coming soon
Before dead
Some person who is no longer to live, but last word were said by person before he or she is dead.
As many quote have (year) as last qoute were first appeared of they say.
Format: "Quote (to)"
Format: "Quote (from) (Blanc only)"
True Died
Tsukasa Hiiragi:
- This is........... last work that i do (Kagami) (SD: SC: LSGC) (2012)
This is last word that very shock that sister save Kagami Hiiragi Jr. from incoming lightsaber throw by George Lucas.
Unknown: (Appeared in Memory of Kagami)
- Daddy, I love you......
- Hey, we will to fight, for let we win!!! (Everyone) (Starship Trooper) (1997) (From Starship Trooper)
This quote was called as Death skin that Rico hurt were Kagami saw was one party of before they dead, and aftermath has say to Rico is "Hey, you death!".
- You fool (Unknown)
Just as Died
As Just died are only possible has died, but reality is not which used as alternate.
Alexander Marcus:
- No, I will not foresee this.
- No, I will not forgive this.
- This can't be Happening.
- You are a fool if you think me defeated!
- You have not seen the last of me!
![]() |
She cry only this version. |
- As herself (From Hyperdimension Neptunia)
As Monster kill her or her ship is explosive that she is inside will say this, if is not gun fire at her, some died is she crying.
- Cry (2014) (for near death only)
- I can't lose (2014)
- I.... can't lose now! (2014)
- To lose, for something like this. (2014)
- As another character say (see Parody: P. Yamamoto's quote)
- Ah! Mushroom hat dead! (Kaidan Alenko)
- AHH! You kill Blanc! (Kaidan Alenko)
![]() |
Colorer is Death |
Colorer Rebel:
- Grri No (1995)
Grri No was say since 1995 in SD: Legacy as he killed by Pig Trooper in his mission that given from Disco Federation, this quote have appear in many series when he dead.
This quote don't exist in Touhou Galaxy Project and Blancitunia.
John Sheridan:
see That .....
Kaidan Alenko:
see 'Fuck' term
- Away Team! Excellent! (Unknown) (Unknown)
Used only several crew are killed by Federation Armored Force like M-35 and Federation Turbo Tank are engage Away Team into piece of body or they scream as Wilhelm sound, who say this is Unknown.
In-Joke death:
- Shoot him down shoot him down!
- We lost a Turbolaser! (James T. Kirk) (as ship has been destroyed)
- We will destroy for sure! (Lt. Data) (as ship has been destroyed)
Wilhelm scream
see 'Parody'
Almost person who was say by other character will say as not from his name but called for easily.
Format: "Quote (from) (to)"
- Dalek = Daky (SD: LS: Chapter 2 Doctor Who) (Kagami) (Kagami) (2013) (From mistake of word)
This word has replaced old name when Lucky Star used as joke only but become as Star Democratic vocabulary shortly.
George Lucas
- George Lucas's rank is Director of Star Wars Universe, in real world is Civilian. (SD: SC: LSGC quote) (viewer) (2012) (From mistake of real life)
James Vega
- I saw mean James and Vega and now is James Vega (SD: SC: GC) (Alpha Force Guardian) (2 Lucky Star Character) (2011) (From mistake of word)
This is joke mean James and Vega, Vega was joke as Vega Vega or James but Vega is not term name for that mean.
If you say I saw mean, you will died. (SD: SC: GC)
Because he don't like "mean" that he was box by AFG in dumb words.
AFG: what about mean "was"
JV: they 'was' died at ......
(SD: SC: HK)
Jackson Marker
- I am Jackson Marker and Mark disco troops as symbol of hee hee he! (Himself) (????) (SD: War of Disco) (1997) (Unknown)
Some thing they want to contempt were that think is easy to teach them, but reality is hard to teach or some reason as they victory were cause to lost many soldier or army.
Format: "Quote (to something is begin to contempt)" Character name (based of quote)
Alexander Marcus
- Marcus's Taunt (After Federation Defense Force are defeat by Away Team by taunt as these crew were roam around the Federation base after destroyed) (SD: HDN Mk2) (2014)
Marcus has say as Contempt against Federation Defense Force after they armies are defeated and several crew has move around their base and he taunt on they move to show the powerful of Starfleet crew, In fact, before they win, lot of crew has been perish by Federation Army.
This is also appear in Lady White Heart Video Game, as well as Memory of Kagami Rebirth Video Game.
Blanc (From Hyperdimension Neptunia)
- You are no match for me (Starfleet ship that engage against ASS Blanc) (SD: HDN) (2015)
Blanc see multiple starfleet ship that tried to beat against this ship were she say, "Starfleet ship, great, they are just small ship that have poor weapon', and she say "You are no match for me, the end", However after take down these ship, a single Vengeance class are warp-in and fired multiple rapid-quantum torpedo engage the ASS Blanc and take heavy damage before FDF ship arrive.
John Rico (Starship Trooper)
- Let me tell you something, I'm from Buenos Aires and I say Kill them all (Bug) (Starship Trooper 1997) (1997)
Michael Jackson
- Federation Phaser. They call's poor weapons (Phaser weapon) (SD: Rise of the Disco) (1994)
Before he go to main of Universal Federal Prison, he say "This Plasma Cannon gives us great cover. Everything's Federation Phaser. They call are poor weapons".
Before he get RT-3D, he kill soldier with his M94 Phaser.
