Lando's Main Club (Jarson Dimension)


Lando's Main Club
Class: Fertile area (M class)
Type: Planet
Satellites: Lando's Luna
Capital: Lando's Great City
Native Species: Human
Location: Hevengeance System
               Beta Quadrant
Affiliation: Star Republic
                Universal Federation of Alliance
                Disco Federation
                  Lando Davien's Galactic Empire

Lando's Main Club is Capital planet of Disco Lando's Galactic Empire under system of Disco Federation, nickname called as Heaven of Greatilism, guard by Lando Davien the Great.

Nickname called Heaven of Greatilism were have many people as Greatilism. Lando's Main Club is Capital Planet of the Disco Lando's Galactic Empire and part of the Disco Federation's capital planet guard by Disco Lando the Great, the Lando's Main Club is most important planet that increase the military production.

- First seen of City of Lando's Main Club were have a wall to protect around the city, most likely based from Klingon Qo'noS on Star Trek.