Luka class Supercarrier

"Supercarrier, reporting and ready for duty sir"
- an Captain of Luka class

Luka class Supercarrier
Production information
Manufacturer: Hyperion Shipyard
Product line: Supercarrier
Model: Luka class Carrier
Class: Carrier
Cost: $ 6,300,000,000,000
Technical specifications
Length: 2,250 meter
Maximum speed: 470.5 km/h
Engine unit(s): SK-2 pulsar engine (4)
Hyperdrive rating: class 8.5
Power plant: PKS-1a Fusion rector
Shielding: Hyperion GHS-1 Alliance rector (2) (both side)
Sensor systems: LSG-15 Multion contactor
Targeting systems: KMS-4 targeting system guide
Armament: 500mm Fusion Burst Cannon (1) (front only)
                  100mm Twin Kinetic Cannon (6)
                  120mm Kinetic Cannon (12)
Complement: SX-3 Fighter (60)
                     UT-47 Dropship (24)
Crew: 7,500
Cargo capacity: 4,000,000 metric tons
Consumables: 35 year
Communication systems: Universal Starnet transceiver
Role(s): Carrier
             Military transport
Year introduced: 0 ADG
The Alliance has plan to design new Supercarrier that replaced old design as seaborne model, Luka class Supercarrier is Federation Defense Fleet new Supercarrier that design to be modern starship were used successful Alliance class Dreadnought as model by role of attack fighter ship were most powerful starship design to deal against long range enemies, and also one of weakness ship in the FDF because it was to be a target by enemies ship before engage to another ship or not same role which is only ship that carries a fighter, as well as this ship can't be a attack cruiser or engage another ship without fighters, this class has armament with anti-fighter cannon.

In the war, single Luka-class can overwhelm enemies ship which Fighter are best threat, especially Capital Ship such as Star Wars's Imperial class's weapon system can't taking down SX-3 fighter to due it faster with UT-47 Dropship-Bomber, as hard to hit and advanced shielding of these fighter are immune to these Star Wars laser weapon, large number of Luka is nightmare for the enemy of Star Wars were these ship can't handle these incoming fighter not even Executor can't stand with these fighter unless destroyed these carrier, if the carrier is destroyed will make most of Lowee ship no way to defense against these enemy fighter to due this ship is onle have Fighter station were using for attack the ship or enemies fighter, pierce shield like BC-304 or Anti-Fighter ship such as Corvette or Patrol Boat can take these fighter down. (Lady White Heart)

Luka class Supercarrier is starship are capacity with fighters and they are Advanced Alliance class Dreadnought as role of carrier were service in the Federation Defense Fleet.

Design and development
Based on Alliance class as CCSS Universal model but small than Universal as 2,250 meter from original is 4,250 meter were used to new capital ship and support role but major role are not design to combat against enemies ship (not even small ship like corvette), by used fighter as armament than ship's defense or combat ship.

Early years
First Luka class were introduced is CCSS Luka were commissioned near end of Great Universe War were see in final chapter of Memory of Kagami were command by Lady White Heart serve as Flagship of Lowee Imperial Navy which this ship and 7 Dreadnought arrive at Pururut project and as well as part of last survivor ship in Federation Defense Fleet, ASS Katsura and CCSS Mikijuka is most largest ship design and very long range attack ship in the Scification universe make, by most of Luka class are design to deal against Star Trek ship, first appeared in Memory of Kagami as blueprint, which appeared as function and operation as in Lady White Heart.

Known Luka class
- ASS Katsura
- CCSS Argentina
- CCSS Australia
- CCSS Biggerton
- CCSS Canada
- CCSS Carrier
- CCSS China
- CCSS Davidition
- CCSS Hiimika
- CCSS Italy
- CCSS Jade
- CCSS Japan
- CCSS Kuju Tami
- CCSS Kukimi
- CCSS Luka
- CCSS Mikijuka
- CCSS Nimitz
- CCSS Pamovel
- CCSS Pluto
- CCSS Russia
- CCSS Seoul
- CCSS Thailand
- CCSS Titan
- CCSS Typhoon
- CCSS Unrali

Technical data
Tactical systems
The Luka class has capacity with lot of fighters to engage a large ship such as Capital ship or Space Station, some ship such as Anti-Air Corvette is BC-304 class or faster ship such as Defiant class are immune from these attack, the Luka-class is not a Battleship not like most standard sci-fi starship class this ship will have a escort for protection for launch their airstrike.

Kagami series:
- Lady White Heart
- SD: Memory of Kagami (First Appeared, Post-War only)

In Scene:
- In Teaser Trailer of Lady White Heart series has show single Thifoire class Corvette attack 2 Luka Supercarrier (Lady White Heart's flagship is one of them) after destroyed one carrier, that they are prepare to launch fighter against enemies fleet.
- Three Supercarrier (Lady White Heart's flagship is one of them) were arrive with 18 Dreadnought at Invasion of Star Wars.

- Luka class were might be the first target ship that it will destroyed first before attack another ship, that only class that carry a fighter because most of Federation class are not carry any fighter within, unlike most of standard sci-fi starship are have carry these fighter.
- Luka class were based from Stargate's Drone weapon were use fighter as overwhelmed the fleet.
  - However, the fighter were not small as drone or missile and those fighter are man-controller.
- Luka class is the Supercarrier were most scification has referred as Battleship though Luka class were not powerful to takedown those starship such as Cruiser or Destroyer class without Fighter attack.
- Like to most of Star Democratic ship armament, the Luka class have main gun to target enemies ship as larger only.
- Luka class can be sink by Imperial class Star Destroyer (except hit by Luka's Main Gun).
- CCSS Mikijuka was the first Luka class Supercarrier were destroyed in Scification Wars.
- A Voice of Luka-class was female when Blanc is on Hanger, similar to most of federation ship, as Japanese version of Luka was look like around 16 - 18 year, but as English version was 30 - 36 year, which  hanger in another ship such as Imperial class Star Destroyer has a voice as male, or Galaxy class ship's hanger was female but most are similar to Kathryn Janeway, a character in Star Trek: Voyager. (SD: Lady White Heart)

Category: Federation Starship class