- The people will always big, but they will not big for long, there will be Rising, Stand Still and Fallen, no one escape this cycle. (Memory of Kagami Rebirth)
Jarson Gamatara
- Everyone want go to make nothing sense (SD: Rise of the Disco)
- Disco Federation are at war against Universal Federation of Alliance to capture the planet, For new Disco Club! (SD: Rise of the Disco, War of Disco chapter)
- We are going to change something in my life? (SD: SC)
John Gamatara
- Next Generation of Star Democratic were slavery dead (SD: Federation Tier)
Kasami Hiiragi
- Every story are Greatilism, but tomorrow is goes to free. (SD: SC II)
- Kasami Hiiragi Theater. (SD: LS)
- The Universe that you think is safe being turn against you. (SD: Memory of Kagami)
- Everything need to change. (SD: HDN)
- You have far enough to against me. (Lady White Heart)
- This story is a work of fiction and has no relation to any real persons or organization. (TGP)
- It is also not canon with the TGP series proper. Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb. (TGP, non-canon stories only)
Ending of Star Democratic were have last quote before stop. As Kasami Mikiyoru's quote are used as Hiiragi, and "All this events is Kasami Hiiragi Theater" are used since SD: LS series, Memory of Kagami, LS 2, Lady White Heart and HDN.
- Although the Rising, Stand Still and Fallen is sad way in cycle, but there are legend that Although they have fallen, they will be rise again and will greater than before. (Memory of Kagami Rebirth)
Jarson Gamatara
- Almost of not real life can make it real. (SD: Rise of the Disco)
- We will continue on your story. (SD: SC)
John Gamatara
- More option can make the way of story if........ (SD: Federation Tier)
Kasami Hiiragi
- All this events is Kasami Hiiragi Theater. (Appearance to every Kasami Mikiyoru's since SD: LS)
- Thank you for playing. (SD: HDN and TGP, Video game only)
- They can found the key for see it. (SD: SC: GC)
- .........? (SD: Memory of Kagami)
- Thank you for watching, see you again (SD: HDN)
- Good Night, see you in the moring. (Lady White Heart)
HDN series Season 3 government ending quote
These message has appeared after All this events is Kasami Hiiragi Theater were reported from action, were appeared only HDN Season 3, some quote is still used in Season 4 as parody to another quote.
- Star Democratic: Interstellar Federation of Galactic Alliance are glow by United Federation of Planet, the shared is low with people are join to worship of Crime of Free Trekkies known as Section 31, Federation Defense Force are defeated by several crew of Away Team, Federation Defense Fleet are wiped out by Starfleet and Federation now defeated, please try again before Star Trek are stronger than Star Democratic, Lady White Heart.
- Stargate: Your Stargate alliance has been defeated by Star Democratic, we better to serve against Cute Girl and her force of the Star Democratic, We are dead, We are dead. Please try again, Stargate Command or better: please serve with this fucked cute girl!
- Star Trek: Starfleet has been defeated, you know how to teach your starfleet against Lady White Heart's Armed Force is not only ambush, but they need long range weapon and technology also with more crew to beat them. Today, you make history of Star Trek by defeated from Goddess - Lady White Heart, and I will remember you as who make this infamous history of Star Trek Universe. added to stardate 97666.4, please try again, Starfleet Command! and FUCK LADY WHITE HEART!!!!! OFF.
Defeated (Apophis version):
- Stargate: Your Gay alliance has been defeated by Star Democratic, we better to serve against Cute Girl and her force of the Star Democratic, We are man, We are man. Please try again, System Gay or better: please kill this fucked cute girl!
- Star Democratic: Interstellar Federation of Galactic Alliance are now gay by Apophis, the shared is low with people are join to System Gay of the Apophis, Federation Defense Force are gay by Apophis's Gay army, Federation Defense Fleet has been gay by Apophis's Mothership, please try again before Apophis beat your chest, Lady White Heart.
- Star Democratic: Congratulations! The Interstellar Federation has remove the Starfleet out of Galaxy of Star Democratic by help Lady White Heart against United Federation of Planet, all peace and democracy are return to the Star Democratic Universe, we will fight for our Goddess, Blanc - White Heart, added to date 300,017 ADG.
- Stargate: Congratulations! Stargate Alliance has declare they power to know entire Star Democratic, they has free own galaxy against Cute Girl's action, Stargate has been free to they own to create the power against Star Democratic's Power, not only to Escape from ruthless of Cute Girl, but we dominated Star Democratic (as well as Star Trek) into Stargate series, Stargate Command extreme happy to see that.
- Star Trek: Congratulations! You have helped the Starfleet and the United Federation of Planet to kill the Goddess, Lady White Heart and bring Star Democratic to perish, Today, you make history by make United Federation of Planet to Defeat Interstellar Federation of Galactic Alliance by used Starfleet to defeated Federation Defense Fleet and used crew of Away Team to engage Federation Defense Force and we free for Trekkies to show powerful of Starfleet starship against Federation starship as well as Dominated Star Democratic into the Star Trek and make you as new Starfleet Command. added to stardate 97665.4.
Victory (Apophis version):
- Stargate: Congratulations! Apophis's Gay Empire has declare they gay power to know entire Star Democratic, they has gay to Star Democratic galaxy against Cute Girl's chest, Apophis has been true male to against Cute Girl to create the power against Star Democratic's Power, not only to Escape from Cute Girl's army, but we gay Star Democratic into Apophis's Gay Kingdom, System Gay extreme happy to see that.
