK-2 pulsar engine (4)
Hyperdrive rating: class 8.5
Power plant: PKS-1a Fusion rector
Shielding: Hyperion GHS-1 Alliance rector (2) (both side)
Sensor systems: LSG-15 Multion contactor
Targeting systems: KMS-4 targeting system guide
Armament: 500mm Fusion Burst Cannon (1) (front only)
100mm Twin Kinetic Cannon (6)
120mm Kinetic Cannon (12)
Complement: SX-3 Fighter (60)
UT-47 Dropship (24)
Crew: 7,500
Cargo capacity: 4,000,000 metric tons
Consumables: 35 year
Communication systems: Universal Starnet transceiver
Role(s): Carrier
Military transport
Year introduced: 0 ADG
Affiliation: Interstellar Federation of Galactic Alliance
In the war, single Luka-class can overwhelm enemies ship which Fighter are best threat, especially Capital Ship such as Star Wars's Imperial class's weapon system can't taking down SX-3 fighter to due it faster with UT-47 Dropship-Bomber, as hard to hit and advanced shielding of these fighter are immune to these Star Wars laser weapon, large number of Luka is nightmare for the enemy of Star Wars were these ship can't handle these incoming fighter not even Executor can't stand with these fighter unless destroyed these carrier, if the carrier is destroyed will make most of Lowee ship no way to defense against these enemy fighter to due this ship is onle have Fighter station were using for attack the ship or enemies fighter, pierce shield like BC-304 or Anti-Fighter ship such as Corvette or Patrol Boat can take these fighter down. (Lady White Heart)
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