I will kill you if you say 'I'm from Buenos Aires' or your location that you came from after your city was destroyed
This achieve was Banned by Kasami Mikiyoru |
"Try to not do some idiot like Chicken or the Egg who born first!"
- Kasami Hiiragi (Memory of Kagami Rebirth)
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An Lowee Empire Propaganda about to report Karma people who have do a Slave of Need (TGP: Propaganda of Lowee Empire) |
The Slave of Need is familiar with Revenge as many people want to payback to someone that they did to them. However, unlike Revenge, Slave of Need is all about the greed, not a revenge.
Slave of Need didn't never appear in all Mikiyoru story and STAR DEM0CRATIC.
OriginAccoding to Ultmatomoyatalian Dinogi VS Hatsumi Tough Ladies (+ Gamatara must OOF). Slave of Need's original was came from "Slave of Love" concept that appear in Thai epic poem "Khun Chang Khun Phaen" which Slave of Love which appear with Khun Chang who attempt to get the love with Nang Wanthong from Khun Phaen by used many method to prevent Khun Phaen from getting love. This concept is basic what really Slave of Need is. They will do anything that they love to get it to their hand. A person need to win everything is teach them to highly and one of them can used to teach small country to superpower.
Anyone who do such as these action will referred as Nang Itcha (นางอิจฉา, a.k.a. Jealous). A person who will attempt to get anything to them. Formerly known as Gad.
According to Kasami Mikiyoru, the Slave of Need has 3 thing are Greater, Rapacious, and Needer are 3 main thing are cause of slave of need, if are no/missing one thing are not slave of need, especially is Rapacious, so 3 thing has spread to mini 3 thing are:
- Greater: Beater, Higher and Stronger are mean of higher thing than enemies
- Rapacious: Stealer, Owned, Dominated are mean of dominated to owned thing
- Needer: Collector, Havthinger, Finder are mean of find and need to owner.
- Rapacious: Stealer, Owned, Dominated are mean of dominated to owned thing
- Needer: Collector, Havthinger, Finder are mean of find and need to owner.
Joiney Rebel has collect more weapon that he was beat against enemies that he found, in fact, John Gamatara never said this is Slave of Need.
List of Nang Itcha and Victim
format: Who is Nang Itcha and Victim for finish of slave of need
- Babylon 5 = Target Lock Weapon
- Lando Davien = Ran
- Jarson Gamatara = Blanc
- Jarson's Armed Force = Head Target
- John Sheridan = That ..... (while dead only)
- Star Wars = Star Democratic
"I'm from Buenos Aires and I say kill 'em ALL"
- John 'David' Rico (Starship Troopers)
1: Revenge
Person who seek revenge on person who just their lover (although they was killed by an support character), there are high chance that they will revenge on them which they will not let them survive, making some support character became as Altertagonist (a.k.a. Alternate Antagonist) to kill them face to face, if someone killed these person before they could revenge, there are likely that who shoot will became a Altertagonist. They can go to dark side when killed a person with various weapon since Sword, Spear to those Firearm, and Firearm are great way can go to dark side due to their rate fire which making some firearm that have 250 RPM became 500,000 RPM when if someone want to revenge or even can deal a massive damage.
One of most infamous slave of need was John Rico have spelled his infamous word against Bug like 'I'm from Buenos Aires and I say kill 'em ALL' after his parent and city was destroyed a bug, making their angry army became perish upon invasion was begin due to their strain make them ineffective.
The Character such as who kill lover of main character will make to revenge were their character was get kill by Antagonist to those Support Character and Stunt (or one-scene character as just kill a person for support a story, etc) will not escape will the slave of need, the problem is to one-scene character that shoot to anyone that make the slave of need, even they are only one-plot or stunt guy will not survive and also make as Altertagonist (a.k.a. Alternate Antagonist) to kill face to face such as unnamed Stormtrooper kill one of main character that let slave of need person kill them quickly or face to face sometime.
In Original, Weapon such as Sword, Lightsaber and Force Power were only can cause people fell to the dark side, however, In Modern time, Firearm and many thing can cause people become to a dark side of the power as well and more often than those weapon, some word like 'I'm from X' or 'Buenos Aires' also became as cause to the dark side as well if people have say to revenge someone after his city get destroy because this method have been reveal that they will perish by enemy in later after they have been said such as John Rico have spelled his infamous word against Bug like 'I'm from Buenos Aires and I say kill 'em ALL' until the battle, he was injury by bug and whole angry army get perish.
In Star Wars have many appeared as well, but different is can fell into the dark side when as Star Democratic is become as Slave of Need such as Chewbacca shoot at Kylo Ren after he kill Han Solo although he is hold with Lightsaber that being block an energy weapon.
2: Find out
Another method can cause to become as Slave of Need is 'Find Out Method' such as Chicken and the Egg, Atlantis, Santa Claus, and any thing that they want to find and prove to be a real but those thing although these thing was a hoax or once is real and now became as legend although they are still believed is real and want to found out. This method is easily to found in young people because they will always trust and try to find what they are real or not, which will become as greed people as adult.