- Star Democratic: Congratulations! The Interstellar Federation has defeated the Apophis from Stargate by help Lady White Heart against Apophis's Gay Empire.
- All this events is Kasami Hiiragi Theater is one of ending quote has used to almost Kagami series except Kasami's SC series were this quote was said since 2013.
- In Lady White Heart series has different ending message of this quote were not say at end of line, but see in Hull of ASS Blanc be seen move to Hyperdimension Neptunia to hidden location or HDN series is after game console, which Lady White Heart and HDN series say 'Thank you for playing' after that quote.
- Stardate 97666.4 was in-joke as unlucky number were Star Trek has been defeated by Lady White Heart's Armed Force.
- And their quote has say as hated of Lady White Heart.
- We are dead, We are dead. were in-joke from joining of I-SA in Babylon 5 that say as We are one, We are one, Apophis parody of SG defeated ending quote was We are man, We are man.
- When their faction win, the quote were say 'Congratulations!' first.
- In the Defeat quote of HDN: Season 3 were say last word as highest rank such as Starfleet Command.
- Most of quote of Neutral and Stargate are copy same quote.
'Fuck' Term
This term is about look like Fuck with them but used as anti-vulgarity word, so Star Democratic have this since Lady White Heart series for Touhou Galaxy Project don't have vulgarity or shit word, as finger is still to used as well as this term still appeared, this word are common alternatives which used as undetected fuck quote.
Many person don't have another Fuck Term, they say as 'Fuck', as well as Holy Shit or Motherfucker, they will fuck turn to him or her that can hear and it was shit.
As these quote are not vulgarity, but they are tried to fuck you by no how they say fuck yes or no, if they say, an person that hear are not know they are fuck you but they say it.
Format: "Quote (to) (appeared) (translate as)"
Alexander Marcus
- This can't be happening! (All of Star Democratic killed targat) (2015 in SD: HDN: Season 1) (Unknown)
This quote is not a fuck'term but Marcus has say this quote too much, that possible is he tried to fuck the Federation army which say to All of Marcus has been explosive such as Starfleet ship and their Star Democratic capture planet has been repel by FDF or starfleet crew were killed by Federation Armies, and Blanc's Warship has arrive.
Blanec and most of people say in Lady White Heart & Memory of Kagami Rebirth
- "Asshole" (2015 in Lady White Heart) (mean "Star Wars/Star Conflict")
- "You dare to attack me!" and Died quote "No!....." (Blanc/Blanec only) (2017 in SD: HDN: Season 4 & Touhou Galaxy Project) (Unknown)
Used by Apophis against Blanc, as he said too much, like This can't be happening!, but this quote was said to Blanc only.
Kaidan Alenko
- I'll see you in hell! (Starfleet personal and crew) (2015 in SD: HDN: Season 1 & Lady White Heart/Memory of Kagami Rebirth) (mean "FUCK YOU")
This quote is always seen since SD: HDN first say by Kaidan Alenko which about someone take serious damage in psychological as well as using as taunt button voice and frequently in appeared in Touhou Galaxy Project video game such as Lady White Heart and Memory of Kagami Rebirth although he is not appeared whatever.
Teijiki Peon
- Almost short word (Memory of Kagami Rebirth)
Peon often to say short word like ASAP which mean "As Soon As Possible", some word like SAD mean "Shit As Dog" or IMF "It Motherfucker".
Most of these were appear in Memory of Kagami Rebirth, although most of these are not profanity, but they were hide profanity word.
- Assault Special Supremacy Hegemony of Looper Enterprise = A.S.S.H.O.L.E.
- Borlon Investigation Technology for Combatant Headquarter = B.I.T.C.H.
- Fredick Usara of Command Killer = F.U.C.K.
- National Intergalactic Gate Government Assembly = N.I.G.G.A.
- Stardoor Homeworld Insurgency Tactic = S.H.I.T.
The Neutral Alliance's core headquarter branch who behind the create of Defense Program. This was also using that Kasami have complain.
Used to say hello everyone is, which used only to say person come and most likely is say with they name.
Format: "Quote (to)"
- I'm Blanc, that I can say. (to everyone is)
Imperial Officer
Many time when Star Wars or Star Conflict Imperial Officer say, they are always say in 'Rebel' or 'Rebel Scum' engage their army which often to say as "My Lord, X", sometime is often being choked by their lord.
- My Lord, our walker can't defeat that Rebel Heavy Tank. (About Mako IFV)
- My Lord, that Rebel Scum have tear our ship. (About Kasami Hiiragi)
- My Lord, we have contact an unidentified rebel spacecraft that using experiment of cloaking device that make them invisible when in space. (about Stealth Jet-9 Stealth Superior Fighter)
Format: "Quote (to)"
George Lucas
George Lucas has intimidation by used his shotgun.
- "Shotgun of Farmer, and Get OUT!" (Jarson Gamatara) (Last Stand Movie 2013) (Unknown)
has Joke in Last Stand as Jarson and his group need to used that area as for new plan invasion but george lucas see him. Jarson need to used that area, But george lucas say as "Get out", Jarson move to but lucas intimidation with shotgun, After Jarson has get back, Jarson has take his group shoot OICW's Grenade Launcher at him.
