"Daniel: We know that Lowee don't trust to find that Atlantis because they always known as Athens and they knew are fictional, if they known if exist, Greatilism will always get their head so that Lady Cute Girl will kill us all, except only they can see by own eye"
"Sheppard: Poor Philosopher, we just knew that Lowee always know that place so 'As Survive As Possible' to you, Don, Cute Girl is on your way"
- Daniel 'Don' Jackson to John 'Guide' Sheppard (Lady White Heart) as tricking Lady White Heart
In the Plot of Star Democratic, there are have a many secrecy for the people who want to know a deepest part of star democratic, from all time in star democratic series, the secret in star democratic appeared in type of mystery, that some time in appeared are easy to see but really are hard to talk after find out this is ......, the screen and word are key to know a based from, some secrecy are from Popular Culture or from Other Universe, But really of some secret in popular culture or other universe in Universal Wikia are not have or Universal Wikia never adding for this time or Universal Wikia are mark as secret before people find out. the Star Democratic won't broke up very easy to break a Star Democratic's Master Plan of the Mystery key (MP-MK).
Many secret are concealed from searching of the Babylon 5 and many people to found out, the some secret are other universe or real world that star democratic never add to this time, if was found is really, will become hard to talk.
Some secret in Star Democratic like Ran-27-9 is the most secret of star democratic was appeared with Special 20-3, Lucky Star and OICW weapon.
Almost of Star Democratic secret has appeared in series is SD: Memory of Kagami by Kasami 'Amu' Hiiragi as who say many shots of place, as well as Lady White Heart.
List of the Secret in the Star Democratic
"Hee, Hee, he, Michael mystery"
- Michael Jackson 0 BDG (SD: Memory of Kagami, mock-off Shugo Chara!)
Star Democratic's Master Plan of the Mystery key
Known as MP-MK, The Secret are controlled by Star Democratic's Master Plan of the Mystery key of the Star Democratic, the official secret manager to control a secrecy, from popular culture or other universe are adding to this part of deepest part of star democratic, but this plan has end in SD: Memory of Kagami.
Some word or special symbol are add as "" is secret
Some secret are combine to another secret, but I never tell more after you found out
where word mean is end the "?" mark as based from?.
appeared in name and year that appeared.
Classified are important data secret are used for Star Democratic, are have class are must be high secret are normal is data are known-well but secret, dead is data are no longer to hide and appeared to public, and critical is data very hide and never to known.
- Federation Defense Fleet
class: normal
In HDN series were have more class service in the Federation are from Alliance class are Luka class, Neptune class and Republic class or advanced class are Noire class and Plutia class are very classified to as Star Trek Intel.
- Goddess
class: critical
According from HDN guide, the Goddess is Kagami Hiiragi Jr. that guard the Interstellar Federation of Galactic Alliance, the secret is her body is came from someone is Goddess that guard land of snow and full of magic, also she have mushroom hat.
class: critical
According from Tomo series, the Great Empire of Tomoyatalian is great empire that help galaxy from Actactan Empire, but many Tomoyatalian are vanish by Lando group along with thier empire with one day around 17 ADG were very classified about the Tomoyatalian Empire.
- Greek Fire based on Lowee Technology
class: normal
In Lady White Heart, the Greek Fire have known in Lowee by using Petroleum as based of weapon which this technology also can burn in water mix with kind of increase fire that Lowee have it.
- Next generation firearms
class: critical
Almost firearms before Blanc era are semi-real world weapon that appeared to prop in the Star Democratic but this era is high-tech weapon that have only few weapon are XM-3, XM-6, XM-7, XM-8, XM-9, XM-12, XM-15, XM-29, XM-30, XM-76, XM-92, XM-97, XM-98 are prototype weapon that accepted to be new standard weapon of Field Energy were secret.
- Trap of Male Dimension
class: critical
Unknown Dimension has don't known why many ship in there are no return.
- "Colorer" Rebel (300,007 ADG)
Mean "Colorer" is part of word from Col-or-er, they called as "Covol" but the name and mark as secret was?
- Sgt. Jackson "Marker"
Mean "Marker" is symbol of victory after defeated a disco troops from invasion of earth and strike back to tomoya sector, But mean "marker" was based word for? (SD: War of Disco)
= The Mean Marker early name is Marcas, but they choice to Marker because this name has look like mark the history who has ......, also name that Issac Clarke don't like. (SD: Memory of Kagami)
- Kagami and Tsukasa
Early has called as "KH" and "TH"
- The Night Trap and Death of .....
