

"Fire Phaser on my command!"
- Kathryn Janeway (SD: HDN)

Perpetually Heat-Activated Sonic-Emmitted Ray
Weapon Information
Type: Beam
Range: 2 - 150,000 km
Rate of Fire: 600 RPM (beam loop)
                    300 - 600 RPM (beam burst)
First used: 12 BDG
Last used: 3,007 ADG
Status: Various Star Democratic Weapon
Affiliation: United Federation of Planet
                Universal Federation of Alliance
                Interstellar Federation of Galactic Alliance (J/B)
Phasers, also known as Perpetually Heat-Activated Sonic-Emmitted Ray or Photon Maser was the most common and standard directed energy weapon in the Universal Force, Universal Defense Force and Federation Defense Fleet of the both Interstellar Federation of Galactic Alliance and several other powers in 1,200 ADG. Most phasers are classified as particle weapons and fire nadion particle beams, but some like the Actactan-II Phaser are classified as blaster weapons and fire blaster beams. Based on the intensity and field of the beam and a variety of adjustments, a wide variety of effects can be achieved.


Phaser technology used by Universal Force was preceded by maser weapons in the 22 ADG including such weapons as the hand-held phase pistol and ship-mounted phase cannon. Laser weapons, such as the laser pistol were also used before phasers became the standard-issue weapon in the Universal Force.

Phaser weaponry was invented during the 32 ADG. The technology was used by Galactic Federation as early as 35; The CCSS Galactic was equipped with ship-mounted phaser weapons on Medium Cannon. Phaser rifles were used as early as 29 ADG although at that time officers were still armed with laser pistols. In 38 ADG, starship bridges were defended by an automatic bridge defense system programmed to defend the ship from capture.

The 231 ADG saw many new advanced forms of phaser weaponry, such as the ever more powerful phaser arrays that made use of multiple phaser emitter segments, and the powerful rapid-fire phaser cannon. As a historical note, the regenerative phaser was chosen instead of the PX-3a for development until 256 ADG in the rise of UFA were have bought a Phaser technology from Star Trek as solve for against Star Wars.

In The 3,007 ADG, Phaser Weapon are lost before disco era come, but plasma weapons are mounted directed energy weapon on disco starship, Phaser weapon was used in universal force, But not to used in disco era.

and last used of phaser in 300,017 during Disco invasion on Earth, some phaser weapon are defeated and no weapon to defeat Disco's first assault rifle of RT-3D, but this time is upgrade weapon to unofficial called Kinetic class Phaser.

- Phaser are used for more year before replaced by Kinetic weapon in 3,032 ADG.
  - However, Kinetic is Phaser type fast projectile weapon.
- Most of Phaser in Star Democratic (include with upgrade Star Democratic's Phaser such as Kinetic and Field Energy) are Star Trek origin.

Descriptions and uses

The phaser beam can stun, heat, kill or disintegrate living creatures. Phasers can damage shields or other systems or even cut through a hull. Phasers can also be used to cut through walls and burrow through rock. The beam can be focused to a single spot or widened to impact a large area

In the nadion particle beam phasers, plasma is passed to a phaser emitter resulting in a discharge of nadion particles. Residual particles can be found in places where a battle has recently taken place. The disruptive effects of nadion discharges are moderated to produce varying effects (discussed below), ranging from benign to extremely destructive in universal era.

The Universal-issue personnel phasers come in four type: The phaser type-1a (large phaser) is large and used in CCSS Galactic and can fire very slow. The phaser type-2c is hand-held and cannon on CCSS Yamato and Enterprise. It has a longer hand grip or a pistol grip, depending on the model. The phaser type-3b  is also known as the phaser rifle. It has a longer barrel, a stock, and some models have a second grip. The phaser type-4a is use on CCSS Ishimura after second actactan war in 1,264 ADG. but new phaser type, fire of bolt on cannons. Over the year of use, there have been several models of these weapon types.