- "Your Assault Rifle never defeat my rifle (is Shotgun! Right.)" (Jarson Gamatara) (2012)
When SD:SC: LSGC has ending, in Behind the Scene has appeared a Jarson Troopers (is Trooper's Real Jarson Face not J.A.F.) hold with A-AUG and M4 MP fight against George Trooper (Trooper's George Lucas Face) with Lupara and Colt SAA. this is has joke as capture the flag from civilian weapon to defeated assault rifle. Later has defeated by more george lucas trooper with more shotgun. (SD: SC: LSGC)
- We gonna Destroyed You! Rebel Scum!, Our plan is just beginning, you will die, This is not enough to beat you, We will see THAT! (Interstellar Federation) (2017)
George Lucas have broadcast 6 hour prior before the Great Universe War was start were about that Lucas's Alliance will take down the Federation and burn all planet into the group as Kasami have receive this transmission after Defend of K-11. (Memory of Kagami Rebirth)
Jarson Gamatara
You are died, Jim! (Jarson) (Simple) |
Fight against Jarson Gamatara is lot of shit, as Lucky Star has saw his action and attack her story is just adult story and children or young person don't touch (also to Blanc even she is adult), However he was say to Blanc as well as she is 20 year ago, but she is height 144cm.
- We Fight For Star Democratic! (Shugo Chara! and J.S.D.F.) (2008)
When Jarson F-day has end, his speak has used as code 0.0.1. (SC vs SD)
Another this quote was parody as "We Fight For Hitler!" from delete scene say by Adolf Hitler as original this quote.
- Why? FATHER DO THAT!!!!! (John Gamatara) (2013)
Jarson known about his old house that why Jarson as baby has lived 1 day before from Dallas to San Francisco moved which Lucky Star team are found out, and also real world against John Gamatara.
Also has used to another, see Parody.
John Sheridan
- This is John Sheridan from Babylon 5, ...... (1997)
- ..... and Prepare to die.
After Babylon 5, he will say as some quote look like will died to you if he say That .....
- Shotgun of Farmer were called as George Lucas has shooting with his shotgun against Jarson Gamatara which it was called for civilian shotgun.
Kill or Defeat an Enemies
There are most character has say "DIE" in most of Star Democratic, but this are other that this.
* Most of Starship attack target
- Direct-fire to the Engine
- Target is the Engine
- Target to the Engine
- Primary target is the Engine
As this version, she kill enemies such as Monster and Away Team are say this, but if is enemies as Human or another example: Stargate Trooper is say normal quote as DIE! or Sorry as well or as before kill is Disappear.
- Disappear
- I got it
- I'm Sorry
- I'm I'm Sorry
- Sorry
- Yeah
Lady White Heart:
- Yeah
- I'm Sorry
Jarson Gamatara
Lady White Heart:
- DIE!
John Sheridan
see That .....
Kaidan Alenko
Kaidan Alenko's quote that used attack enemies are no appeared during he kill quick, but he kill only enemies is still alive or breath before death, he shoot at this point where say.
- Eat This
- Go to Hell
- Sent to Hell
- Watch This
Universal Marine (Rise of the Disco) (Possible another universe)
Universal Marine's quote are used quote that used in real world such as Enemy Down, these quote are used in Rise of the Disco series such as War of Disco and Plan of Disco Federation.
- Enemy Down
- Enemy Neutral
- K.I.A.
- Tango Down
- Tango Neutral
- Target Down
- Tango Down is one of most joking in the Star Democratic series were say not only this era, but also say in modern Star Democratic series such as Memory of Kagami and HDN.
- the Tango Down Squad update in Lady White Heart also parody the quote.
- Watch This was quote that similar to Neptune has say that.
- K.I.A. don't used with killing the Goddess or Person in Vehicle.
- But also used in Spotter Droid and Civilian non-combat, but shoot as well (as mock).
Format: "Quote (to)"
John Gamatara
- Because you, Your army are no match now. (Jarson Gamatara) (SD: LS: Chapter 13 End Face of Gamatara) (2013)
Known as Trash talk which originally using in people who love what the thing is great such as Movie, Video game etc. in propaganda which have became failure or disappointing later, This quote is about the they are strong, but reality it was perish that mean were never become true.
Alexander Marcus
- We show the true powerful of Away Team, they training to superior against Federation Defense Force, look, in future, no body have using tank against them, send people instead.
The Star Trek have invade most of Star Democratic planet with their Away Team but fact that Away Team is the weakest and worst ground force in Scification ever to due they have armed with pistol without anything to deal with more heavily force especially armor unit, they have no chance to survive the ground force attack.
Many parody from popular culture are used to in-joke as well as from Star Democratic, also known as *Catchphrase as some case.
300's quote "THIS IS SPARTA"
300's famous quote, This is sparta was spoof by Star Democratic since the movie has release, one of quote is This is Star Democratic, and used to kick someone like the movie, Unlike Blanc has say this quote, but she was kick by Jarson Gamatara before she is kick him, and Kaidan Alenko say, AHH! YOU KICK BLANC WHY?, or This is Away Team, is used by starfleet crew to kick Federation armies to they hole, this famous quote never appeared in Lady White Heart.
- That was Sparta
Apophis's quote
Apophis (Simple) |
- Death quote (known as "NOoooooo!")
- Jaffa!
- Let them go
- What is this?
- You dare to attack me!