3: Greed
Greed is one of most common in Slave of Need method, such as collect all item into own or stolen someone that they don't have.
Slave of NeedAfter defeated a victim, the greater will show his finish to everyone to respect on his action. The terror of slave of need will not be died and they will appear again for need it and more victim will appear to teach as defeat or death is they action.
The Slave of Need is also trigger teach to adopted all Thai soap opera action and also hate all Japanese Anime and Drama.
Change sex
Normally. Slave of need was always as female instead of male character. Slave of Need are revenge and racing which corrupt their gender to gay or anything else if they are male. Infamous cause was Lando Davien in Multidimension have been official sex as gay due to he was affect by power of Slave of Need.
In the victim, has 2 thing for some character action are Loser and Revenge.
(I am Loser)
Is Standard of World War II while people was defeat will teach by under of Greater, Example: Empire of Japan and United State of America.
List of Loser:
- Colorer Rebel's WA-2 = Disco Lando
- Issac Clarke = All replaced character
- Jarson Gamatara = who hurt him
- Johnson Bartender = Vari vine was export from Lando's Kingdom for money to Lando only
(New Rival or Revenge)
Like Disco Lando, the new rival are new Nang Itcha or new slave of need to race them.
List of Rival:
format: Who is Nang Itcha and Think can finish, cause
- Jackson Marker = Kinetic Rifle (M94A2), Lose from war
- Michael Jackson = Makito Taka, He captured his friend to Universal police station
Behind the Scene
BackgroundAccording from Final of Original, Slave of Need was based from Thai television soap opera and beside of Starship Troopers.
While body or face (or non-object) are highly than who is low will only kill or teach them to die or they think, this is only to defeat a highly non-object.
The Slave of Need can found on his think while he see they are greater, he is rich example: Johnson Bartender or she is beautiful to make everyone love example: Elite Cheerleader.
Original was based from Unknown Thai series were Jason see it.
Needed & Never end theory:
As Example of Never end is: after the boss 1 kill boss 2, a crew of boss 2 has revenge and kill boss 1, a crew of boss 1 has kill crew of boss 2, a another crew of boss 2 has revenge and kill....., these action is far back as, far as lot of people's action are far to known.
Name 'Greatilism':
First appeared of this name has called from Greatilism that saw in Thai soap opera were character has beat them face to face were used to Plan of Disco Federation as Disco Lando has teach Johnson Bartender to sold all vari as Disco Lando money, but later that term was called from Starship Troopers as Rico hold a nuclear bomb which nuclear bomb can kill enemies at Great damage were Jason has used the 'Great' as name.
Final of Original Greatilism (A.k.a. Final Solution)
According from Final solution (10/14/2014) that Kasami Mikiyuki has the known answer of the Slave of Need that we known today it was came from Jason Gamatara has Idea of the Slave of Need from when he has travel to Thailand in 1997 as travel in Phuket and he was see an Thai television soap opera (serial?) that was the first Original of the Slave of Need, since as fight for legacy, beat and revenge, angry and all thing was not ending is cause that Slave of Need has came from Thai television soap opera, According from Jason Gamatara, as he has watch many Thai soap opera too much in 2002 and John Gamatara never hear them since before SD: SC: AMU II has release.
As Jason Gamatara has accept and sorry to all time as Director and Creator of Star Democratic that he creator almost series and become a Threat of the Star Democratic that the Slave of Need were never ending since 1997 until 2014, as they make the habit of great power and emotion, but John Gamatara has accept his action all time as Federation Tier 6 to SD: SC: Lando's Most Revenge, as well as Kasami Mikiyoru heard them is good movement, because most of Slave of Need are design to advanced and most of story faster, like War of Disco that Kinetic were first create during lose from war.
After this event, most of this action has been banned by Kasami Mikiyoru because this syndrome that cause Jason to banned almost Japanese content, as well as protect him from the these emotion and as well as Kasami has wear Blanc's cosplay (rather than known as work uniform) to Star Democratic every day for help and new answer to Jason.
Aftermath: Final Solution
After Final Solution, Kasami has become as Director with Creator, as well as wear Blanc's costume than her standard suit to due against anti-slave of need in Star Democratic's Original Idea, as well as she plan next Star Democratic by remove almost content that build by Slave of Need with banned almost (Bad) Thai soap opera and make new enemies such as Star Trek and Stargate as main enemies of Star Democratic as well as Stop being enemy of Star Wars Legend and Disney's Star Wars, with new drive for future plan which Star Democratic now become as Developed Universe which Slave of Need are threat that Star Democratic are still as Developing Universe, by reason of banned is.
"Because Thai soap operas present a melodramatic storyline featuring simple one-dimensional characterizations, design for feature a love story, graphic and violent sexual assault scenes in all series and the series is make for sale a advertisements, series and actors is same another story in soap opera, which never feature another story rather only feature in same plot but only replaced another character which don't have chance for newbie of story to make such as adventure, science fiction and no story without love story, story or location to look like different, as the actor is still same person, the Slave of Need can found every tv series, also they story is not a franchise and not long live story."