Beyond these types, phasers are usually mounted devices, such as the phaser type-5n used on universal defense force, used to bombardment planet, all the way up to the large phaser banks and phaser arrays of starships. Various types of banks, arrays and emitters exist, such as the more powerful phaser type-9e and the phaser cannon.

Hand-held phasers are also used by universal marine as weapons. he phaser can be used to heat rocks and stones for warmth. While there were specialized tools like phaser bores and phaser drills, Jackson once used his type-2 phaser to open a tunnel on the Actactan planet's capture Tatoonie

Different models of phasers make different sounds when fired, depending on the model and setting. Universal phaser fire typically makes a high-pitched "whistling" or "tearing" sound, for example. A knowledgeable person can use the sound to differentiate between types and power settings.

In the 1,262 ADG created by Universal Weapon Research's temporal incursion, hand phasers of the late 1,242 ADG emitted concentrated bolts of phaser energy rather than the steady streams generated by phasers of the prime reality. In addition, these phasers had a rotating nozzle which flips when set from stun to kill or vice versa. The ship-mounted phaser banks aboard the CCSS Ishimura  were also used to fire bolts resembling proximity blasts.

The phaser used by Jackson Marker, in 1,209 ADG, fired concentrated bolts of phaser energy.

While phasers were powerful weapons, they also had limitations. Phasers had no effect on neutronium alloys or the starship. The creature known as Actactalin even seemed to be able to feed off of phaser blasts on eye. In 1,302 ADG , two type-2 phaser cannons at maximum level were unable to penetrate the toranium inlays of Actactan Hull. George B. Mesa recommended a plasma cutter to be used to cut through the door.

It was possible to configure starship phasers to also fire energy beams for power transfer, antimatter spreads, laser pulse beams, photon pulses, pulse compression waves, modulating phaser pulses and covariant phaser pulses.


Standard Phaser beam weapon settings long range to hit and hit fast than kinetic, But range is limit to firing at long range.

- Type-1 Phaser = Unknown
- Type-2 Phaser = 75 - 100 meter
- Type-3 Phaser = 125 - 300 meter
- Type-4 Phaser = See kinetic
- Type-5 Phaser = See Field Energy

- Type-4 Phaser = Unknown
- Type-8 Phaser = Maximum at 150,000 km

Sidearm settings
The 45 ADG - 1,266 ADG personnel phasers included several settings

- Setting number one is also called the base cycle stunning force. This minimal setting causes only a stun effect to the average humanoid lifeform. A hit will leave the target dazed and unable to think straight for a moment. When used at close range, a phaser set on stun is still capable of inducing sufficient trauma to kill if fired at a vital organ such as the brain. Two phasers set on setting one fired simultaneously can break large objects into pieces, such as the urns of Mirato.

- Setting 3.1 is enough to cause a changeling to experience similar discomfort. Setting 3.4 or 3.5 was determined to be a stun setting that would effectively stun and force any changeling to revert back into the gelatenous state. A wide-field stun setting is used when large groups need to be stunned with a single shot. Some stun settings can also cause unconsciousness. Although mostly harmless when used at these low settings, multiple phaser stuns like this can result in injury and death. There is a heavy stun force setting and a maximum stun setting also known as full stun charge.

- A phaser can be used to heat a variety of substances, such as rocks or even coffee, Phasers can be used to melt certain ores from solid to liquid. They can be used to quickly boil through tens of meters of ice. Phaser can be set to inflict non-lethal second degree burns. Settings 6 and 7 cause severe burns in the flesh of humanoids. Setting 7 is also powerful enough to vaporize of gas.

- One-quarter and level 10 are names of the kill setting for humanoid forms. The kill setting on hand-phasers used by the universal force has a distinct sound from the stun setting. To a humanoid infected by a actactase. , the kill setting only causes unconsciousness, due to the high levels of adrenaline in the target's body. However, extended exposure to a body part such as the head of a humanoid would cause it to explosively vaporize. Two phasers set to kill can also disintegrate smaller lifeforms such as the actactase mother creature with extended exposure.

- Cutting settings can be used to slice off segments of a steelplast wall, a standard federation corridor wall or even to slice off body parts.