- Many Unknown Egypt quote from Apophis
Enemies's Faction Leader quote "will happy or person rank ....... happy"
The quote that used for Stargate and Star Trek's leader were invasion against Star Democratic or Beat against Blanc, the quote have xxxx is parody when enemies faction has X happy.
(Star Democratic: HDN Seasons 3)
- Alexander Marcus: United Federation of Planet has full-scale invasion in the Star Democratic Universe against Interstellar Federation of Galactic Alliance's the Goddess, Lady White Heart and her guard Kaidan Alenko, Starfleet has plan to new organization called 'Crime of Free Trekkies', remove IF and the Federation Defense Fleet by used Starfleet and remove Federation Defense Force by used small group of Away Team to defeat entire army of White Heart, and Starfleet Command will happy if mission is victory of United Federation of Planet.
- Commander Steven Caldwell: This is Colonel Steven Caldwell, commander of the Daedalus, we has control single planet in Star Democratic and now we repel the Federation fleet on Lando's Main Club well, all personal of United States Space Fleet will happy to hear that.
- Stargate: Congratulations! Stargate Alliance has declare they power to know entire Star Democratic, they has free own galaxy against Cute Girl's action, Stargate has been free to they own to create the power against Star Democratic's Power, not only to Escape from ruthless of Cute Girl, but we dominated Star Democratic (as well as Star Trek) into Stargate series, Stargate Command extreme happy to see that.
(Memory of Kagami Rebirth)
- Ryan 'Min' Ali: I know that Lucas's Alliance extremely happy about downfall of Chiyukitalian.
Enemies's Victory quote "Not only ...... but ........"
- Stargate: Congratulations! Stargate Alliance has declare they power to know entire Star Democratic, they has free own galaxy against Cute Girl's action, Stargate has been free to they own to create the power against Star Democratic's Power, not only to Escape from ruthless of Cute Girl, but we dominated Star Democratic (as well as Star Trek) into Stargate series, Stargate Command extreme happy to see that.
Jarson Gamatara's quote "Kid shouldn't interrupt adult" (or Kid shouldn't .......) (2008)
Jarson Gamatara has talk this quote were first appeared in SC vs SD were based on Shugo Chara! as kid interrupt adult's (evil) work such as Jarson Gamatara Invasion Shugo Chara! were main character against him, most of this quote is often to against Kasami Hiiragi.
- Jonathan O'Neill: Kid shouldn't interrupt adult (to Blanec) (Lady White Heart)
- Jonathan O'Neill: Kid shouldn't hold a gun at your head, you must hold at the Goddess (to O'Neill's son) (Lady White Heart)
- Jonathan O'Neil: Kid shouldn't hold a gun at your head (to O'Neill's son) (Lady White Heart:Door of Ultradimension Neptunia)
- Lando Davien: Kid shouldn't play as Goddess (to Blanec) (Lady White Heart: Door of Ultradimension Neptunia)
- Unknown: Kid shouldn't play Lady White Heart because (to Player) (Lady White Heart VG)
- Omar 'Young' Anoke: You are weak kid, try to disrupt adult is not a good kid, go home (to Kasami Hiiragi) (Memory of Kagami Rebirth)
Jarson Gamatara's quote "Why? FATHER DO THAT!!!!!" (another used is Why? YOU DO THAT!!!!) (2013)
One of Star Democratic original, word "Why? FATHER DO THAT!!!!!" is word say by Jarson Gamatara in SD: LS chapter 4, against his father, John Gamatara were he known about old house that Jarson live there in 1 day before move from Dallas to San Francisco were in-joke as why? 'character' do that.
- Blanc to Kaidan Alenko "Why? HE DO THAT!!!!!" (but she say about Jason Michael)
- Blanc "Why? why you kill me."
- Lando Davien to Jason Michael "Why? MICHAEL DO THIS!"
- An Stargate Civilian say "Why? YOU DID ON ME!" (say against Lady White Heart)
- Kasami Hiiragi "Dammit, Peon, Why? She do that!" (Memory of Kagami Rebirth)
McCoy's quote "I'm a Doctor, not a ..."
- Blanc: Damm it, I'm the Goddess, not a servant, you think me is do everything as you command? DAMN.. IT! (Ashley Williams) (Blanc's Action)
- Colorer Rebel: I'm a Soldier, not a dancer. (Michael Jackson)
- Colorer Rebel: I'm a Colorer Rebel!, not Zander. (Blanc) (Blanc's Laugh)
- Lando Davien: I'm a Lando Davien, not as you wish, a Dancer! (Blanc) (Blanc was trap) (replaced below)
- Lando Davien: I'm a Greatilism, not as you wish, a King! (Blanc) (Blanc was trap) (uncensored version)
- Kagami Hiiragi: I'm a Student, not a Goddess. (Blanc) (ASS Kagami)
- Kaidan Alenko: I'm a Soldier, not a politician. (Blanc) (Found the proof)
- Himself as: I'm a Killer, not a Doctor. (Blanc) (Kill Blanc) (Lady White Heart)
- Kasami Hiiragi: I'm Lady Kasami Hiiragi, not Lady Noire. (Memory of Kagami Rebirth)
Star Democratic second quote that was parody is X scum, You kill X Why? is basic to say who is kill most his love and last quote of Federation Tier series was say to another character is, there are few quote but lack of source, this quote have more than McCoy's.
