Censorship in Star Democratic


Star Democratic is democratic-military-fantasy science fiction, most of Star Democratic are free to added were came from Referenced, but some reason that Star Democratic has been censorship some thing from cause of tempest in Star Democratic but when this content is dangerous will banned were appeared in Star Democratic series, mean is not appeared to the film, the banned are not only from referenced, but banned from Star Democratic well.

Kasami Mikiyoru is only who has banned everything in the Star Democratic but she has banned by don't let them release such as Greatilism, Harm content from Thailand and Anti-Star Democratic or Anti-Japanese content.

In Universe, Star Democratic are not banned anything if they are not harm to Star Democratic.

Star Democratic banned country
Star Democratic Banned as other country are:
- China (1997 - 2000, 2014 - present)
Because Star Democratic is content of Democracy, but later has rename as Government in Space until 2014 were Kasami have plan to make all name to Star Democratic except this one is not.

- Thailand (2014 only)
Because Kasami Mikiyoru that she has mock most of Thai TV series that cause to tempest of Star Democratic since 1998, but banned few month since October to New Year of 2015, reason for banned is she has 'Revenge' that Jason did on Japan. (--End--)

- Most of Middle East and Africa country
Star Democratic never banned to these country, but these country never access or release to that country, Kasami have plan to these country to release as well.

- Lady White Heart
This series is banned only country that used Star Democratic alternate name of (Star People/Space People) and China is Government of Space.

- Lando's Most Revenge series
This series was banned since 10 day after this series has release were appeared during 2010.

Mean 'Extreme banned is cause that not to stop of unbanned or ending, with red word is content banned by Kasami Mikiyoru to remove Greatilism content.
Format: Subject, Object, Date banned, Date ending, Banned by, Reason

Films and Movie
Starship Troopers
- Tactical Oxygen Nuke, 2014, Extreme banned, Kasami Mikiyoru, After Final of Original Greatilism, John Gamatara has banned all of Greatilism action from talking with Jason Gamatara, banned by Kasami to save Jason, as rest of them are used to bomb their owner to perish.
Star Wars:
- Blaster Weapons, 1982, 2014, John Gamatara, Laser weapons were most of are can beat against Star Democratic.
- Disco Lando's, 2014, Extreme banned, Kasami Mikiyoru, almost Disco Lando's were banned shortly from Greatilism and replaced to new name is Lando Davien.
- Galactic Empire, 1977, 1992, John Gamatara, Banned Imperialism because they are empire without mercy.
- Star Wars, 1977, 2014, John Gamatara (unbanned by Kasami), Banned because Star Wars movie has beat entire Star Democratic series as in Tomo series were cause Star Democratic to end.
Doctor Who:
- Daleks, 1987, 2013, Jason Gamatara, Jason Gamatara has banned Daleks from Doctor Who because they are not natural robot.
Star Trek:
- Transporter, 2002, still banned, Jason Gamatara, Transporter can warp person to anywhere, but they used during battle that cause ship to malfunction from enemies ship open fire, but still to used in advnaced ship like ASS Blanc, normal ship are banned, since Star Democratic has adopted Star Trek's Transporter.
Star Democratic:
Star Democratic themself:
- All Star Democratic (also Stargate and Babylon 5) character must not have death like dismember or gore death, Unknown, Extreme banned, John Gamatara, arm or leg can still dismember, but head or lung, death like piece of body are not allow, but still appeared as non-universe character and anime character.
- Greatilism, 2014, Extreme banned, Kasami Mikiyoru, After Final of Original Greatilism, John Gamatara has banned all of Greatilism action from talking with Jason Gamatara, banned by Kasami to save Jason.
- Primary series, 2010, 2012, John Gamatara, After banned of SD: SC: Lando's Most Revenge, John Gamatara has banned entire series to make Star Democratic in these story are never happening.
- SD: SC: Lando's Most Revenge, 2010, 2014, John Gamatara, This episode has lot of Greatilism were false story and make Primary series became non-canon, after 10 day were replaced to Kagami series, after unbanned, this only chapter was out of SC series.
From another Sci-fi:
- Anti-Energy weapon turret (a.k.a. Celesita Anti-Proton Emitter Turret or CAPET), 2015, None, Star Trek and Star Wars, This technology of Star Democratic are cheated, because this technology can stop incoming of all energy weapon not only missile or torpedo similar function of point-laser defense, However, this technology are design to ASS Blanc and Advanced ship for HDN only, but still can't stop mass driver type projectile such as meteor or Railgun.
- ASS Blanc, 2015, None, All of Science Fiction are Andromeda, Farscape, Lost in Space, Stargate, Star Trek and Star Wars, ASS Blanc is one of Top secret in Advanced Super Assault Dreadnought Project class are similar to Plutia class, but this class is more powerful than Plutia class, this ship can beat to almost ship in the Scification Universe, this ship has armed with several weapons within, one of them is anti-energy weapon turret are turret that stoppage of incoming of energy weapons to the ship before effective to shield, but can't anti incoming bullet weapons, cause of banned were another Science Fiction are not need to used the 'Cheated' ship, but this cause are not banned because is Star Democratic's warship.
Germany (--End--)
- Nazi, 1962, 2007, John Gamatara, Nazi are dictatorship were several of Jason Gamatara had study from them, but came to end after SC vs SD has release.

Japan (--End--)
- All of anime, 1992, 2010, Jason Gamatara, in era of Jason Gamatara, there are many anime are block to imported to Star Democratic, only few anime can imported were not from Jason Gamatara's order.
- Most of Japanese content, 1992, 2010, Jason Gamatara, it was block from Jason has many greatilism to banned almost Japan content and let most of another Asia culture to Star Democratic such as Thai culture, but cause is from Thai culture.
- Kasami Mikiyoru, 2009, 2010 Jason Gamatara, as Jason Era, there are not allowed new creator of Star Democratic to new series, much like banned almost Japan content, but came to end after Jason Gamatara has create series of Lando's Most Revenge become a perish of all Star Democratic series.
- Thai television soap opera, 2014, Extreme banned, Kasami Mikiyoru, Cause of greatilism were came from these culture were Jason Gamatara has infect from them, these culture can't be cure or stopping.
- Thai culture (danger content only), 2014, Extreme banned, Kasami Mikiyoru, another culture were cause to Greatilism as well as not only from TV SO, but the culture in dangerous were cause to great threat and also banned almost Japan content and blocked Kasami from Star Democratic, which Kasami Banned for Revenge.
United States of America
- Ku Klux Klan, 1967, will end in 2017, John Gamatara, anti-black person group are not allowed to appeared in Star Democratic, were appeared in Rise of the Disco as Universal Trooper were kill black person from escape the prison were the prisoner say they are KKK.
- Michael Jackson's Music (except Xscape), 2014, still banned, Kasami Mikiyoru, MJ's music is cause of problem of Kagami's life were used in Memory of Kagami, but cut later were not allowed to used them and replaced to Lucky Star theme for only Memory of Kagami, but after Memory of Kagami has banned all MJ's music except Xscape and newer because these music are obsolete or out of date.
See also
- Famous Quote in the Star Democratic
- References in Star Democratic
- Secrecy of the Star Democratic
- Traditional in Star Democratic