- Kasami Mikiyoru
- Kasami Mikiyoru
Thai people (especially those of Nang Itcha who (has) watch Thai soap opera) has called Kasami Mikiyoru as Nang Itcha Killer or full motto as White Heart kill Nang Itcha for Japan anime by defeat Thai soap opera for jealous against Mikiyoru who is banned Thai drama and blocked for new series of Star Democratic to Thailand (which banned only November 2014 to first day of 2015 which no Star Democratic series in that time (except for SD: LS 2 is limited only for Japan to due in Japanese language which English version is next year (2015) or Next series are only English version such as Lady White Heart and HDN was cancelled to due politic and democratic feature although they will release in next year as official)) and this is cause were Mikiyoru has banned the country that using name rather than as Star Democratic such as Space People and Star People later.
In Lady White Heart, that show Kasami has make scripts for save Jason that mock another sci-fi (are loser from Great Universe Wars) to eat horse for food.
Not much how many Slave of Need action have appeared entire series, but most of Mikiyoru's work such as HDN series, Blancitunia and Hyperdimension Neptunia: Touhou Galaxy Project are extreme rarely because these series was start by Kasami Mikiyoru who have banned these action since Lando's Most Revenge. STAR DEM0CRATIC which director by Jason Gamatara (although Mikiyoru didn't involve with the story) will not include to these Slave of Need.
- Syndrome:Slave of Need is syndrome that know hard to cure them off, as this action were become likely to start undeveloped action.
But now, Kasami known how to cure, by start watch anime for single year.
- Urban Legend:
The Slave of Need is urban legend that have power ability but hide with dark power within.
- Dangerous than Alien's Technology:
"Long ago, Long ago, the Human race on earth has peaceful until the alien invader has come with many of mothership."
"Alien race have with powerful of laser weapon and anything powerful than human's."
"Major cities in the world is perish and many people died in the ground, as first wave, Alien is win when Human never have chance to defense in first wave."
"But nautral of human when get slap in the face by aliens, with higher and more higher, the human has angry in flame, allow them to "do everything" even aliens can't do."
"At last, human push them back and the nuclear bomb is detonate the alien mothership and finally, their homeworld into the perish in last wave. Human has victory and All of Alien has been perish, but their greed just started."
"This story teaches to know: Karma is fast than rocket if you did to other people suffered"
- Blanc talk about Star Democratic's Fable "Human and Alien invader" (Lady White Heart)
Starship Troopers:
Other Universe that similar to habit as Slave of Need was in 'Starship Troopers', because many scene is racist and also dictatorship, as well as original name of 'Greatilism' although Kasami calm that Thai TV series was do first before Starship Troopers.
Kasami known later was is Mini Nuclear bomb or Tactical Oxygen Nuke were can make a Great Damage as "Great" were came from that thing, which also banned, as well as TON that adopted from Starship Troopers to Star Democratic are used to attack owner for revenge to perish and Starship Troopers now is not alliance with Star Democratic.
Lady White Heart make Nang Itcha to teach her:
In Lady White Heart has appeared the loser from Great Universe Wars are eating horse when their food are bring for Star Democratic, such as Star Trek are eating horse like brutes, many fan of their sci-fi need to banned this series and teach Kasami by contact John Gamatara, but John refuse and Kasami said you (fan of their sci-fi) are Nang Itcha which fan said 'Goddess make us to eat horse'.
Chicken or the egg:
In the movie, or real life, who say Chicken or the egg will cause to make Slave of Need were victim will need to found out about who came first.
- Slave of Need can fonud on male human only. (SD: Federation Tier 2)
- Slave of Need was based from Thai television soap opera were used only female, but Slave of Need was used in male rather than female that why Jason do that.
- Thai television soap opera and Japanese Drama are same term as Drama, but only different is Soap Opera is story with revenge and slave of need.
Slave of Need can be found on many Star Democratic chapter prior before Mikiyoru, other universe and real world can't used that also to make the war between countries if as government, for example: Disco Lando's Galactic Empire has need him to greater than Interstellar princess (Elite Cheerleader) by used his army to teach the Federation were cause Jason has kick out of Star Democratic's plot in 2010 in his series SD: SC: Lando's Most Revenge and end of Star Democratic primary series.
Since 2014, Mikiyoru have made new scripts were no such as these action anymore which include to Star Democratic: HDN series, Blancitunia, Touhou Galaxy Project and not even Star Democratic 2020 reboot by Jason Gamatara although she didn't involve with his story, however.
The Slave of Need have more effect to life of person, Example: Kagami has lost character from George Lucas was killed, and make Jarson Gamatara and Action as Angry, Example: Type-17/1, many have been result became as gay person.
© Copyright since 2014 Kasami Mikiyoru, Universal Arts, Star Democratic series, Blancitunia Project, Touhou Galaxy Project, STAR DEM0CRATIC, Slave of Need is Illegal if using will result as act of crime.