This is version of Star Democratic character, if you want see real version, see Jason Gamatara, or Lady White Heart, please see Jarson 'Kevin' Gamatara
"Fun with me, No, you should not attack adult"
- Jarson Gamatara to Blanc (SD: HDN)
- Jarson Gamatara to Blanc (SD: HDN)
List the Family Graph
so, the no picture for Gamatara, wait for created.
- George K. Gamatara (M) and Jane T. Gamatara (F)
1859 - 1947
- Jimmy Gamatara (M) - Kasal Gamatara (F), Don Gamatara (M) and Sandy Gamatara (F)
1894 - 1999
- John Gamatara (M) - Persian Gamatara (F), Dan Gamatara (M)
1941 - present
- Jarson Gamatara (M) - Dallas Gamatara (F), -----
1972 - present
- David Gamatara (M)
1995 - present
His name known as Jason Gamatara (J-son Ga-ma-ta-ra), but known in Star Democratic character as Jarson Gamatara (Jar-son Ga-ma-ta-ra?) J. Gamatara or sample Kirk, Doctor or Makeinu (mean Underdog) and Jason Friday 13th are used by Blanc (Kagami Hiiragi Jr.) Larson is alias name, SDRODC or as header as Remetor Operation M3-7 or Rom-37 and early called to be Greatilism of the Star Democratic, in Memory of Kagami know him as God of Firearm and Aim down your sight.
If him carry with his type-4/1 was called as Jarson OICW-Gun by secondary team.
Jarson don't have own age, as he never old (as bald man are not as old), according his age in his life was 17,000,000,000 year, unlike Kagami Hiiragi Jr. doesn't.
See: Trivia: Gamatara
Suit and Uniform (Universe)
Early Jarson Gamatara's his suit is Star Trek yellow/blue and red shirt and black trousers where used during before to SD: SC: Lando's Most Revenge.
New Uniform is Dark blue shirt with white long shirt and trousers are same it.
See: Trivia: Gamatara
"I Hate them, but I hate more if fish and fish dead!"
- Jarson Gamatara (a parody of Hyperdimension Neptunia mk2 quote)
Jarson is Ichthyophobia including he don't eat fish or see any dead fish and he also is Animiphobia, as fear Anime women character such as Kagami Hiiragi Jr. and Blanc.
Jarson will hate as something is hurt him such as Dalek are become as instant hate.
Jarson has like everything but not some time, example: Star Trek.
List of Jarson like.
- Adolf Hitler (?)
- Germany
- Greatilism (now is hated)
- His Cat (Chance) (most)
- Heckler & Koch's weapons (most)
- His Family
- Historic
- Michael Jackson's Music
- Nazism
- Poland
- Star Trek (But not some time)
- Type-4/1 SCR (In real world)
- Jarson Gamatara after he become as bald man with black armor cover him (SD: Memory of Kagami)
Jarson will 'hate' everything if ..... hurt him, example: Daleks.
List of Jarson hate.
- Anime (But not some time)
- Blanc/Kagami Hiiragi Jr. (rival)
- Christmas (as children only)
Because Santa Claus is no real.
- Daleks (In real world)
- Exterminate
- Some time he hate to Defeated from the war
- Everyone hurt him
- Star Wars
No weakness for Jarson, but some time he will defeated from some faster.
List of Jarson weakness
- Attack Dog
- Daleks (In real world)
- George Lucas
- Blanc/Kagami/Tsukasa Hiiragi (In real world)
- Shotgun of Farmer (if close to him)
See: Trivia: Gamatara
Skill and Ability
Jarson can used the force like between light and dark side from used force heal to used force lightning, can jump height than human at 50 meter and have more trick to strike everyone down.
Unlike Kasami is left-hand aptitude, But Jarson has aptitude as right and left (almost is right), if used right too such as pen and pencil will change to left, but he used left hand is different if he is not sick or not used right too.
