MP-series Battle Droid


"Jarson Trooper Mark 2 and 3 is most powerful trooper in the history of Star Democratic, but they have only one duty is eliminated 'Kasami Hiiragi.'"
- SD: LS: Title

Mark 1 Trooper
Leader: Jarson Gamatara
Founding: 2,000
Army: Jarson's Armed Force
Affiliation: Star Democratic
Role: Cyber-soldier

Mark 2 Trooper
Leader: Jarson Gamatara
Founding: 2,025
Army: Jarson's Armed Force
Affiliation: Star Democratic
Role: Foot-soldier

Mark 2 Special Trooper
Leader: Jarson Gamatara
Founding: mid-2,025
Army: Jarson's Armed Force
Affiliation: Star Democratic
Role: Ability-soldier

Mark 3 Trooper
Leader: Jarson Gamatara
Founding: 2,028
Army: Jarson's Armed Force
Affiliation: Star Democratic
Role: Special soldier

Shadow Gamatara (Mark 4)
Leader: Jarson Gamatara
Founding: None
Army: None
Affiliation: Star Democratic
Role: Target-Blanc only
The Metro Police-series Battle Droid, often known as Jarson Trooper or simply known as Metro Police, rarely spelled as Nazi Bot by Lucky Star is Star Democratic's Jarson's Assault Force foot soldier has design to be same as Jarson Gamatara that carry with standard assault rifle A-AUG.

Mark 1
These Battle Droid was deployed in first year before invasion of Shugo Chara! Mark 1 is among most powerful battle droid in the Star Democratic that beating every Sci-fi that they did.

Rank in Jarson Trooper in mark 1 are only 3 rank Yellow, Red and Blue as they suit with J.A.F. symbol. For example:
JC = Jarson Cybersoldier (Yellow)
AC = Assault Cyborg (Red)
JP = Jarson Paratrooper (Blue)

From record, all Jarson Trooper has control by single man (Jarson Gamatara) is used a code to command all troopers. Example: Code 100 is cease fire.

While load command in JNN MVS's main display has appeared as 
- "Loading Jarson's Armed Force Command Code...", when code is loading
- 0.0.0. "Self-Defense", no point to command which is you are your own to self-defense, this appeared only out of range Jarson's signal OICW or Jorut's Destroyer.
- 0.0.1. "Kill Kill", if jarson's order, they will attack all people if command it is say "Kill Everything, Everything, Kill kill".
- 0.0.2. "Found Enemy Target".
- 0.0.3. "Grenade Out" 
- 0.0.4. "Regroup"
- 0.0.5. "Storm the enemies"
- 0.0.7. "Cover me"
- 0.0.9. "Friendly Fire!"
- 0.1.0. "Stop the Enemy"
- 0.1.5. "Protect the Supercarrier"
- 0.2.4. "Enemy must hurt"
- 0.2.5. "Select weapon to R.P.G."
- 0.3.9. "Bang them out!"
- 0.5.4. "Attack all cost"
- 0.5.9. "Burst Fire Attack"
- 0.7.1. "Will Pay!"
- 0.8.8. "Unknown"
- 1.0.0. "Stop your Fire"
- 1.2.7. "Protect yourself"
- 9.9.9. "Eat This!"

- a.i.r. "A.I. Program must repair"
- ...... Must Died! Jarson! Fight! Fight! Kill them!
(SC vs SD) 
- JG-29-02-1972-0088456-039 "Access to Jarson Trooper control" (Kasami 'Amu' Hiiragi known only)

They are similar to the borg from Star Trek, they not attack who is not disturb, close at short, attack him and target bounty. if they Red Alert all borg will self-action to find target and who is not same him (not J. Gamatara) will take down. (SC vs SD)

While they see enemy, he will say ......

The Jarson Trooper's Armor are make with Janrulium material that one of Star Democratic rare material that found only unknown planet in unknown sector between Pig Space and Gamma Quadrant, another rare material is Neptunium (a material which found only in Chiyuki were using in Armor of ASS Blanc and Hiiragira), as one of strong to protect all weapon damage, however, these Janrulium is weak against Neptunium. (SC vs SD)

Admin limited:
Most of Jarson Trooper were control by server from Jurot Destroyer which connect to JNN Maximilian von Spee and his OICW.
Number of Jarson Trooper can load their ID:
- Jurot-class Destroyer = 16,000 ID
- JNN Maximilian von Spee = 5,000,000,000 ID
- Jarson Gamatara's OICW = Unlimited ID

Can Attack Everything but not
The Mark 1 will shoot everything in their path not even building or even POW. But there are limited to them (Not even code 0.0.1 was declare).
- Everything that not life-form (but they never shoot at micro creature)
- Jarson Trooper
- Explosive object and Grenade
- Zombies and Ghosts
- Jarson Gamatara (if not hurt Lucky Star Character)
- Kasami Hiiragi and Lucky Star character.