- The normal maximum setting on a hand phaser will vaporize a humanoid lifeform or a human size android with a single hit. This is also called disintegration. When used as a means of suicide, the phaser will also disintegrate along with the person shooting at himself. There is also a maximum setting that can set parts of clothing or humanoids on fire. Against a ghost, even when set specifically for silicon, the maximum setting will only hurt it. Disruptor-B is another maximum setting for the type-2c phaser. It is also called the disruptor effect setting. This setting was assessed to be the most effective against gaseous dikironium.

- The standard level 16 setting on a type 2 phaser can be used to vaporize tunnels through rock, large enough to crawl through. The level 16 wide-field setting can easily destroy half of a large building with a single shot. However there were materials phasers couldn't cut through even at this maximum level, such as actactara, and the unknown material used to create the Hotel Yimusa on Coruscant.

- Default phaser settings only 3 mode is Cutting, Stun and Kill.
- Stun mode are not effect to Celebrities Trooper. (SD: Rise and Shine of Celebrities Army)

Types of phaser weapons

There are several numbered types of phasers of increasing size and capability: Types 1, 2, and 3 are personnel phasers, and types 4 and above are ship-mounted weapons. The phasers mounted aboard starships were considerably more powerful than those used by U.D.F. personnel, owing to the increased power reserves available. Early phasers, such as the PXS-77c/2a type found on the CCSS Yamato, were mounted in banks of one or two emitters.

Hand-held phasers
Type 1: phaser is a small concealable sidearm weapon, use in cutter.
Type 2: phaser is a larger sidearm-type weapon which evolved from a pistol-style design, use in many crew on starship.
Type 3: phaser is a rifle-sized weapon, use in universal force.
Type 4: Fusion Phaser in M94A1 - M94A2.
Kinetic: See Kinetic
Field Energy: See Field Energy

These main types and technologies are further classified to distinguish the many variations.
hand phaser
- phaser pistol
           - Actactan phaser
           - Nazi Type-1 phaser pistol
           - Yoki phaser
- phaser rifle
           - Nazi Type-3 phaser rifle
             - AM-6 Phaser Rifle
           - Garolis phaser rifle
- Morr'to phaser
- proser - a proposed Proton Maser is prototype of Harrada.
- fusion phaser

Starship-mounted phasers
- GH-9m used on many corvette
- M5-3a used on many frigate
- phaser bank
           - phaser array used on anti-aircraft gun in many starship
           - phaser cannon - used on many destroyer
           - AX-4h phaser - used on many CCSS Enterprise
           - JXM-3s phaser - used on Kirov-class battlecruiser
           - SXA-9m phaser - used on CCSS Yamato

The Phaser in 3,007 ADG are defeat by more VXC-7 Pulse Rifle and 3,008 ADG, Phaser weapon on hand Marine was Disco RT-3D plasma kill to bomb the Hyperion Shipyard, standard energy weapon to being of Kinetic weapon.

Behind the Scenes

The Phaser based from Photon Beam called "Photon Maser", another being known as PHASed Energy Rectification.


The Phaser is the most Standard Star Democratic weapon both Firearm and Starship mounted, as original of these weapon are from Star Trek as gift of chance, bypass with many year as Phaser stand still has been change to modern era of weapon technology such as Disco Federation at war against Universal Federation of Alliance were problem with beam such as those of beam are slower rate fire and beam setting, most of them has upgrade into the newer weapon such as Kinetic Weapon for against Disco Federation crew member who is faster which change from beam to projectile, Field Energy has design as newer weapon against Star Wars Armor such as Stromtrooper were in Lady White Heart has new weapon by start name as 'M' such as M-1 Semi-Automatic Pistol, M-50 Assault Rifle, M-99 Battle Rifle and those of weapon, other name such as R-15 Assault Rifle.


- Phaser is one of ten energy weapon used in mid-universal era
- Later, Kinetic has called as original name is Phaser. (SD: SC: RH)

Universal Data: Weapon