Jarson's Education has grade 3.5 and history is 4 if counterpart with Kagami and Kasami is grade 4, But as Jarson has study hard with put source information to his brain as history, politics and science that some day he will creator of Star Democratic, so some knowledge that he read has story of Nazi, dictatorship and rules of leader so as Jarson can get-in brain.
This skill will used counterpart between Lucky Star and Jarson.
(Sample) Jarson used this for almost of Rifle |
- Pistol
He hold pistol with two-handed technique, unlike some Lucky Star Character has use one-handed technique with dual wielding.
For Dual wielding, he hold two pistol as adjacent type.
- Rifle and Sub-Machine Gun
He hold almost firearm like this guy.
Note: if weapon is bullpup and not like AUG, he will used a tactical grip.
If the weapon has no grip, he will used this picture as sample.
- Shotgun
Like George Lucas, he also faster with Shotgun which firing and hold much like assault rifle.
While shotgun is pump-action, he used as semi-automatic before pump which ammo empty (in fact it was single shot and reload per shot).
He aiming down your sight for every weapon type since pistol to special weapon that no iron sight (Example: minigun, grenade launcher, superweapon), not even hand grenade will aim for accuracy but he aim is not accurate for 100%, but Lucky Star are not aiming to sight has used hip-fire only. (SD: LS)
His accuracy is 82.4% that can fire REA-31 automatic at enemy no miss (only projectile slow) and Grenade Launcher skill can shoot long range at 300 - 500 meter on under-barrel grenade launcher.
While enemy is zombies or enemy has closed to jarson, he will jump over and fire rifle's grenade launcher (not oicw).
For counterpart as Lucky Star Character's accuracy is 98.3 % as Kagami and 96.7 % as Tsukasa. (and ???? % as AFG (SD: SC: AMU)) (SD: LS)
Most weapon he used can fire in full-automatic, semi-automatic and three-round burst also rifle, pistol and shotgun, but he used as fully-auto attack as long range.
See: Gamatara's Red Eye, Head Target
See: Trivia: Gamatara
![]() |
Blanc |
Mean "Dead" is Character has dead.
- AFG (Dead)
- Barack Obama
- Blanc (Goddess/Rival)
- Colorer Rebel
- David Gamatara (son)
- Disco Lando
- James Vega
- Jarson Trooper No. 1
- John Gamatara (Father/Dead)
- Johnson Bartender
John Gamatara (Based-off) (Simple) |
- Kagami Hiiragi (Dead)
- Kagami Hiiragi Jr. (Blanc) (Rival/Death)
- Tsukasa Hiiragi (Dead)
- Mario
- Maximilian bur Bergthin (Left-hand man)
- Michael Jackson
- Prmovel Lusac (Right-hand man)
- Cardcaptor Sakura Kinomoto (Dead)
- Tim Musurite (Dead)
- Unknown Anime 1 Character (Dead)
- Daleks
By default, Jarson has hate most of Daleks so long time if they exterminate.
- George Lucas (Dead)
Lucas is Director of Star Wars, but he has travel to Star Democratic all time to kill import or main character of star democratic example: Tim Musurite and other universe to change universe into darkside and create Disco Federation, Lando's Kingdom, Greatilism and more.
- 2+Lucky Star Character and Kagami Hiiragi Jr. is Neptunia Character
Before Invasion of Shugo Chara!, secondary team of star democratic has import Lucky Star to Star Democratic, while Jarson assault chara!, secondary team has used this anime to stop jarson's movement. (SC vs SD)
And also enemy during jarson's found oicw. (SD: LS)
- Unknown Anime 1 Character (former)
See: Trivia: Gamatara
Gamatara's firearm he can used other weapon not OICW only.
