FlakFa-80 Zeus

"Winners Don't Use Drugs"
- Kasami Hiiragi when shot down an FF-80 Zeus (Memory of Kagami Rebirth)

FlakFa-80 Zeus
Production information
Manufacturer: FlakFa Aerospace Offense
Line: FlakFa-series
Model: Zeus
Class: Stealth Air superiority fighter
Technical specifications
Length: 19.8 meter
Height: 4.74 meter
Maximum speed: 175,000 km/h
Hull: Aluminium Armor
Engine unit(s): Caballero-CX Turbofan (2)
Hyperdrive rating: None
Power plant: Caballero-CX Turbofan (2)
Shielding: None
Sensor systems: Unknown
Targeting systems: Unknown
Armament: MAL-T7 Autocannon (1)
                   ATA-M7 Missile Launcher (2)
Crew: Pilot (1)
Communication systems: Unknown
Role(s): Fighter
Year introduced: G.C. 2014
Year retired: G.C. 2014
Operator: Vader Fleet
Status: 1 active in UCR, other are destroyed or scrap
Affiliation: United Citizen Autocratic
                   United Citizen Resistance
The FlakFa Aerospace Offensive FlakFa-80 Zeus or known commonly as FF-80 Zeus or FlakFa was stealth-capable, air superiority fighter of the United Citizen Autocratic were used by Starvessel Soldiers were saw at first time during Defend of K-11 in Great Universe War, it was new generation from F-76 Thunderbolt although it was different series. FF-80 have far more superior than F-76 in dogfight although it lack role as bomber, but they have Etora-77 as bomber. According to Kasami's quote when shot down these FF-80 have rumor that many FF-80 pilot in Vader Fleet were often to use a drug known as POTA to increase their power, however, it cause them drive into the crazy which likely will eat human flesh. After Great Universe War, most of FF-80 were likely destroyed or scrap by United Citizen Resistance due to it was evil symbol of Anoke's regime and lack of their spare parts, only one were remain in the Resistance was Boris's craft that stolen during RT-8T quest. (Memory of Kagami Rebirth)

"This flying make to help us to kill a bug, not that FlakFa that make to kill us, not a Bug."
- An MI Resistance Fighter mentioned F-76 were better than FF-80 as they have scrap these craft (Memory of Kagami Rebirth, post-game)

FF-80 were fast, powerful starfighter more than their predecessor and it also stealth capable unlike old version of F-76, however, these FF-80 lack as Bomber role as focus on air superiority fighter, these FF-80 can shot down any weak and outdated starfighter like Starfurotor-2 (that not pilot by Kasami Hiiragi). FF-80 were powered by two Caballero-CX Turbofan that allow to fight in space faster. The cockpit were almost digital and have AI system which easily to be an automatic pilot, however, their auto pilot AI was design for take off and non-combat. The real weakness of FF-80 was lack as bomber role which easily to take down by AA guns and it do minor damage to capital ship and completely ineffective to shielding (except those Chiyukitalian-based shielding). Also the problem of FF-80 that F-76 don't have is the AI, as when AI was hack, the craft will gone crazy and out of control.

"........DAMN YOU!"
- Jingo 'Jim' Ryan after use POTA drug EXE drive is about to decapitate Peon's head (Memory of Kagami Rebirth)

An FF-80 have carrying with Drug known as POTA (Acronym for Poison of Taylor Angry) which can find in Zaius-line Taylor Ape, the Drug was made by Dr. Taylor George were cause their action look like a Zombie and often to say word like 'Maniac' or 'Damm you!' as well as they will eating a flesh not even human flesh when their energy are too low. Also the drug will have more effective to special force in Vader Infantry when they see an Statue of Liberty (especially in half) which have given 9999% power that single hand gain a capable to Decapitation such as one like Teijiki Peon's Head.

- FF-80 Zeus prop was based on Sukhoi Su-57 and have similar name 'PAK FA' as 'FlakFa' which also name after 'Flakka', a illegal drug were the fighter name is look more evil. Initial name was given as F-80 Zeus.
- 'POTA' drug is acronym of Planet of the Ape.