Current form is redirects here, for deceased character same name, please see Kagami Hiiragi Jr.
"New Main Character in same form, Blanc, also known as Kagami Hiiragi Jr., is cute girl and the Goddess who has empty memory and many unknown to her as she killed by Starfleet crew, as she possibly is new character from another dimension to new big threat for Star Democratic from old enemies, this character has give to new flag of the Star Democratic and she is might be a dangerous to someone in Star Democratic that one day will fall"
"New Main Character in same form, Blanc, also known as Kagami Hiiragi Jr., is cute girl and the Goddess who has empty memory and many unknown to her as she killed by Starfleet crew, as she possibly is new character from another dimension to new big threat for Star Democratic from old enemies, this character has give to new flag of the Star Democratic and she is might be a dangerous to someone in Star Democratic that one day will fall"
Another universe are called she, for Star Democratic and Star Trek is Lady White Heart, Stargate called as Cute girl or Stupid Mushroom Hat, Doctor Who and Red Dwarf is White, Babylon 5, Battlestar Galactica and Starship Trooper are called as White Heart, and Farscape called she as A-size girl because Farscape are no A-cupsize female in their Universe, only Star Wars is still called as original name.
List the Family Graph
see Hiiragi Family
Blanc was name used in french language called as 'White'., Most of Federation Senate called as Lady Blanc, Federation Armed Force and most of Starfleet Personal encounter called her as "Lady White Heart", If she is friend with another person, called her as "Blanc", as Jarson called her as "Mushroom Hat", true name is Kasami Hiiragi or Kagami Hiiragi Jr, Stargate called her as 'Cute girl'.
see Kagami Hiiragi Jr./Note
Early Life
see Kagami Hiiragi Jr.
After she falling, a Kaidan Alenko has arrive to save Kagami Hiiragi Jr. but she is disappear and turn into Blanc that he is shocking, but he save her from falling and return to Lucky Star, to know, she is not coming back, after 10 year of Star Democratic to 1 week of Lucky Star, after she awaking, Konata has say ya to Kagami (in fact she is not Kagami) that she is cosplay, as she think is my costume, and the hat is on Kaidan given to her as from she falling.
To know, she is lost memory during her life, as she not remember not even her name and her action in the past.
Blanc don't have age since after Great Universe Wars, but as in Red Dwarf battle, she is 18 year old as Kagami Hiiragi Jr.
Another Dimension
There are several blanc in another dimension not only Hyperdimension.
(Real) Blanc, Kagami Hiiragi Jr.
Format: Name, Full name, Note (Dimension)
- Blanc, Kagami Hiiragi Jr., Deceased Character, as she is Japanese costume, but she is dead before AFG's born (Jarson Dimension)
- Blanec, Kasami Hiiragi Jr. (Star Dictator Dimension)
- Blanc is Mature or Adult, but sometime she is still young girl, such as Konata and Jarson Gamatara, especially her costume as Autumn Leaves (Japanese Costume).
- By standard adult of Star Democratic must reach to 30 or higher are adult, as 18 to 30 are called as young adult, so Blanc is 18.
- Blanec and Kasami Hiiragi Jr. was name used from Ultradimension (Jarson Dimension).
- This character is make Star Democratic as extreme rights for women and anime characters. (since msot of female character never appeared to entire Star Democratic)
- Blanc's age has never old or died as she still have power, unlike those of Jarson Gamatara.
- Blanc don't know her true name, However.
- Rare name 'Blanec' to say in film that name is used in Kasami Mikiyoru as Blanc costume.
"Amazing! Kagami, you wear a cosplay, a big hat, white costume, but how you found it, my Miku cosplay can't beat you costume, I want you make me better"
- Konata Izumi
UniformHuman form:
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Season 3 only |
As Season 3, she wear Japanese shrine maiden (also known as Autumn Leaves costume or Japanese costume) attire and consists of a red dress with fold-skirt and a leafy pattern along the bottom which become as alternate her costume that she wear to any time, but she still keep original costume for wear some standard, as this costume has make her very cute and make she as mature.
List of Costume:
- White/Blue/Black/Brown (V1)
- Autumn Leaves (V2)
- Elementary school uniform*
* The costume is not Lucky Star school uniform
Goddess form:
Unlike human form, she has turn into from human costume to White armor.
As Season 3 is same as White armor but with red color within.
Appeared as Other Character
Blanc has appeared to another character, even as herself.
- Blanc (In Neptunia)
- Leia Organa (as in Episode 6 only as similar actor)
- Kagami Hiiragi (in Blanc version, but not twintail)
- Tsukasa Hiiragi (in Blanc version)
- As Blanc, she is very cute as new character that different from Original-form, but will become as most cute character is SD: HDN series season 3 as Japanese shrine costumes (Autumn Leaves).