Format: HK = Heckler & Kock West Germany, JT = Jackson's Toy, SCR, SR = Superpe Ronte
In Faction:
- SR FX-2
Defense and Support
- HK BMG-3
- Force Field Device
- Jetpack
- Personal Shield Generator
- Personal Transporter
- Quadrotor
- Sentry Gun
Device and Superweapon
- DL Blackstar Superplasma Cannon
- JT R4 Superplasma Cannon
- SCR Target Lock
- DES-5
- Flashbang
- M89
- JT ERA-2
- Glock 30
- HK M4
- JT RE-4
- SR RSS-3
- HK USP. 74 (Secondary)
- DL XPR-5
- SR AT16
- SR M1027-E
- JT VE-5
- MR VE-7
Machine Gun
- JT RMG-2
- SR Vulcan-2000
- Crowbar
- Field Knife
- Machete
- Assault
- Steyr A-AUG
- Beretta ARX-160
- HK G36C
- HK M88-A1
- Colt M94A4
- JT RA-33
- JT REA-31
- JT RT-3D
- IMI TAR-39
- SCR Type-3/1
- SCR Type-7/1
- SCR Type-17/1
- JTC WA-29
- Battle
- DL XCS-9
- Sniper
- SR AS80
- SR M82A1
- JT RSS-4
- JT (now is VMW) TYE-8E
- SCR Type-3/A20
- DL XSR-5
- Spaceborne
- G33K1
- RSP-21
- Underwater
- A-33
- SR M27
- JT RSG-4
- SR USAS-74
- UT ADM-45
- HK ADM-97
- TR DC-4c
- SR DX-5
- TR GS-4
Submachine Gun
- HK MP7A4
- HK UMP. 74
- JTC WA-11
- I will crash them
- Moving to attack!
- They are no match!
- They are not be a problem.
- They took perish.
- They will die!
- I'm don't let you died, Kasami, this is the big mission.
Jarson to Kasami (SD: Memory of Kagami)
- I'm Jarson Gamatara, anything is my order.
(SD: LS)
Jarson Gamatara has the fighter that attack Scification council and point to him. (SD: Memory of Kagami) (Parody from Star Trek: Into Darkness)
- FATHER!!!! NO!!!!!!!!!!
Jarson see his father shot by Lucas. (Parody from Star Trek: Into Darkness)
- No, you don't died, this is your birthday
Jarson to Kagami (SD: Memory of Kagami)
- NOooooooooooooooooo!
Jarson after Kagami died (SD: Memory of Kagami)
Jarson rage after her died (SD: Memory of Kagami) (Parody from Star Trek: Into Darkness as KHAAAAAN!!!)
- All personal, get this bastard, died in my hand, don't let him go!
(SD: Memory of Kagami) (Parody from Star Trek: Into Darkness)
- I'm fight for Star Democratic, I say Kill them ALLLLLLL!
Jarson as open fire at all Lucas alliance ship as out of control that in Chiyuki orbit. (SD: Memory of Kagami) (Parody from Starship Trooper as John Rico's taunt is I'm from Buenos Aires and I say Kill them all)
- Noooooooooooooo
Jarson is cover by dark armor that similar to Darth Vader were Blanc hold him. (SD: Memory of Kagami)
- I Hate them, but I hate more if fish and fish dead!
Jarson see fish dead. (SD: HDN) (Parody from Hyperdimension Neptunia Mk2 as I Hate them, but I hate more if Ram and Blanc disappear)
- AAH RA RRRRR.......
- RRRRRRRRRR..........
- Damn critical, request a assistant.
- Incoming Rebel fire!
- Rebel force has open fire!
- I taking heavy damage!
- Those quote in Memory of Kagami were parody of Star Trek: Into Darkness.
- In Dead fish quote has say I hate more if 'fish' and 'fish' dead, which parody of Hyperdimension Neptunia mk2 as two goddess being killed.
- Death quote has used since Rise of the Disco series, which share with John Sheridan.
- Except in Lady White Heart.
- Original Starship Troopers's quote say as Kill them all, full original as Star Democratic was "I'm from Star Democratic when I say Kill them all", but later was "I'm fight for Star Democratic, I say Kill them ALLLLLLL!".
Behind the Scene
"There are many Jarson Gamatara in another dimension, most of them are have different habit, even me"
- Blanc has about another Jarson Gamatara and herself in another dimension
NOTE: Jarson Gamatara in Japanese word don't say as Gamatara Jarson.
