Platinum Pulse Laser


Platinum Pulse Laser
Weapon Information
Type: Beam
Range: +1,000,000 km
Rate of Fire: 450 - 6000 RPM (550 RPM is Standard)
Energy used: 10 - 60 W
First used: Uncertain (But first used that long time at +88,000,000 BDG)
Last used: 87,999,999 BDG (Interstellar Federation collapse by Actactan Empire replaced to used Blaster weapon on many species under controll of Actactan Empire)
Status used: Standard weapon of Interstellar Federation
Affiliation: Species 20-3
                Interstellar Federation of Galactic Alliance

One of most powerful projectile weapon, Platinum Energy is Ancient weapon more powerful than Blaster weapon has register as standard energy weapon created by species 20-3 and Type-4/1 SCR is weapon test for Star Democratic, Platinum can burst projectile into splash damage, long range beam can fire into cycle like projectile and sword can't reflect this weapon, in function also called as Platinum Laser that fast like beam, energy are white can splash damage at 8 - 10 meter radius, However, the name called that add "Pulse" as Burst and can't reflect, also known as Platinum Pulse Laser, Platinum can destroyed a building at heavy damage, or Disco troops. But Platinum weapon used only Semi-Automatic that is ancient weapon no automatic technology. (If have automatic technology, Platinum firing at overheat fast where fire at 8 shot auto and only +550 RPM for used automatic.)

Platinum weapon appeared only Semi-Automatic weapon in +88,000,000 BDG and +87,999,900 ADG, never appeared as automatic weapon like Type-4/1 SCR, However, Platinum is secret weapon before as Standard Energy weapon of Interstellar Federation of Galactic Alliance. (SD: SC: RH 2)



The Platinum Laser variants in Star Democratic series has a 9 Type, some type has special that other type not, Platinum have 6 setting mode to used in mission or some other.


Platinum are bullet weapon, but firing as energy, a bullet is energy belt metal used X x X mm, it used as energy bolt from bullet and push as energy, and bullet was eject from otherside of weapon.

Setting mode

- Setting PPL-1"S": Stun mode
All platinum weapon type have that mode to stun enemy where used by police and military soldier.

- Setting PPL-2H: Heat mode
- Setting PPL-3B: Burst mode
- Setting PPL-4D: Disruption mode
- Setting PPL-5BM: Beam mode
Beam setting can used for sniper mode.

- Setting PPL-6E: Explosive mode
Platinum at Setting at 7 is splash damage can blow everything, if shoot on head, head will explosive.


- Type-1 Platinum
First version used only heavy pistol.

- Type-2 Platinum
Used on standard pistol.

- Type-3 Platinum
Standard rifle version.

- Type-4 Platinum
Used in OICW Project only. (Type-4 SCR)

- Type-5 Platinum
Standard pistol version (Interstellar)

- Type-6 Platinum
Standard heavy pistol version (Interstellar)

- Type-7 Platinum
Standard rifle version (Interstellar)

- Type-8 Platinum
Standard sniper rifle version (Interstellar)

- Type-9 Platinum
Used by AA-turret (Interstellar)

Firearm and weapon used

Here is no Shotgun or Machine gun in this energy used because that will overheat.

- Pistol
  - Heavy pistol

- Assault Rifle
- Battle Rifle
- Burst Rifle
- Carbine
- Heavy Rifle
- Light Rifle
- Sniper Rifle
  - Anti-Material Rifle
- Sub-Machine Gun


"Platinum are weapon that used for only military but they are ban for civilian except pistol were most of black market are have weapon such as rifle to shotgun, but pistol are free to buy but they must accept from gunshop owner, as Disco Federation are banned for both civilian and military."

The platinum weapon were illegal for civilian except pistol that platinum are explosive-like energy also can armor-piercing many material like Anti-Material Rifle and the platinum can kill person into piece of body and also this weapon is illegal for Disco Federations (except Colorer's Disco since they have technology from federation and now is part of federation).

This weapon is choice of federation soldier since Type-7/1 to Type-17/1.

Behind the Scene


The Platinum weapon can effect to a body and explosive into a piece of body. Unlike any tomoyatalian weapon, the platinum are explosive and hit fast, the platinum are gold energy of light were more powerful as phaser weapon.

The Platinum are based from platinum light and some reference from Shugo Chara!, the platinum were used in many federation soldier by most of armed force but were not used by civilian (only pistol can buy) and disco federation which these weapon are illegal for they.

Like most of weapon, this weapon can't break federation soldier into piece of body to due a censorship.

The name of Platinum are secret were based from Shugo Chara! were call in 2009, Early 2000, Platinum are called as Yellow Laser. (SD: SC: AMU)

Universal DataWeapon