- Blanc is character has big cap.
- Original-form is Cap like in Cardcaptor Sakura.
- In Chapter 2 of HDN season 1, After she awaking, Konata has happy her in cosplay, it was Blanc costume in Hyperdimension Neptunia.
- Some reason that Konata never meet Kagami after Great Universe Wars for 1.3 year.
- As Leia Organa version, Blanc has costume that look like Bikini that appeared as fight against Jabba the Hutt, which Ashley was used as Similar to Luke Skywallker.
- Most of weather won't effect to her costume which just how she is, Unlike Kagami Hiiragi Jr in Kagami version.
"See a cute girl in bathtub, Ashley"
- Kaidan Alenko to Ashley Williams (as Mock Ashley when Blanc is bathing) (SD: HDN Season 2)
As Blanc, almost Kagami's Habit has been lost and into new habit from Blanc herself such as she can angry, she like everything as she love, also she is fight for her series, people and well as Kaidan Alenko.
Unlike Kagami Hiiragi Jr. habit that similar to Kagami Hiiragi, this character also nature female habit that she can say, talk, response, angry or not even cries or dare to do everything that Kagami Jr. never do it.
She love everyone as friendly, she won't need the enemies, she love book and she love to adventure an undiscovered place to find the answer.
Like the Kagami Jr., she is also love any friend as she go with as well as she is love bathing in tub.
"There is no heaven or hell, there is only silence when I'm died."
- Blanc to Kaidan Alenko
She is scared to died or universe become as collapse, as well as she don't like Anubis from Stargate.Like
- Book
- Everyone as she hug
- Samantha Carter
- Anubis
- Death
- Blanc is big fan of Samantha Carter, who is SG-1 member as who is creator of most of Stargate military.
- Blanc is fear of dead and Anubis.
- The fact is unknown if she died, because the real life can't see how they died is shut down or go to somewhere, the death that Star Democratic believed is turn off the life.
- Like original, she is love to read book, write as well, and also she is book collector.
- Blanc is only character who can dare to beat breast size character, unlike original is only angry or shy.
- Though she never beat against beat breast size character, she using cute, fighting or bathing scene as why many breast size character are defeated.
- Blanc when angry is turn to red glow eye.
- In Advancedimension World of Blancitunia, when Katsumi Hiiragi's eye turn red glow eye, sometime is star rather circle which is if a person don't take her's quest will look like this, as angry is same regular Blanc.
Skill and Ability
Blanc, she is aptitude in right-hand, unlike original form is left-hand.
As Blanc, she might need to study how to be Goddess do in HDN before back to the Federation for 2 year as well as study another Goddess work and re-education.
Carry the Weapons:
Unlike Kagami, She carry only less 2 weapon are only Rifle and Pistol, also she carry melee weapon, but is Hammer variants, or she carry only Hammer to the battle without guns, but she still to carry pistol with Hammer or she can used Katana or one-handheld sword.
As Goddess form, she will carry with Axe/Maul to attack enemies and if she carry with weapon same as human form, but most of she choose to used PX-2 Pulsar Semi-Automatic Rifle to engage almost Starfleet personal.
- Rifle and Almost:
As Blanc version, she have aiming but still not aiming to sight like original is hip-fire, but the gun is close to her face (from waist to chest), but as pistol is two handed or she still used dual pistol and single pistol, some weapon such as Light Machine Gun, Sniper Rifle, RT-3D and XCS-9, she hold as hip-fire like Kagami.
Unlike Kagami that she is shoot automatic, she still shooting with burst fire or semi-automatic, she used automatic fire few time, she weapons choice is only Assault Rifle and Pistol, as this modern weapon time are Overheat system as these weapon are not allow to reload.
Blanc has shoot faster against Away Team that wear Redshirt, since she know from fan guy of Trekkies.
Sin of Kagami Hiiragi 2 (White Heart) is appeared of Blanc, as many member of ASS Blanc crew has sneak around to look she is bathing on her bathroom in the ASS Blanc (after she has undress her Autumn Leaves costume) as she has cute face as bathing that Kaidan Alenko is sneak around them that cause to Ashley Williams to angry and fight against Blanc that she still bathing, fact is many person love Kagami in this form (Blanc form).