Jarson Gamatara is name has share with own creator name Jason Gamatara by add "R" while used as alias name first in SC vs SD, his name has problem with name change by state that name (Jarson) can't used for real life.
- LS series
"Jarson Gamatara as this series will show about Adolf Hitler were possessed him after John Gamatara grab me as creator, But he tried to destroyed my homeuniverse that father don't know, but he will accept this action later after his father known about his action"
- According from Kasami Hiiragi in 2013
35 year after event of LS 2, Jarson Gamatara has appeared in HDN series as bald man were is next generation of his character were never see before.
- Jarson OICW-Gun = Called during first invasion of JAF and jarson used this oicw is choice weapon.
But OICW was explosive in Shugo Chara!, J. Gamatara has change to Type-17/1 Stg44.
- AAAA = Gamatara called by AFG
- Jason = early time of name Jarson. called by his family, George Lucas only (but Kagami and Tsukasa can called some time)
- Gamatara = called by Everyone
According to the John Gamatara, Jarson has own book (is History book), and he had his personality as fight of freedom long time as watch Star Trek, also John Gamatara give this character as worst character of SD: Federation Tier series because he script about to Actactan Empire return attack to Federation and Sakura Kinomoto has story was kill by Emperor Actactan, where is original of greatilism found during create season 8.
Supporting character
Jarson has appeared for every series, first by Federation Tier 4.
Jarson has appeared as one of starship crew where joke for any character, but he can do his action for some time for persecute to Kagami and Tsukasa. (SD: SC: GC)
In Scene
- Background
While Jason appeared in Star Democratic, he name called as Jarson Gamatara.
In villain he will appeared as Jarson OICW Gun only (or Jason Gamatara).
In the Lucky Star Series, Jarson's Eye has turn as Red Light and also teammate of J.A.F. can control they body when you see his eye.
He never kill any anime character or all person even he in serious or evil such as Kagami Hiiragi Jr., but if person kill star democratic or anime character he will kill in hot-blood, Example: Lucas kill Kagami. (SD: Memory of Kagami)
- Face Appeared
Has Appeared as James T. Kirk from Star Trek.
- Hurt Scene
He knock down on Desk with over of Daleks, He face has blood from nose and mouth in Star Democratic logo series. (SD: LS: Chapter 13 End Face of Gamatara)
As tear nose is Memory of Kagami, after he fight against George Lucas, his nose was tear and mouth has full blood and his head was burn without any hair, and later is extreme wound by Civilian Hovercar get Explosive. (SD: Memory of Kagami)
Jarson in HDN series is bald man?
Jarson Gamatara has been as bald man since in Memory of Kagami before HDN series as he fight against George Lucas that he attack on Hovercar that fly over cities that his head was burn from engine few time that why Jarson became to bald man were in HDN.
Jarson in combat has kick everytime?
Jarson Gamatara as pre-HDN series was anti-hero that know when he shoot an enemies and one of enemy has close to him, he will kick quickly for attack another much like Star Trek Into Darkness.
Kagami series:
- SD: HDN (First appeared as Remetor Operation M3-7)
- Season 1 (Appeared at first chapter only ,speak only)
- Season 2 (speak only)
- Season 3
- SD: LS series (Only final chapter and Other Anime Universe as another Jarson Gamatara)
- SD: Memory of Kagami
SC series:
- SD: SC: GC
Non-Star Democratic: (Cameo)
- Blancitunia
- Captain Proton
- High nooN
- The TRAP
- SC vs SD
- SD: Sin of Kagami Hiiragi
- SD: Sin of Jarson Gamatara
See: Trivia: Gamatara
If you say him, you must say Jarson Gamatara, not Jason Gamatara as in film.
If you hurt him, he will hate you everytime.
There are similar page in same name in another page, are Jarson Gamatara and Jarson Gamatara.
© 2015 Universal Arts, Star Democratic series, Kasami Mikiyoru's Star Democratic series, Jarson Gamatara is part of copyrights of Universal Arts Studio, Los Angeles, California, United States