From Memory of Kagami, who is anime character on Death of ..... , from According in Universal Wikia that I don't say, but chapter Kasami said was based with saddest anime story (what anime?) that Kasami add to part of story.
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Bird in symbol of Universal Federation of Alliance |
- "Universal" Federation of Alliance (300,022 ADG)
The "Bird symbol" was mark as secret in the Star Democratic series and mean "Universal" are based from?. (SD: Plan of Disco Federation)
= According from last time in 2014 from HDN Guide, a bird is Genkino Bird that native in Tomoya, which similar to Stork.
- Alpha Force "♠" (87,999,912 ADG)
How about mean "blue spade" in the Special Force of the Federation, the Alpha Force, the blue spade is symbol from?.
- Alpha Force "Guardian" (88,000,032 ADG)
The Highest Rank of the Alpha Force is "Guardian" is replaced a "Commander", the mean was from? (This secret combine with "♠").
- "Guardian of the" Alpha Force (88,000,032 ADG)
Was a Alpha Force called by Interstellar Federation, really is hard to say was based .. ?.
- Tomoya ("智也") (256 ADG)
The historical planet was a homeworld of tomoyatalian and is capital of Great Empire of Tomoyatalian, mean was called from?. (SD: Federation Tier 1)
- Advanced Super Assault Heavy Fast Battleship
Was a Top secret of Lowee Imperial Navy that build a Super class of Plutia and Kagami. (SD: Lady White Heart)
- "1 is 2 and 2 is 1 (and 3 is futile)" ("1" and "2" are word call only, example: 1 is chicken and 2 is duck)
- " Sheridan Sector far from the Milky Way Galaxy"
Mean "Sheridan" and "" is gird of the galaxy system to travel, the Sheridan is mean gird from number of history of the Babylon 5 is?.
- ".... just is ...."
First was said by Colorer Rebel is "Technology just is Technology, This plasma weapon used old technology from universal's energy blast and allow more rate fire and three round burst". (SD: Rise and Shine of Celebrities Army)
- "Dead End! ...."
From Colorer Rebel during fight against Muslim gang in bike club (SD: Legacy).
- "I have a bad feeling about this."
Michael Jackson in tunnel on the Disco Training Club during battle of capital disco, about a door move killer for advanced to Admiral Makito Taka. (SD: Rise of the Disco)
- "I'm a boy, not a girl, I'm a male, not a female"
- "I'm a doctor, not a ....."
- "Join us. to ...."
First from Michael Jackson to Admiral Makito Taka before fight is "Maybe. Maybe not. But I know I won't be disco to you. How about you, Makito Taka? Even now, But now the Universal Federation of Alliance will fall it to kill you, it's not too late...come, Join us. to Disco.".
and He say back as "You...Donkey...Monkey...DISCO!". (SD: Rise of the Disco)
- "Let's see what this little guy can do."
Michael Jackson used a mouse droid to turn off a switch a poison gas in the Universal Outpost after blow up. (SD: Rise of the Disco)
- "This is ...."
- "This Son of Father"
= quote by Jason Gamatara. (SD: Memory of Kagami)
Real World
- Area 51 (3,017 ADG)
The Star Democratic was called as "Advanced Military Air Base Facilities or Advanced Rule Extraterrestrial Area", is the secret base for undetected by enemy to test a prototype aircraft and starship from the cold war and this is first contact between Earth and Star Republic to become part of federation member, but really is hard to talk after testing federation advanced fighter testing was. (SD: War of Disco)
- Atlantis (0 BDG)
The Memory of Kagami has show real location of Atlantis in Star Democratic was is Athens, Greece were is tale of plato because Atlantis is just fictional and trick many kid to found real Atlantis and another his work is "only the dead who can see end of the war" that used in many SD series, known that Atlantis disappear because they are need too (much like Greatilism are) that cause god has destroyed the city with volcano or land collapse and or maybe is themselves by technology and destroyed own land, also about Babylon 5 Universe if they advanced too will destroyed like Atlantis.
- Duck (25,xxx BDG)
Duck is species has civilization long than Species 20-3. (SD: ?)