- Only Code 0.0.1. will active is all Trooper must listen the Jarson-F Day when play until the music is end.
  - If music is not open or end, the code will not appear.
  - If music is missing line that still ending will not appear a code.
- Jarson Trooper also attack Star Democratic character if 0.0.1 is command or disrupt him.

Mark 2
There are no rank for mark 2 because they are white armor.

The Code are same in Mark 1 but there have code has used by Gamatara.
Behind the Scene

Mark 1:
"Special case of Jarson Trooper were Jason has idea from Silent Hill and Lord of the Ring movie, by in Silent Hill, they are based from Human being super-soldier robot, and Lord of the Ring are based like ghost army forced to protect kingdom that faster than Michael Trooper and large number, and also they are Police."
- According from Jason Gamatara on 2008

The Jarson Trooper are not Cyborg-like Michael Trooper, they are original as human lifeform almost look like cloning or purge, as Jarson Trooper known as Cybody, a most based from human with machine and flesh heart in center of body, but as Mark 1 is real cyborg.

According from Jason Gamatara, most of Jarson Trooper has based from movie Silent Hill (2006) that most of it seek to the target, as well as they are undead trooper that

Mark 2:
"As Mark 2 are more largest size of thier military, but more weakness than Mark 1, and they easy to product. Is flesh human not cyborg like previous trooper, can takedown by more weapon as normal weapon, melee or superweapon, like zombies, they never used a gun for fast to ambush, and also have special trooper that can defeated her."
- According from Kasami Hiiragi on 2029 (SD: LS)

"That is easy, but last chapter were is nightmare because they have guard trooper are Mark 3 were shoot died hard also can bind your eye and can't burn with fire, some trooper have sensor to contract more trooper and most trooper have armored like Mark 1, but is armored that make from size of Battleship."
- Another according from Kasami Hiiragi on plot: End Face of Gamatara

While shoot them will have a blood, and they are real flesh human with armor of stormtrooper. (SD: LS)

Defense and Habit
A code and habit has used same Borg from Star Trek and Battleship (2012) to don't shoot who is not target if not used code 0.0.1.

The jarson are design to defense, control command and dependable but they are not have a mind, a memory can save another education at 5 TB. (SC vs SD)
Mark 1 and Mark 4
The Jarson Trooper in the Battle of Tokyo as face same Star Trek movie Captain James T. Kirk in grey skin like The Adventures of Captain Proton in Star Trek. They similar to Michael Trooper, but it free to move if used code 0.0.1., they will dangerous if you attack him.

The Rank has same in Star Trek's Starfleet uniform and JC, AC and JP has yellow, red and blueshirt has lap to word, Example: J.A.F. if is yellow = JC.

In Mark 4 was not Yellow/Red or Blue shirt, but appeared as Black/Grey Jumpsuit, which those of troopers are attack Blanc and Neptunia character.

Mark 2, Mark 2's ST's Acid Trooper and Mark 3
The Jarson Trooper in Lucky Star are Stormtrooper from Star Wars. (SD: LS: Chapter 1 We need OICW)

While push mask out has face same Jarson Gamatara's. (SD: LS: Chapter 7 Crash Down)

Remove armor has shirt like John Sheridan from Babylon 5.

- Mark 1 is most dangerous than all version of Jarson Trooper because they show true face is Jarson Trooper and no knochdown, most of weapon can't effect to him and faster than Mark 2.
- Mark 3 is most dangerous than Mark 2's Special Trooper because they are died hard are battleship trooper, swamptrooper, sensor trooper, gasmask trooper, jarson carrier, anti-grenade trooper and super trooper but Special Trooper are have ability but Mark 3 have many large than of them.
- Mark 3 will appeared only Tokyo and JAF's Headquarter as large group, other chapter is only rare.
- Many Mark 1 are Yellow shirt, which Redshirt is few person have that, similar to parody of Star Trek Death.
- Though Jarson Trooper are shoot great accuracy, but most of film and video game are generally shoot poor accuracy.