- Unlike Kagami, Blanc is weakness (goddess) character in the Hyperdimension Neptunia as counterpart of Kagami-form, as well as fight against another Goddess in the Hyperdimension Neptunia and she can't beat against 4 Lucky Star (legend) main character like Kagami original, Tsukasa, Konata and Miyuki (not even she turn as Goddess form, most of White Heart action was defeated by Konata), However, she have high skill and modern weapon training as well as she armed with melee weapon, but is hammer that similar to Blanc or Axe/Pulsar Rifle as White Heart.
- In the Mako drive, she is driver that used Mako to around world of HDN that original Kagami never drive with them.
- If she is near knockdown, she will open fire all ship in the space to enemies ground at once. (only as White Heart form)
- As Season 3, she is very adult but still to young face, also she has armed only pistol and assault rifle.
- Blanc's habit, as she also crying as her disappointed or someone is death, this is also appeared to White Heart form, unlike Original Kagami Hiiragi and Kagami Hiiragi Jr that she won't (except died of Tsukasa).
- Unlike most of Anime Character, Blanc (and Kagami Hiiragi Jr. as after 0 ADG) is only person who is shooting will take cover first before attack like to most of Star Democratic character, unlike Kagami Hiiragi Jr. (except after 0 ADG) and most Anime character such as Kagami or Konata (except for Neptunia character such as Neptune) are don't.
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Cute girl can make Friend but sometime is make |
- Advanced Dalek
- Ashley Williams
- Asoft Gamatara
- Colorer Rebel
- Daniel Jackson
- David Gamatara
- Doctor
- 11th
- 12th (SD: LS: EVA - Gamatara City)
- Imperial Dalek
- Jack O'Neill
- Jacob Taylor
- James Vega
- Jarson Gamatara
- Jarson Trooper No. 1
- John Gamatara
- Kagami Hiiragi (Death)
- Kaidan Alenko
- Konata Izumi
- Mark Soap
- Maximilian bur Bergthin
- Miyuki Takara
- Neptune
- Prmovel Lusac
- River Song
- Sakura Kinomoto
- Samantha Carter
- Steven Caldwell
- Tsukasa Hiiragi (Death)
Away Team and all Starfleet personal has target her as target that will be killed, if she died is mean Victory of United Federation of Planet, also will stop power of Star Democratic Fleet is Federation Defense Fleet and allow Away Team crew easy to beat against Federation Defense Force.
"Ashley! Your Chests Won't Beat my chest!"
- Blanc (as White Heart form) against Ashley Williams
Format: name, question
- Alexander Marcus, His power of Starfleet against Her power of the Galactic Empire
- Apophis, as in Season 4 that he was gay.
- Ashley Williams, Her chest against Blanc's chest
- Jarson Gamatara, Rival of old form, Kagami Hiiragi Jr.
- Most of famous Starfleet personal are Benjamin Sisko, James T. Kirk, Kathryn Janeway, Khan Noonien Singh, Seven of Nine, William T. Riker
Human form:
Device and Superweapon
- JT R4 Superplasma
- SCR Target Lock
- Beam Sword
- Hammer
- CPU Crusher (?)
- Katana
- Hiiragira
- Stuff
- Jaffa Stuff (?)
- Sister's Stuff
- HK M3
- HK M6
- Pistol Model Blanc Revolver
- Pistol Model Blanc PX-1 Pulsar Revolver
- HK USP. 74
- Assault:
- Beretta ARX-160
- HK G36C
- HK M8
- HK M15
- JT RT-3D
- SCR Type-17/1
- Semi-Automatic:
- Tomoyatalian DC-2a Magic Crossbow (HDN: Tomo X only)
- Sniper:
- HK M92
- HK M97
- Special:
- SCR PX-1 Pulsar 'Particle Rifle'
- SCR PX-2 Pulsar 'Advanced Rifle' (primary rifle)
- SCR PX-3 Pulsar 'Gunblade'
- SCR Type-4/2
- Whip (given to Kaidan Alenko for Duck hunt)
Goddess Form:
- Axe/Maul
- Hiiragira XJM
- Special
- SCR PX-1 Pulsar 'Particle Rifle'
- SCR PX-2 Pulsar 'Advanced Rifle' (primary rifle)
- SCR PX-3 Pulsar 'Gunblade'
- Disappear
- Here we go!
- I... END..... YOU!
- Target Lock!
- Third break!
- There!
- YOU better STOP!
- You are no match for me.
- The Interstellar Federation has stand for long time before I come to change everything as well as the story is mark for me and it will followed.
- Kagami!, I'm Blanc.
- Jarson Gamatara, you mind is mine from now.
- Must meet me!
- Thank you for watching, see you again.
- Can you stand this.
- I'm Blanc, that I can say.
- I go to show you, the power of the Lowee CPU.
- Apophis is the GAY!
