High nooN


"Initiating program 'High Noon'"
- Holodeck computer in SD: SC: AMU

High nooN series
Director: Jason Gamatara
Producer: Universal Arts
Language: English
Timeline: 1887 - 1920
              1920 - Unknown (2)
              2024 (X and V)
Era: New Era
       Present Era (2)
       Future Era (X and V)
Government: United States
Main Protagonist: Richard Jackson
Main Antagonist: Laboono Desseprerado
Main Enemy: Desperado
Part of: SD: Memory of Kagami
            SD: HDN
This famous series has return from holodeck in SC: AMU has appeared as full story has set to 1,887 AD to 1,918 AD, The High nooN, is spin-off series of Star Democratic in episode style western cowboy science-fiction started by Richard Jackson, a lawman who is come from large city to desert land in Texas for protect enemy from Mexican who is invader to destroyed this home-city William by he will fight against Mexican cowboys.

The series has plan to 7 episode and 1 episode has set in 2,024 AD as great-grandfather son who is wanted by Mexican Empire after invasion the world by he need to destroyed Mexican Empire to join anti-colonialism groups.

For Episode 2 and rest of V story has program for SD: HDN.



Start by Richard Jackson who finish from U.S. law university has travel William town on Texas that early was ruler by Mexican person Laboono Desseprerado were William town on U.S. territory were no police or prefect, he has become to prefect to fight against mexican cowboys.

In the chapter 5, Richard has contract to signal that were take mexican to control from german were mexican has confront with thier military for invasion Texas.

In the chapter 7, Richard has protect all cost but they are not retreat or even destroyed Richard's homeland he will still fight but he has protect his family escape to near town, but he has been killed by Laboono and William town has captured.

Next series of Episode 2 and Victory, 10 year after Richard death, Thomas has order to revive Richard at William town that ruler by Mexican by using secret power were take down from CCSS Plutia.

In series Episode X, after 104 year of invasion, as Shephard Jackson has return to William town by Thomas before he died, but William town today William City under control by Mexican but now is Mexican Empire by Director Eli Desseprerado.

In series Episode V, Shephard and William resistance group are fight against Mexican, but not end.


- High nooN
- High nooN 2: Defender of William Town
- High nooN X
- High nooN Victory

List of Character


- Director Eli Desseprerado
- Laboono Desseprerado (Main antagonist)


- Richard Jackson (Main protagonist)
- Shephard Jackson
- Thomas Jackson


- Desperado

X and V:
- Desperado Trooper
- Soldato Futuro


- High nooN's enemy is only Desperado.

List of Chapter

Episode 1

- Chapter 1: High nooN: the man of outlaw
Chapter 2: High nooN: the wanted man
Chapter 3: High nooN: the man without land
Chapter 4: High nooN: the man of contract
Chapter 5: High nooN: the person from Mexican
Chapter 6: High nooN: the lawless
Chapter 7: High nooN: the death of law

Episode 2

- Chapter 1: High nooN 2: the man kind of defense -> the kind of defense for man

Episode X

- Chapter 1: High nooN X: 2024 cowboy? -> 4220 must died

Episode V

- Chapter 1: High nooN V: Empire -> Trip me
- Chapter 2: High nooN V: No man's Land -> Land's no man


- Zombies : High nooN: No law for dead walked

Behind the Scene


The based on film but Star Democratic had used High nooN as holodeck early as in SD: SC: AMU.

The enemy who want to destroyed United States of America is the Mexican, was in 1914 after German contract during World War I, Star Democratic has make this series as one of sub series of the Star Democratic.

William Town
Fictional town that close to american-mexican border, based of this town was came from Dallas were original just small town with 8-9 building as in High-nooN original and 2.


- Most of High nooN series have chapter name by say "The" (except X and V series).
- Most of Star Democratic: Original has return as Nazi Commando to Italian Commando in this series.
- High nooN Victory, by common are used High nooN V.
- Early tester of High nooN 2, Richard Jackson has used Heckler & Koch XM7 to shoot Desperado on Bar club, before change to Thompson Submachine Gun.