Special Case 2 series


"Every story are Greatilism, but tomorrow is goes to free"
- Kasami Hiiragi at SD: SC opening (only GC)
"Last Stand of the Last Empire that is true story of ....... ?"
- Kasami Hiiragi at SD: SC opening (only LSGC)
"They can found the key for see it"
- Kasami Hiiragi at SD: SC ending (from GC chapter)

Special Case 2 series
Director: Jason Gamatara
Producer: Universal Arts
Writer: Kasami Mikiyoru
Running time: 12/20/2011 - 7/1/2012
Language: English, Japanese as background
Timeline: 88,000,000 - 87,999,935 BDG
Era: Pre-Actactan Era
       Kagami Era
Government: Interstellar Federation of Galactic Alliance
Main Protagonist: Kagami Hiiragi Jr.
Main Antagonist: Emperor Actactan XI
Main Enemy: Actactan Empire
Followed by: SD: Memory of Kagami
Plot: Kagami series
After Lando's Most Revenge, John Gamatara has abandoned major universe of Star Democratic, Kasami Mikiyoru has new plot to new Star Democratic Universe as series Special Case 2 or Shugo Chara 2. This series is not a sequel of Original Special Case, but rather as Reboot entire Star Democratic series were no original story of any SD story, but set in another Dimension known as Hyperdimension as setting in time before Actactan Invasion were Species 20-3 are still appeared, this series were is first appeared of Lucky Star.

The Special Case 2 is lot of talking like in Lucky Star as since GC series but they talking about most of nothing and joking before the mission.

Setting to 88,000,000 BDG were Alexander Munro Unique and The Chiyuki System Alliance has contract another species that came from another galaxy, the Actactan were came to destroyed everything.

Same as SC series that Jason has appeared but dead as Lando's Most Revenge.

List of Character
- Emperor. Actactan XI (only GC series)
- Director. George Lucas (only LSGC to kill Tsukasa)
- Captain. Lando Calrissian (only LSGC as Alternate Star Wars)

- Student. Kagami Hiiragi (New character) (Main)
- Student. Tsukasa Hiiragi (New character) (Second)
- Goddess. Blanc - White Heart 'Kagami Hiiragi Jr.' (New character) (Third)

Support Character
- AFG. Alexander Munro Unique
- Commander. Colorer Rebel
- Issac Clarke (Appeared as non Protagonist)
- Lieutenant. James Vega
- First Officer. Jarson Gamatara
- Captain. Jean Luc Picard
- Bartender. Johnson Bartender
- Fight Lieutenant. Mark Soap
- Lord. Lord Voldemort

List of Chapter
GC series
- SC: GC (2011)
- SC: LSGC (2012)

Behind the Scene
The Special Case 2 is most excellent in the SD series because is most of other universe has importing to Star Democratic Universe and found true story to used time travel to fix the time and Death of Tsukasa were is effect to next series: Memory of Kagami, and this series is first were not feature with previous series.

- This series is the first series of Star Democratic is not feature with previous event or any primary series.
- In GC, The story was first show about Tsukasa was separated to different classroom that look like AFG were to Beta Force because he work mistake. (SD: SC: AMU)
  - But she was go to other room is not Kagami's.
- From GC chapter has change more feature that Kagami Hiiragi Jr. as creator.

© 2010 Kasami Mikiyoru, Star Democratic: Special Case 2 series.