SA-666 Starbully


"These don't stealth against light, they stealth against space."
SA-666 Mitchell-Hyundyne Starbully
Production information
Manufacturer: Mitchell-Hyundyne
Line: Starbully-series
Model: 666
Class: Strike fighter
Technical specifications
Length: 10.8 meter
Height: 18.7 meter
Maximum speed: 110,000 km/h
Hull: Aluminium Armor (Paint in black for stealth)
Engine unit(s): Beigle-Bryant 490Mx-series Plasma Engines (4)
Hyperdrive rating: None
Power plant: Beigle-Bryant O9k-series Plasma Reactor (1)
Shielding: None
Sensor systems: Unknown
Targeting systems: Unknown
Armament: Copeland 5mm Spacedust Autocannon (2)
                   Copeland Air-to-Air Missile Cannon (2)
                   Copeland 40mm Spaceauto Cannon (1) (Advanced version)
Crew: Pilot (1)
Communication systems: Unknown
Role(s): Fighter
Year introduced: G.C. 2014
Year retired: G.C. 2014
Operator: Earthfleet
Affiliation: United Earth Alliance
The SA-666 Mitchell-Hyundyne Starbully, nickname "Bully" is the modern version of Starfury, it stealth and deadly fighter fought in Great Universe War were use by those United Earth Alliance which capable to deal against outmatch like Starfury or weak fighter like Starfurotor-2 but these craft is outmatched by those superior craft such as StarfurotorX-3 and StarfurotorX-4.

The advanced version of Starbully can transform into a assault walker for ground assault. (Memory of Kagami Rebirth)

Known Squadron
Skull Squadron
Elite Force of all Starbully and UEA which capable to destroy the enemy base of operation. (Memory of Kagami Rebirth)