M-29 Turtle

"We need Turtle, we don't need a Rabbit, fire at will!"

M-29 Turtle
Production information
Manufacturer: Universal Startech
Line: M-series Armor
Model: Turtle
Class: Multiple Launch Rocket System
Technical specifications
Height/depth: 18 meter
Mass: 460 ton
Maximum speed: 150 km/h
Engine unit: Mx2 Fusion Generator
Sensor systems: Kowa artillery system
Armament: 450mm fusion missile launcher (8)
                  - Effective Range: 400 km
Crew: Pilot (2)
Role: Rocket Artillery
Year introduced: G.C. 2009
Affiliation: Interstellar Federation
                   Lowee Empire
The Universal Startech Missile-29 Turtle or M-29 was a Multiple Launch Rocket System operate by Federation Self Defense Force and later, Lowee Imperial Army, it was introduction sometime after Star Conflict Invasion over Touhou Galaxy with favor to replaced SPHA-T Anti-Starship Artillery in Federation military. Turtle were saw at first time during Defend of K-11 in Great Universe War were multiple Turtle are shoot at enemy starship that invade K-11. Turtle is known as one of most powerful modern artillery, however, unlike SPHA-T, they can't shoot down a starship due to their range, but still useful as ground siege and support anti-vehicle artillery. Also, Turtle is very slow in most of Federation military vehicle. (Memory of Kagami Rebirth)

Touhou Galaxy Project:
- Lady White Heart (First Appeared)
Memory of Kagami Rebirth