- Jarson Gamatara: George Lucas scum: You kill my teeth why? (George Lucas) (As fight in hovercar)
- Kaidan Alenko: AHH! YOU KICK BLANC WHY? (Jarson Gamatara) (Jarson kick Blanc)
Starship Troopers's quote "Bug don't take prisoners"
In the HDN chapter "Trouble with Away Team" has parody to Away Team that just kill civilian in the Neptunia world, as well as they don't take any prisoners as well as the Goddess in they landmass.
- Blanc: Away Team don't take prisoners (Away Team) (Civilian in HDN)
- Blanc: Kaidan, Remember, Ashley don't beat my chest (Kaidan Alenko) (Blanc's Chest)
Lowee Propaganda that show face of John Rico during his word, 'I'm from Buenos Aires and I say Kill them All' |
This infamous word before into the battle were John D. Rico have say this until the battle get start and their army took perish. Several main and major character has parody this quote were make as in-joke such as.
- Alexander Munro Unique: I'm from Earth and I say Blast them all (SD: SC: AMU) (2000) (?)
- Blanc: I'm from Lowee then I say Bang them out! (Lady White Heart) (2015)
- Jarson Gamatara: THEY ARE ENEMY, I SAY KILL THEM ALLLLLL!! (SD: Memory of Kagami) (2014)
Starship Troopers's quote "The Only Good Bug is a Dead Bug"
This infamous quote is likely take from Philip Sheridan's "The only good Indian is a dead Indian.".
- Daniel Jackson: The Only Dude can make a Shit. (John Sheppard) (His Idea about Sheppard was not here)
- Jonathan O'Neill: The Only Good Horse is a Meat Horse (Horse) (Horse being stab) (Trailer Only)
- SG Soldier: Only Good Goddess that for Dead Horse (Blanc) (SG Soldier's Horse)
Star Trek's quote "Lady White Heart's .............."
![]() |
Lady White Heart, that is you? |
These quote were parody from Star Trek movie were almost has called to Star Democratic's military and power, and more that reference to Blanc, much like in Hyperdimension Neptunia, which used for Season 1 and 2 only as appeared to similar used in this form, but still used in Season 3 and possible to the future.
The quote was say by most of Starfleet personal since crewman to Starfleet Command like Admiral Alexander Marcus, Star Democratic has say this well, but they said only Lady White Heart.
Example: 'Captain, Lady White Heart's fleet inbound, we have lower level weapon, the ship level is over 9,000'. (Lady White Heart)
- Lady White Heart's Alliance = Alliance of Scification
- Lady White Heart's Armed Force = Federation Armed Force
- Lady White Heart's Army = Federation Defense Force
- Lady White Heart's Battleship = ASS Blanc
- Lady White Heart's Galactic Empire = Interstellar Federation of Galactic Alliance
- Lady White Heart's Fighter Fleet = Federation Air Force
- Lady White Heart's Guard = Kaidan Alenko
- Lady White Heart's Navy = Federation Defense Fleet
- Lady White Heart's Rifle = PX-2 Pulsar Rifle
- Lady White Heart's Rival = Jarson Gamatara
- Lady White Heart's Superpower = Lowee Empire
- Lady White Heart's Sword = Hiiragira
Wilhelm & Howie scream
As one of most In-joke male death sound that used in most of Star Democratic series (most of them is Memory of Kagami are Starfleet crew were bridge get blow and crew is inside), the Wilhelm scream, it was used in many TV series of Star Democratic since SD: Federation Tier series until to SD: Memory of Kagami, most of it reference to explosion kill.
Howie scream has first appeared since Dark rise of Federation were Jason Michael fall to death, as well as Jarson Gamatara fall as parody.
Wilhelm and Howie scream has came to end after SD: LS 2 were not adopted this stock sound before with SD: HDN and Blancitunia/Touhou Galaxy Project are not adopted this stock sound effect which goal of future of the series is make to be realism and remove anything in the old version of Star Democratic, so Mikiyoru have remove both sound out of Star Democratic dialogue stock sound, However, the sound still continue to appear on HDN and Blancitunia/Touhou Galaxy Project trailer have appear with these scream, mostly with Star Trek's Away Team, but these replaced to regular sound later until newer version of Kirin J. Callinan's Big Enough AHHHH scream for longer scream and Roblox death sound for short scream debut in Memory of Kagami Rebirth.
Wilhelm Appeared:
- Away Team (Any explosion) (SD: Memory of Kagami)
- David Gamatara (Fall from starship) (SD: LS)
- Disco Trooper (Fall from height)
- Federation Soldier (Bite by zombies that jump off) (SD: Memory of Kagami: Zombie Trailer)
- George Lucas (Almost Method) (??? - SD: Memory of Kagami)
- James Vega (Kick by AFG) (SD: HK 2)
- John Sheridan (Fall from gunship) (SD: Memory of Kagami)
- Lando Davien (Fall from hoverbike) (SD: Memory of Kagami)
- Mark Soap (Fall from car) (SD: SC: LSGC)
- Starfleet crew (As CCSS Universal shoot through the bridge) (SD: Memory of Kagami)
- Away Team (Bombard by Barrage of Dolphin missile) (SD: HDN) (Cut)
- Away Team 2 (Flat by Mastodon) (Lady White Heart) (Cut)
- Away Team 3 (Fall from Building after get shot by an Mammoth) (Memory of Kagami Rebirth) (Cut)
- USA Crew (Throw out from Space when hull break) (STAR DEM0CRATIC) (Cut)
Note: Word mark in red are the trailer.