- Piglette
The Piglette is mean of "green pig" to called as piglette, the based name and species of pigs are from?. (SD: Dark rise of the Federation)
- Species "20-3"
Similar to a human, but they are small, and free to move around (not space or non-oxygen zone), could not visible with normal eyes, really is child-like a ...... , is lifeforms not a ghost, was Extinct in 8,799 ADG by Actactan Empire, and also original of Human race in Star Democratic. (SD: SC: GC)
Mean "20-3" is secret word from standard English in real world to mark as code of secret species from Interstellar Federation in +8,800 BDG, the mean 20-3 and english code are from?. (This secret combine with "Alpha Force, SCR, Target Lock, Type-7/1 and more" )
The first was appeared in SD: Rise of the Disco but is little known to about it from Han Tienanmen.
many species 20-3 was extinct, but really some species 20-3 survivor was only 3-4. some species 20-3 was Princess of Interstellar and now is Interstellar Federation and death by Disco Lando. (SD: SC: Lando's Most Revenge)
Next series of Star Democratic 2015 were no full name.
- ASS Marusagi ("Hinamori" class Battleship/Carrier) (SD: SC: HK)
- ASS Blanc/Plutia "Pururut" model Plutia class Star Dreadnought (SD: HDN)
- CCSS "Alliance" ("Sovereign" class Fast Battleship) (SD: SC: AMU)
- CCSS "Ishimura" (SD: Dark rise of the Federation)
- CCSS "Universal" (SD: SC: HK)
- CCSS "Yaru" (SD: Rise of the Disco)
- DFS "O'Master" (SD: Legacy)
- DLS PDOMDP "Mimas"
The Mean Mimas is a Saturn's moon, but really the planet was similar to?. (SD: SC: Lando's Most Revenge)
Neptune class Battleship is one of most powerful warship, which name are not from planet.
Symbol and Flag
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Jackson's Toy Industries |
- "J.A.F." (SC vs SD)
Mean "Platinum" is not a gold or white gun case, but are weapon used platinum energy to stun everyone, and make more powerful to firearm was used by species 20-3, the platinum was based from?.
- "Kata-Sikwa"
The Harry Potter's magic code, a "Kata-Sikwa" was based from somewhere in the Harry Potter series?.
= Where are likely code but there are OICW Weapons. (SD: SC: Lando's Most Revenge)
- Super"X"
The mass of energy weapon used by Duck Empire is Laser, Disco Federation is Plasma and Galactic Empire is Deathlaser.
= For Example: Super X are Superlaser and Superplasma. (SD: Rules of the Disco)
- Target Lock
The Target Lock is hand-held weapon can lock on player to "Negative", the mean negative was called in mean stun-like kill, but based from?.
This weapon can kill human or any species but not effect to Vehicle, starship or avoid at solid can't stun you, and can stop a lando's angry, is used by Alpha Force Guardian only. (SD: SC: AMU - SD: Memory of Kagami)
- Type-4/1 SCR/M-60
The Type-4/1 SCR is most powerful weapon, but really is secret on a computer scope are from?.
Note: The computer scope was not from the XM29 OICW from Heckler & Koch. (SD: SC: AMU)
OICW Appeared
Known 14 OICW but no location. (SD: LS)
- Type-7/1
The Type-7/1's serial product number is "Ran-27-9", the mean "Ran" and "27-9" is the standard federation industries code for this real not fake, But really is hard to talk, and was based from?. (SD: SC: RH 2)
Mean Orchid is look like character name in the other universe that put name to this rifle.
One of the Industries of the galaxy have a secret on mean "Toy" is known as Tactical Operation of You and toy industries, but really is was make for?
= Early, Star Democratic has put this name (Toy) as Disco's Toy mean Weapon of Disco. (SD: Plan of Disco Federation)
= Davis Concealition's Toy Store - Para Disco, "Conceal" mean is "secret" . (SD: Memory of Kagami)
Mean "SCR" is initials like "JT" but the mean "SCR" are not appeared as full name, the secret full name was from? (SD: SC: AMU)
- 6969.9
Is year of Venustation dimension, but unknown what they used from.
See also
- In Star Democratic have many secret to appeared in the universe for people who can break Star Democratic's Secret scenes for known a answer.
- But Last, a Secret have not in the world or galaxy, Example: Jackson's "Toy" is Tactical Operation of You. (SD: Memory of Kagami)
- The Star Democratic's secret are like a government's secret.