Chiyuki (Blanc Dimension)


"Chiyuki, a human homeworld and all of federation capital planet, as well as the last gate of our defense"
- Blanc as explain this planet (Lady White Heart)

(千幸 Chiyuki)
Astrographical information
Region: Alpha Quadrant
Sector: Chiyukitalian Empire Sector
System: Taiyo System
Suns: Taito
Orbital position: 3
Moons: Luna
Grid coordinates: C-3
XYZ coordinates: 1.49 5.13 0.00
Trade routes: Tomoya route
Distance from Core: 470,000 light years
Rotation period: 24 hour
Orbital period: 365 - 366 day
Physical information
Class: M class Planet
Diameter: 6371.0 km
Gravity: 30,000,000 km
Primary terrain: Ecumenopolis
Surface water: Ocean
Points of interest: Site of Ancient Chiyukitalian Civilization
                             Lowee Imperial Parliament
                             Yoshimizu Station 001 (Destroyed)
                             Celesita (Myth)
                             various real life location
Native fauna: various
Societal information
Native species: Asgaran
Immigrated species: Gamindustrian
Primary language: Amulet
Government: Imperial Chiyukitalian Empire
Population: 4.5 billion
Denonym: Chiyukitalian
Major cities: Tokyo
Affiliation: Interstellar Federation
Chiyuki (千幸 Chiyuki?) in Japanese, Chiioyeunkaio in Chiyukitalian Language, Tomoyo in Tomoyatalian language, original known as Asganda by Asgaran was Homeworld of Asgaran and Bauda and later is settle by Gamindustrian settler from Gamindustri which later have become as Homeworld of Chiyukitalian and Tomoyatalian species that original came from Gamindustri. Chiyuki was the third planet of the Taiyo system and the Interstellar Federation's capital planet, Chiyuki is the Big sister planet to Tomoya.

Astronomical data
Little to known about the name on this planet, as this name was Chiyuki called by Species 20-3, by human called as Earth, as in SC: LSGC has called as Chiyuki than Earth and become as standard name of earth.

- Sol Sector (sector 1)
  - Sol System
- Alpha Quadrant
- 1.49, 5.13, 0.00 Universal system
- Chiyuki System Alliance
- Chikyū and Chiyuki on Japanese Language

Chiyuki was location between Alpha and close to Beta Quadrant at 90 light year, was site of sol system and very close to planet Alpha V at 74 light year and Tomoya at 270 light year.

Earth Map
Association of Asian Nation (Japan)
  - State of Japan
  - Federal Republic of China
  - Korean Federation
  - United Kingdom of Thailand
  - Federal Republic of India
  - Federal Republic of Indonesia
  - Malaysia
  - Republic of Singapore
- Oceanic Treaty Organization (Australia)
  - Commonwealth of Australia
  - New Zealand
- United European Alliance (England)
  - Russia Federation
- Islamic States Union (Iran)
- African Union (South Africa)
- United Federation (United States of America)
- Central American Zone (Cuba)
- South American Federation (Venezuela)

Different from all planet
- Have more 200 countries in the world

- The Russian Federation don't have (capital country) since Russian Federation is same name of Russia and also Russia is part of United European Alliance.

(Star Democratic)
The Chiyuki was appeared as lava planet as the planet has been construction and filling, the date of planet was far to 997,800,000,017 BDG or around 11,338 BBY in Star Wars, the planet has become a green planet and with new living creature within, were Human species known as Animiratries was location in this homeworld before spread to another dimension in anime universe.

New born
The Animiratries are came to this planet first were use this planet as first homeworld as far from Celesita Dimension, as they has escape from ruthless of Actactan to this planet as new homeworld.

First visited from another Universe/Dimension
Since Animiratries has build their civilization before have space achievement and move to anime universe, a first alien visited from another dimension to Chiyuki was Star Wars were this galaxy is only this planet were rising the civilization and second Star Trek were one of Starfleet ship has fall into a black hole and navigation to found this planet were found most of Animiratries people has contract to that ship with 5 jet fighter before they left and back to Starfleet, to another universe like Babylon 5, Battlestar Galactica, Red Dwarf, Stargate, Farscape, Starship Trooper, Lexx, Alien and Doctor Who has visited this planet long ago such as an Police box float on Chiyuki's orbit were Animiratries has seeing rise of Star Democratic series.

Four Nation
Chiyuki in era of nation around 5,500,004,742 BDG or 62 BBY in Star Wars were only 4 nation has around the world are fight against another together, this is one of most event that came become a start space race in the Star Democratic, were four nation are in Asia, Europe, North America and Africa were most of them are different in they style and culture, as well as technology, the nation in Asia has dominated all 3 nation by start to combine as one unity has begin, and came to end as become the Federation of Chiyuki.

End of Chiyuki
As the Empire of Animiratries were came to end in 88,000,000 BDG as Actactan Empire has invade this planet to cause end of Chiyuki, however, as they has fight to defeated a minor fleet of Actactan, they has return to their dimension, the Animiratries were survive from this battle, few remain was left to new world in the Anime Universe and few remain was stay there such as this planet and another is Tomoya and new technology until this year were founding of Interstellar Federation of Galactic Alliance.