Howie Appeared:
- Unknown Disco Dancer (Tortured) (SD: Rise of the Disco)
- Jason Michael (Falling) (SD: Dark rise of Federation)
Barnes Scream (A.k.a. Cowboy scream)
The scream was first appear as easter egg in Memory of Kagami Rebirth, the name was after Jimmy Barnes and the scream was first appear in Kirin J. Callinan's song "Big Enough". This scream is likely a new generation of Howie Scream since these stock sound are no longer exist or keep in Universal Arts Sound Effect.
- One of Neutral Alliance Soldier being disintegrate by Peon's Final Form weapon.
- An Star Explorer Away Team is fall from platform transport after slice in half by Kasami's Hiiragira sword.
Roblox Death Sound (A.k.a. Oof)
This sound stock is came from video game, Roblox, the sound was first appear as easter egg in Memory of Kagami Rebirth, as the sound was using for short scream such as pilot get kill, explosive or even get shot, this sound is replaced Wilhelm scream. Note that one of Tornadotrooper that explosive into a piece after they shot Saori in Japanese version is censored since it will impact the emotion.
STAR DEM0CRATIC later adopted this death sound along with cowboy scream.
- One of Starbully pilot get shot by Sheridan's Starfury.
- One of Tornadotrooper explosive into a piece with GC-36 shot and one with head explosive when protect Saori. (Note: Censored in Japanese version)
- Random USA Trooper (STAR DEM0CRATIC)
Memory of Kagami series
Most of quote in Memory of Kagami were parody from most thing in real life and another content which appeared to this series only, were not appeared to another series.
- All personal, get this bastard, died in my hand, don't let him go!
- All your ship are belong to us.
- Bang Them Out!
- Die! Lucas! you are not belong to this universe!
- Finish Him!
- Kill them ALLLLLLL
- Some - Thing - Wrong?
- It is a TRAP (Star Wars)
Kagami Hiiragi Jr.
- Stop, don't Exterminate me! (Dalek) (2013)
First confront with Dalek that will exterminate her for? (SD: LS: Chapter 0.1 Kasami Hiiragi Theater)
George Lucas
- I doing for Star Wars. (Jarson Gamatara & (who is killed by him)) (1977 - 2014)
This quote is look like request a quote that Jarson Gamatara angry to kick him out of car. (SD: Memory of Kagami)
But not only him, he also say as after kill since Tim Musurite from SD: Original series, Sakura Kinomoto from SD: Federation Tier 9, Sword girl from SD: SC: RH 2, Tsukasa Hiiragi from SD: SC: LSGC, Cheerful character and Kagami Hiiragi from SD: Memory of Kagami (as well as Blanc at final chapter of Lady White Heart which say by McCoy).
And that why many character don't kill him (except as Jarson Gamatara) because he is need Star Wars as powerful than Star Democratic and forbid Star Democratic advanced (and Star Democratic must be as Star Wars's culture is make everything as Star Wars).
Michael Jackson
- Join us. To Disco. (Kasami Makito Taka) (1994)
Stone Age
Stone Age or BC is 'before christ' quote are meaning that 'outdated or poor thing can beat modern or advanced', this infamous was using by Star Democratic as Star Wars can beat Star Democratic.
Format: "Quote (about outdated thing) (against newer thing)"
George Lucas
- This Blaster has used in long time, so not have any high damage, high velocity, rate fire, or special thinking, have only killed. (E-11 Blaster Rifle) (Type-17/1 Platinum Rifle)
As the Blaster Rifle of Star Wars are no special function or highest thing, but only kill person, that 5 soldier that hold type-17 were killed with these guns.
Federal Network (Starship Trooper)
- Would you like to know more? (1997)
John Sheridan
- That 'X' (1995 - 2018)
Most of Sheridan's quote that say every time if he has action, most of it used to as kill someone, death or taunt. The quote have been spoken since 1995 until 2018 which Get the hell out of our galaxy.
List of that Sheridan say follow timeline of say
- That hurt
- That pain
- That Lost
- That Broken
- That False
- That ....
- That Centauri
- That Narn
- That Minbari
- That RPG
- That Pay
- That is my starship
- That died
- That breath
- That Defeated
- That Babylon 5
- That Excalibur
- That Omega class Star Destroyer
- That Earth Alliance
- That Miss
- That Victory
- That White Star
- That Plasma Cannon
- That Volron
- That I-SA (Interstellar Alliance)
- That Busy
- That Laser
- That Fusion
- That Shadow
- That Drakh
- That Rival
- That True
- That Dinosaur
- That (person name)
- That (person name) come
- That Mercy
- That Kagami
- That SDDMC
- That Twintail
- That Tsukasa
- That Jarson
- That Jarson Gamatara
- That Jarson OICW Gun
Say only kill by Jarson's OICW.
- That Star Democratic
- That Greatilism
- That Star Wars
- That..s...... is over
- That Blanc
- That White Heart
Say only kill by Blanc as her Goddess-form.
- That Hat guy
- That Mario fan club
- That Mushroom hat
- That is A-cup size cute girl
Say as kill by Blanc as he mock her chest.
- That Kaidan
- That Gay
Say as Kaidan has say 'I'll see you in hell'.