- Someone need to teach that gay how to be a man.
- I can't lose.
- To lose, for something like this.
- I sorry......
- I never though, this will get me.
- No more!
Behind the Scene
"Even me is flat-chest girl, but I have power and knowledge to teach higher or breast size girl that I did, so I win this game"
- Blanc
In Memory of Kagami was parody her as Goddess of Knowledge and Dares.
Main archive: Kagami Hiiragi Jr.
It was not idea that Blanc from Hyperdimension Neptunia, as just only support character as well as used Kagami Hiiragi Jr. as original form to continue the story, however, Kasami Mikiyoru has called to be it was new 'Idea' that sometime that will end of Kagami Hiiragi version, as lead Blanc from Hyperdimension Neptunia as new character that fight for Star Democratic series that will better and Scification, keep Kagami Hiiragi Jr. by replaced her into as Blanc, by not to kill Kagami Hiiragi Jr. like Jason Gamatara's Idea that New arrive, old will died in SD: SC: RH 2, by used extreme Idea is next form, and save from drying from against away team that shooting her, and lead Kagami into Blanc.
From HDN Guide, Kagami Hiiragi Jr. become as Goddess that used Blanc from Hyperdimension Neptunia, as well as Ashley Williams that will appeared to be race against Blanc as well, but as her body as after she dead is look like someone is Goddess that she guard the land with snow mountain and full of magic, also she have hat like mushroom.
Early HDN series, Kagami will appeared same as her original form well, but Kasami has Idea just only funny talk the she become as Blanc, but it become part of this series, as well as also it will death of original Kagami Hiiragi form forever.
Early test, Kasami has plan to create as two Blanc as in Red Dwarf (is Kagami) and one is original, but Kasami has cut to same as one in HDN than used as twin, much like Jason did.
Blanc is only character if she death is mean end of Star Democratic franchise, as she is the final key for everyone as well as Kasami has mark to new her own universe such as Interstar Warfare, High nooN Independent, The TRAP Independent and Creature of Legend.
In the HDN series, Kasami has new given name for Kagami, she was called as Blanc (ブラン Buran) in her rank before Kagami has been transform.
This character has used same as from Kagami Hiiragi Jr. is far back to SD: LS series were Survivors of Lucky Star has escape from Jarson's Armed Force (Chapter 2) were corpse of Blanc armed with Unknown weapon (possible same weapon that Kagami Hiiragi Jr. used is Type-4/2) was near back scene were Lucky Star team go down the lift to recover a bridge.
The Idea was very nature were need new character without leave old one, were have the Idea from Doctor Who's character were change from old to young were similar to pop-culture, Star Democratic has need this character into new series but safe for Memory of Kagami, Kasami Mikiyoru has Blanc's costume since she have this Idea to new character.
Blanc will appeared in LS 2 inside as Kagami Hiiragi Jr.
Kagami series
- SD: HDN (First Appeared)
Blancitunia universe
- Advanced Generation in the World of Blanc Universe Project
- Blanc Nation
- This character based from Blanc from Hyperdimension Neptunia.
- This is character can destroyed entire Universe were she is powerful than entire character in Star Democratic such as Sakura Kinomoto and Jarson Gamatara were she can repel Star Trek at end of season 3.
- If Kagami has change to another body, all habit are added, and Kagami's habit are removed.
- After regeneration, some character like Original Kagami and Tsukasa will say Stranger Girl and Star Democratic's member card are show false picture as original body if she meet.
- In HDN series, Kagami Hiiragi Jr. name are said later she was change to another body.
- Blanc don't feature with surname.
- Blanc love cap as Goddess.
- Kagami's Original form also have cap like in Cardcaptor Sakura.
- Most likely who say this character was called as Lady White Heart.
- Only character who can say as Blanc is only Neptunia character such as Neptune, to her close friend are Ashley Williams, Colorer Rebel and Kaidan Alenko.
- While Alenko has save her from falling, some event that Alenko has catch her chest as after chapter 14.
- Unlike original Blanc or Kagami form, she can cry if she is go to died.
- Kaidan don't know is Kagami as Blanc, but he remember Blanc as Blanc not Kagami.
- Ashley don't know Blanc is the Goddess which she beat her like a fighting.
- If Blanc has Autumn Leaves costume will look she young than another character in the Star Democratic, as well as she will cute to Kaidan or you or Ashley will angry, if she killed or died is make someone cry or Star Democratic will end.
- In Blanc Nation and Advanced Generation in the World of Blanc Universe Project are have many Blanc character are act as support character, people or even main character.
If Kagami has been change to another body, don't say Kagami, say as 'Blanc'.