"At this point is into Blanc Dimension"

Today of Chiyuki
Before Lady White Heart, Chiyuki is similar to Earth which like in Star Trek series, since Lady White Heart, Chiyuki is become as Ecumenopolis were city are large and dominate a landmasses, but still have greenland as earth along with Tomoya.

(Touhou Galaxy Project)
Ancient Great Civilization
"O da, Asganda hamesha ke lie (Oh, Asganda Forever)"
- Unknown

Before arrival of Gamindustrian people, this planet were known as 'Asganda' there are two dominated species are 'Asgaran' and 'Bauda' who have exist around 580,000,000,000,000 B.G.C. have fight each other to rule this planet were have more advanced technology in that time until they was became extinction after the great destruction war and the planet have become as desert for long before become as more like Chiyuki today.

Arrival of Gamindustrian
Traveler from planet Gamindustri have arrive into this planet around 75,000,000,000 B.G.C. bypass with Stargate.

Today of Chiyuki
Since rise of the Federation, Chiyuki have become as Ecumenopolis were city are large and dominate a landmasses, but still have greenland as earth along with Tomoya.

- "Term name of 'Chiyuki" was first appeared in Lady White Heart was called from Legend character of Lucky Star, but the name was called since Original Memory of Kagami.
- First visited from another Universe/Dimension and Four Nation is a parody from Babylon 5 and Hyperdimension Neptunia.
  - Those alien that visited this planet are in old time Example: Star Wars before Invasion of Naboo, Star Trek is during Founding of UFP, Babylon 5 is during Earth-Minbari War, Battlestar Galactica is during their Cylon attack Main Capital of Colonial, Red Dwarf, Farscape and Lexx is unknown, Stargate is during 1994, Starship Trooper is during First Bug War, Alien is during Aliens or 2 and Doctor Who is during part of 1967.
   - This is make to look like Star Democratic were came slower than another sci-fi, which really is not, because Star Democratic Galaxy is far from those Sci-fi galaxies.
  - Some time as Four nation has parody alternate Blanc in her nation as well in that parody of Hyperdimension Neptunia, as well as Future project series of Blancitunia.

Behind the Scenes
Earth was primary planet that will become as capital of all galactic government since Universal Federation of Alliance until as Interstellar Federation of Galactic Alliance were Earth was major planet of the Federation were only planet that have remain of ruin of Species 20-3, another planet are wiped out, as Earth was original homeworld of human in Star Democratic art, but in SD: SC: GC, the Earth was homeworld of Species 20-3 and planet name called as Chiyuki.

Same as Earth?
In Blanc Dimension, entire Star Democratic universe and galaxy are move from Milky Way Galaxy to Touhou Galaxy, Chiyuki is not same as Earth but continent similar to Pangaea, level is similar as Earth.

Until Lady White Heart: Door of Ultradimension Neptunia were Earth in Jarson Dimension have rename as Chiyuki.

Name and History
As Chiyuki was japanese term (千幸) were called for planet of dream wish were many Species 20-3, after Species 20-3 wiped-out by Actactan, this planet will still to this name (as primary reality was called as Earth by Human race), this name was given called as Earth for new modern term that used same alien planet name or someelse like Capital Disco or Riji. The name is first appear in SD: Memory of Kagami and widely adopted to SD:HDN series, Blancitunia and Touhou Galaxy Project.

In Lady White Heart were reveal name that similar as one of four character of Lucky Star.

There are have only 3 theory about this planet are.
- 1: Chiyuki was Parallel planet to Gamindustri, accord to Touhou Galaxy Project, because they have similar landmass with alternate to earth were have several countries like real world.
- 2: Chiyuki was 'not' Homeworld of Chiyukitalian because they have arrive from Gamindustri through stargate, the original species in this planet is known as Asgaran and Bauda.
- 3: Earth was not mentioned or is Chiyuki because Chiyuki was planet that have not same as Earth appeared.

Homeworld of Species 20-3:
Little known about the homeworld of species 20-3 was Chiyuki were first appeared is SC: Lando's Most Revenge but was ban by John Gamatara from 2010 until May 2014 were this is most important of human race was from few survivors of species 20-3 were called during before war is begin.

Mystery of Invader in the Four Nation era:
There have unknown war that cause Four Nation has combine as Federation of Chiyuki, 7 Unknown ship possibly Starfleet ship's Galaxy class which not Star Wars is not appeared since the four nation year was 5,500,004,742 BDG or 62 BBY in Star Wars, attack the Chiyuki which the civilization is just non-space race which one of leader of four nation is dead to due that battle which outcome was Four nation victory and all enemies ship is destroyed.

Chiyuki was appeared to almost series of Star Democratic, but these are for first appeared.
- SD: SC: GC (First Appeared)

© 2011 Universal Arts, Star Democratic series, Kasami Mikiyoru's Star Democratic series, Chiyuki is part of copyrights of Universal Arts Studio, Los Angeles, California, United States