"You like this old fashion armor to take down some
advanced armor? This poor quailty armor can protect you from that
Vader gun without get any serious damage."
M-1 series CTC Armor
Production information
Manufacturer: Morita
Model: M-1 series
Type: Body Armor
Culture: Starvessel Soldiers
Owners: Mobile Infatry
Cost: ¥750,000
Physical and technical specifications
Color: Light Green
Grey (Naval version)
Red (Medic version)
Year Introduction: G.C. 1997
Affiliation: United Citizen Federation
United Citizen Resistance
M-1 series Counter Terrorism Combat Armor or known commonly as
Federation Body Armor was combat armor from
Starvessel Soldiers which using by Mobile Infantry prior before Second Bug War which replaced with M-2 series Trooper Combat Armor. Although the Armor is ineffective to against Close-Quarter (such as Knife and Bug) due to poor quality and the armor is makeout with plastic, but the armor is flexible and suitable to hot place as well as can protect from an rifle's projectile especially from an Vader Infatry's
VCR-21 Sub-Machine Rifle. Although the armor was replaced by M-2 series armor, but it was limited to special force and commando, this armor have widely use by resistance against superior
PX-1 Vader armor. (
Memory of Kagami Rebirth)