Starfleet Ground Army


"If you need to kill Lady White Heart and bring her head to me, don't wear Redshirt"
- Alexander Marcus (Lady White Heart)

The Starfleet Ground Army or former name before introduced military ground vehicle or vehicle is appeared as Away Team was a team of specialized starship or starbase crewmembers assembled to perform missions on planet surfaces and other starships.

These missions, deemed away missions, might include exploration, first contact, diplomacy, scientific research, or even combat. These missions are typically launched using a ship's transporter to send the crew to their destination, or by shuttlecraft, when use of the transporter was impossible or undesirable.

Away team are most rival and most brutal enemy of Federation Defense Force were many army are broke down by minimal crew that they did, Example: event battle in K-11 in Memory of Kagami were Army of Federation were defeat by destroyed all federation vehicles to track enemies alliance army to defeat the Fed army during Great Universe Wars. (SD: Memory of Kagami)

In SD: HDN, away team are also known as Ground Force of Starfleet called by Goddess (Blanc) were used by United Federation of Planet's Starfleet were they are used to invasion HDN by attack center of city landmasses and attack against Goddess of thier city, even they used attack against Federation Defense Force that guard the landmasses and also engage herself.

Many term has reference Away Team as Stararmies by Star Democratic. (SD: HDN)

Away team are group of exploration, first contact, combat, or everything as they job, According from HDN Guide, Away team are called as Task ground force of Starfleet were many crew are armed with type-2 phaser pistol (with type-3 phaser rifle in 24th century).

General, Away Team are no match against Federation Defense Force in type of war combat like standard military attack of world war 2 or confront against Dolphin class Gunship (as faster flying) that escort on land battle because they are just crew and they are no ground vehicle and tactical combat, However, they force can beat against entire Fed Army by used smart tactic against them, as them before of Lady White Heart series or toward in HDN season 4.

Single Away Team can beat against Entire Federation Armed Force as how they is strong.

Away team's special force is Military Assault Command Operations or MACO and Section 31.


Away team are armed with phaser rifle and phaser pistol, special team are armed with phaser cannon, photon launcher, proton rifle, quantum launcher, phaser sniper rifle, to rapid-phaser assault rifle that used by Khan. Away team have few military vehicles are shuttle to engage enemies land force which most of it has take down artillery first to support crew in ground, but they don't have ground attack vehicles before Season 4 has release.

Firearms are manufacturer by Starfleet Defense Arms and Combat, According from SD: HDN Guide.

Format: Model, Type, Caliber, Include year, Manufacturer, Notes
Infantry weapons
- Type 1, Mini-Pistol, Phaser23rd century, Starfleet Defense Arms and Combat (SDAC)
- Type 2, Pistol, Phaser, 23rd century, Starfleet Defense Arms and Combat (SDAC)

- DRAC-1, Particle Rifle, Plasma, 22nd century, MACO, Used by MACO only
- Type 3, Semi-Automatic Rifle, 23rd century, Starfleet Defense Arms and Combat (SDAC)
  - Compression phaser rifle, Semi-Automatic Rifle, Phaser, 23rd centuryStarfleet Defense Arms and Combat (SDAC) *
  - ECPR, Automatic Rifle, Phaser, 24th century, Starfleet Defense Arms and Combat (SDAC)
  - EVA-Type, Semi-Automatic Rifle, Phaser, 24th century, Starfleet Defense Arms and Combat (SDAC)
- SVV-1, Automatic Rifle, Proton-Plasma, Unknown, Terran Empire

* The rifle that appeared in Into Darkness rather Voyager series.

Assault Rifle:
- SEC-1, Assault Rifle, Phaser, 23rd century, Section 31, Used by Khan only

Sniper Rifle:
- Type-3 Sniper Type, Sniper Rifle, Phaser, 24th century, Starfleet Defense Arms and Combat (SDAC)

- Field Assault Weapon, Pump Shotgun, Phaser24th century, Starfleet Defense Arms and Combat (SDAC)

Grenade launcher:
- T1-E, Grenade Launcher, Photon, 24th century, Starfleet Defense Arms and Combat (SDAC)

- Photon Burst, Rocket Launcher, Photon, 24th century, Starfleet Defense Arms and Combat (SDAC)
- Quantum Burst, Rocket Launcher, Quantum24th century, Starfleet Defense Arms and Combat (SDAC)
  - Advanced Quantum Burst, Rocket Launcher, Quantum, 23th century, Section 31, Used by Marcus only

Format: Model, Type, Manufacturer, Notes
In Lady White Heart (7 ADG)
- Class 20, Phaser Array Tank, Cisco Tech
- Class 24, Photon Artillery, Cisco Tech
- Class 33, Phaser Cannon Tank, Cisco Tech

In HDN Season 4 (3,0007 ADG)
- Type 7 anti-infantry, Light vehicle, Unknown
- Type 13, Main Battle Tank, Unknown
- Type 14, Hovertank, Unknown
- Type 16, Heavy Cannon Tank, Unknown


- Class 2 shuttle, Shuttle, Unknown
- Type 11 shuttlecraft, Shuttle, Unknown
- Jumpship, Fighter, Unknown

Small group are used to track against entire Federation Defense Force by install target control of Torpedo that shoot from Starship to destroyed entire Federation Defense Force, but equipment is unknown. (SD: Memory of Kagami)

Behind the Scene
Away Team are crewmembers assembled to perform missions on planet surfaces, to Star Democratic called, it was infamous because Star Trek never feature with ground army or land vehicle such as Assault Tank or Artillery as it was era of explorer when explorer against soldier, it will create a false data or Star Democratic never add Starfleet vehicle for HDN series before Season 4 because lack of source, if counterpart Federation Defense Force, Away Team were no match against FDF such as invasion, defense and assault the planet, were Away Team are small crew to defense almost entire base or attack against Federation Defense Force, most of crew can't take Blanc down when she transform as White Heart.

Some theory, Away Team still beat against Federation Defense Force by how their base is strong against entire Federation Defense Force or sneak attack and avoid almost Federation Artillery and Federation Gunship encounter and take down by stealth, were most of Fed Gunship were firing missile before machine gun with it.

The Starfleet ground vehicle was introduced in Lady White Heart and redesign toward in SD: HDN Season 4: The Revenge from Apophis (which no the vehicle in HDN season 1 to 3) or 5 year later after Hyperdimension Wars with Victory of Star Democratic, which disappointment from many Trekkies fan to bring new ground vehicle for Starfleet in that year for known the crew were never win against entire Federation army, the vehicle are also do damage to federation armor, Kasami said, because Star Trek no feature with war as planet attack, spaceship is not option for invasion planet, but they need the army of land force, Kasami has added as in Season after their universe has been dominated by Lady White Heart's Galactic Empire as teach to do in threat that possible to invasion or defense.

- In the Lady White Heart has first time in Star Trek has see Starfleet Trooper wear armor, but entire armor is red, which the name was trooper.
- Most of Away Team crew were wear with Redshirt (such as pistol rank) were killed by Federation Armed Force, especially confront against Kagami Hiiragi Jr. or Blanc. (SD: HDN)

- According in Deveploment film in Lady White Heart, Most of Starfleet Land Vehicle design similar to Class 2 Shuttle and Type-11 Shuttle.