Tomoyatalian Empire


"The Tomoyatalian Empire is one of known empire that have no one ever to beat their record until we did"
- Kasami 'Amu' Hiiragi (Memory of Kagami Rebirth)

Tomoyatalian Empire
(智也帝国 Tomoya teikoku)
Political information
Type of Government: Parliamentary Constitutional monarchy
Founding document: Imperial Declaration
Constitution: Po-lo-ko
Head of state: Empress
Head of government: Princess
Commander-in-chief: Tomo Military Command
Executive branch: Tomo Imperial Senate
Legislative branch: Senate of the Tomo
Judicial branch: Tomo Imperial Court
Military branch: Imperial Tomoyatalian Armed Force
                           - Imperial Tomoyatalian Army
                           - Imperial Tomoyatalian Navy
Societal information
Capital: Tomoya (Before G.C. 10)
              Chiyuki (After G.C. 10)
Official language: Amulet
Currency: Yen (¥)
Motto: The Empire of the Tomoyatalian
Anthem: Teikoku no Tsubasa
Historical information
Formed from: Tomoyatalian Rebel
                       Chiyukitalian Empire
Date established: B.G.C. 460,023
Date fragmented: G.C. 10
Date reorganized: G.C. 10
Date restore: G.C. 2014 (Alternate Ending)
Status: Reorganized to Neo-Tomoyatalian Empire

The Tomoyatalian Empire, also known as Tomoya Empire or official name known as Great Empire of Tomoyatalian was the great empire rise from planet Tomoya, the empire was found by Tomoyatalian and Chiyukitalian Empire after the empire was fall to Ducken Empire, the empire have successful to defeat Ducken Empire. Tomoyatalian Empire was vanish in G.C. 10 by group of Star Wars Invader and remain was turn into new Tomoyatalian Empire.

Behind the Scenes
This empire in early of Tomo series was like Ancient Egypt and early has no anime in Star Democratic series and early name of Empire is Tomo Empire, known as Anime Empire by John Gamatara as keep secret and keep from Jason Gamatara, But in Memory of Kagami was say is Like the ancient egypt but reality is Large of Anime Empire that never see because early of Tomo series is not appeared of official name until have been explain in Federation Tier 9 series known as Tomoya, as the name taking from Cardcaptor Sakura character, Tomoyo.

In the original series, the Collapse of Tomo Empire is secret because the empire was assumed destroyed in 29,765 BDG by unknown group, but in 2003 was Lando's Empire known as from Star Wars.

Later, in 2014, Kasami Mikiyoru say the Tomoya Empire in Jarson Dimension was collapse around 17 ADG because this empire has long to rules the galaxy has destroyed by Lando's group were is real collapse of great empire.

The Army of Tomoyatalian, a soldier are look-like Japanese girl with sailor uniform like Lucky Star (is blue uniform, but have more color and one of them have Lilac color but those uniform are blue uniform-based with short arm) and have their hat like Cardcaptor Sakura (much like Kagami Jr's hat), the weapon is DC-2a, a rifle like crossbow fire energy that kill in single shot which more powerful, fast velocity and great accuracy than modern weapon such REA-31, Type-17/1, XCS-9, TAR-39, G36CA4 or heavy rifle as SCAR-F and Sniper rifle as TYE-8E even M-50 or XM8 rifle in Lady White Heart and HDN era.

Tomoyatalian Empire was retconned for Touhou Galaxy Project that the Tomoyatalian Empire was formed by Tomoyatalian people once they was part of Chiyukitalian Empire until the Empire was fall by Ducken Empire from planet Raji result in uprising many planet in the Touhou Galaxy.

See also
- Interstellar Federation

Kagami series:
- SD: LS 2
- SD: Memory of Kagami (First Appeared as true Tomoya Empire)
- SD: SC: GC

Touhou Galaxy Project: (Retconned)
Lady White Heart
- Memory of Kagami Rebirth

Federation Tier:
- SD: Federation Tier 1
- SD: Federation Tier 2
- SD: Federation Tier 3
- SD: Federation Tier 4
- SD: Federation Tier 5
- SD: Federation Tier 6
- SD: Federation Tier 7
- SD: Federation Tier 8
- SD: Federation Tier 9 (First Appeared as Tomoya Empire)

Rise of the Disco series:
- SD: Dark rise of the Federation
- SD: Legacy
- SD: Plan of Disco Federation
- SD: Rise of the Disco (First Appeared as Tomoya Planet)
- SD: Unknown groups
- SD: Up-rise of the Federation
- SD: War of Disco

SC series:
- SD: SC: AH
- SD: SC: AH 2
- SD: SC: AMU 2 (First Appeared as Great Empire of Tomoyatalian)
- SD: SC: HK
- SD: SC: HK 2
- SD: SC: Lando's Most Revenge
- SD: SC: RH
- SD: SC: RH 2

Tomo series:
- SD: Tomo series 1 (First Appeared)
- SD: Tomo series 2
- SD: Tomo series 3
- SD: Tomo series 4