Jonathan 'Jack' O'Neill

"You can't attack Neutral, but we can attack you, but you can't attack Neutral, but we can attack you if you are violation to the Neutral."
- Jonathan 'Jack' O'Neill (Lady White Heart)

Jonathan J. O'Neill
Biographical information
Homeworld: Tau'ri
Born: October 20, G.C. 1952
          Kan'sa, United States of Tau'ri, Tau'ri
Died: January 20, G.C. 2014
          Tomokyo, Chiyuki by Kasami Hiiragi
Physical description
Species: Tau'ri
Gender: Male
Height: 184 cm
Mass: 67 kg
Hair color: Grey
Skin color: White
Eye color: Blue
Other Information
Nationality: Americon
Religion: None
Rank: General
Occupation: Neutral Alliance Command
Affiliation: Stardoor Command
                   Neutral Alliance
                   Lucas's Alliance
Cause of Death: Killed by Kasami Hiiragi when she order
                           multiple Turtle firing on his tank
Jonathan 'Jack' O'Neill was Tau'ri male general and infamous founder of Neutral Alliance and his armed force, he was Dictator of Stardoor Universe. He is main antagonist in Lady White Heart and minor antagonist in Memory of Kagami Rebirth along with another four most wanted target of Federation Armed Self-Defense Force such as Morgan Clark, Alexander Marcus and Omar Anoke.

He was fought in Great Universe War in various battle, but his major battle was on Chiyuki until he was ultimate killed by Kasami Hiiragi from an Fusion Missile from Turtle when he drive a M4X to fight against MBT-21 as attempt to destroy Houdaika Army Base. (Memory of Kagami Rebirth)

Lady Kasami's Log
First Name:
Middle Name:
Last Name:
October 20, G.C. 1952, Kan'sa, United States of Tau'ri, Tau'ri
January 20, G.C. 2014, Tomokyo, Chiyuki
General Habit:
Dare traditional race
Known for:
Orator of Neutral Alliance
Neutral Alliance Command
Most Wanted Level: 
Cause of Death:
Killed during ground battle on Tomokyo by you from ordering multiple Turtle bombard on him
Jonathan O'Neill was infamous orator of Neutral Alliance were "You can't attack neutral but we can attack you, but you can't attack but we can attack you if you attack the Neutral" and also the founder of Neutral Alliance as well. He was one of four most wanted person by Federation as he was fought in many major battle in this conflict but his major battle was gone in Chiyuki until he was death by you in armored combat on his M4X.

Touhou Galaxy Project:
Lady White Heart (First Appearred)
Memory of Kagami Rebirth