- That Man love Man
- That Karma
- That Idiot
- That Noire
- Get X the hell out of our galaxy (2018 - present)
This quote have debut in 2017 Memory of Kagami Rebirth and being popular with 2018 Birth of Lady Tomoya Dinogi which taking one of scene that Sheridan say to take Vorlon and Shadow out of their galaxy.
- Get "Shadow" the hell out of my game!
- Get "Segami" the hell out of my head!
- Get "OICW" the hell out of our battle!
- Get us the hell out of here!
Kasami Hiiragi
- Karma people or People who earn Karma
Most often Kasami's quote is nothing more than say Karma people at enemy who is enemy who do bad against her which likely say as 'Idiot'.
- Wallace
Wallace are term refer to 'War Race' such as Lucas's Alliance and Neutral Alliance.
Lucky Star Level (L.S.L.)
The Lucky Star Level is clichés of level in most of Kasami's Star Democratic video game, as appeared in Lucky Star series only, like Kasami Theater, this quote also appeared in Memory of Kagami and HDN series, as well as Lady White Heart and all Touhou Galaxy Project video game.
- Munro (Easy)
- Vega (Medium)
- Hiiragi Must Died! (Hard)
Memory of Kagami Rebirth Player Top Rank
The Player Top Rank was introduction in Memory of Kagami Rebirth video game after you have complete the game were have total 22 person which based on greatest leader by Chiyukitalian history and some infamous leader of Lucas's Allaince. Also can't be gain more score after new game plus, these person are include with.
Following Score Level are:
- Munro (x0.5)
- Vega (x1)
- Gamatara (x2)
- Hiiragi Must Died (x4)
Score List:
- Killing Enemy (1 score)
- Destroying Enemy Starship (5 score)
- Firearm Level Up (10 score)
- Hiiragira Sword Level Up (25 score)
- Kasami Hiiragi Level Up (50 score)
- Killing Wanted Person (100 score)
- Win the Battle with single person only (250 score)
- Complete Quest (500 score)
- Complete Mission (1,000 score)
- Killing Beta Wanted Person (2,500 score)
- Complete Chapter (5,000 score)
- Complete Act (10,000 score)
The Person were include with:
Note: The version appear is came from Birth of Lady Tomoya Dinogi.
- 1st Tomoya Dinogi: 999,999,999 Score
I'm a god. I have fight to release the bird from the chaos made by people who want to destroy this galaxy.
- 2nd Hatsumi Sega: 750,000,000 Score or higher
That's where you're mistaken. You are going to die here. I'm going to make sure of it!
- 3th Aiko: 500,000,000 Score or higher
Dream become true. Keep the bird go on and protect them from harm by baddies.
- 4th Henry Kyle: 100,000,000 Score or higher
Interstellar have give me as longest President of the Interstellar Federation.
- 5th Teijiki Peon: 75,000,000 Score or higher
I gonna Nep-Nep all spaceship with a pudding main gun batteries and a bad guy please..... abandoned ship already!
- 6th Aiko: 50,000,000 Score or higher
My wish have became a Novel Writer have fallen since Star Conflict came but My Lady have give me a chance to become a new person.
- 7th Vertimiki Niwa: 25,000,000 Score or higher
Though gun is old, but still kill.
- 8th Kagami Hiiragi: 10,000,000 Score or higher
The Real Life will drive all of people to the truth, who imagine is imagine to the world that never move.
- 9th Jennifer Davison: 7,500,000 Score or higher
No civilization in the galaxy can face alone, there will be a great era of founding of the Interstellar Federation, which that is why we have face together.
- 10th Tsukasa Hiiragi: 5,000,000 Score or higher
I can pass the exam if I have read a book, nobody will accept my wish.
- 11th Yoshino Yoshimizu: 2,500,000 Score or higher
Aiko, I never lie to Miki about I'm dead because I can't know everything since the operation because.... because.... I don't want big sis hurt so why I have kill myself to that Star Conflict.
- 12th Ducken XI: 1,000,000 Score or higher
You shall serve to the Emperor of Ducken Empire!
- 13th Alexander Maxwell: 750,000 Score or higher
The only fool people never see the truth of the behind the wall of Democracy of Interstellar Republic.
- 14th Gray Diennes: 500,000 Score or higher
Reverse engine. Full power!
- 15th Ace Levy: 250,000 Score or higher
Sir, I don't understand. What good's a knife in a nuke fight? All you have to do is press a button, sir.
- 16th Garry Travis: 100,000 Score or higher
We've just landed on Klendathu on an area they call Big K with the 6th Mobile Infantry Division. It's an ugly planet, a Bug planet! A planet hostile to life as we know- AAAAAAHHHHH!! HELP ME!
- 17th Brian and Aaron: 75,000 Score or higher
Be Seduced by the Power of the Dork Side!
- 18th Loke Groundrunner: 75,000 Score or higher
If there were thumbs in space and they got mad at each other there would be... THUMB WARS
- 19th Fluke Starbucker: 50,000 Score or higher
If I can't find anything after my Doggie suck in middle of Heavenly Host, please bring me a Starbuck coffee.
- 20th Lone Starr: 25,000 Score or higher
Hey, I have debt with Pizza the Hutt, tell Lady Kasami Hiiragi that I'm just a Traveller, not a guy who like to say "Damm you, God Dammed!".
- 21th John Sheridan: 0 Score or higher
Get us the hell out of here!
See also
- Censorship in Star Democratic
- References in Star Democratic
- Secrecy of the Star Democratic
- Traditional in Star Democratic