Lady Kasami's Log

"The achieve that contain most of person and ask about your question about the persons here."
- Description of Lady Kasami's Log (Memory of Kagami Rebirth)

Lady Kasami Hiiragi's Personal Log, commonly known as Lady Kasami's Log was the information data that records either events from many individual from Touhou Galaxy and various universe. It was using for reading the information about an person that want to know more. The Log was built with CARS (Character Automatic Recording System) by using VSI-x64 Supercomputer which known as one of most powerful supercomputer of Touhou Galaxy (in that time), but not every Log were given from official government information or up to date since it was require close quarter action such as Kasami have encounter to Yoshino for example which this reason why CARS can't prove more information about their current time, but still very accurate to generated the text. (Memory of Kagami Rebirth)

Note that if player who is not being Kasami Hiiragi still can use the log but it still given as Lady Kasami's Log.

Main Log
Kasami Hiiragi
Core Name:
First Name:
Last Name:
Populace Name:
Lady Kasami Hiiragi
March 3, G.C. 1997, Tomokyo, Chiyuki
General Habit:
Known for:
5th Princess of the Interstellar Federation
Princess of the Federation
Amu, known in official name as Kasami Hiiragi was (your playable character and) Lady of the Interstellar Federation who work along with her sister and princess, Kagami Hiiragi, she is smart in battle strategy while she is want to become more stronger than Kagami as her ultimate goal. Kasami is work as Guardian under Order of Hiiragi to protect Touhou Galaxy which general populace always called her as Lady Kasami Hiiragi. She was the one of most memorable in Touhou Galaxy History more than ancient Chiyukitalian historical leader such as Tomoya Dinoji, Reco and not even your mother, Miki Hiiragi being she have protect this galaxy from the downfall by Lucas's Alliance, but not only just survive, but bring the Chiyukitalian become the Superpower and most powerful species in the galaxy and crash the Star Conflict.

Log update: 1/20/G.C. 2014
Information Code: KASAMI
Log Number: 001
Last update: 1/20/G.C. 2014
Character Image: KasamiHiiragiProfile.tid
Build version: v1.0

The Log was record an person, many log were record with an unnamed person that have given a been official name such as Garry 'