Fulcro-76 Thunderbolt

"This flying make to help us to kill a bug, not that evil FlakFa that make to kill us, not a Bug."
- An MI Resistance Fighter about to scrap an F-80 (Memory of Kagami Rebirth, post-game)

Fulcro-76 Thunderbolt
Production information
Manufacturer: Fulcro Aerospace Defense
Line: Fulcro-series
Model: Thunderbolt
Class: Fighter-Bomber
Technical specifications
Length: 19.7 meter
Height: 4.7 meter
Maximum speed: 65,000 km/h
Hull: Aluminium Armor
Engine unit(s): Caballero-IM Turbofan (2)
Hyperdrive rating: None
Power plant: Caballero-IM Turbofan (2)
Shielding: None
Sensor systems: Unknown
Targeting systems: Unknown
Armament: Missile Launcher (2)
                   Bomb Launcher (1)
Crew: Pilot (2)
Communication systems: Unknown
Role(s): Bomber
Year introduced: G.C. 1996
Operator: Mobile Fleet
Affiliation: United Citizen Federation
                   United Citizen Resistance
The Fulcro Aerospace Defense-76 Thunderbolt or known commonly as F-76 Thunderbolt was the atmosphere bomber of the United Citizen Federation were used by Starvessel Soldiers being one of weakest starfighter that operate in Great Universe War. Being as Bomber role during the time of bug war. They were later using as Fighter in Great Universe War because of lack starfighter. F-76 have been using in space combat against United Citizen Autocratic and their fleet of FF-80 Zeus, although fact that F-76 was design for atmosphere only. Ace Pilot can take down FlakFa with these F-76 while they in atmosphere.

MI report that Hopper Bug learn how to take down these Fulcro craft when they flying. (Memory of Kagami Rebirth)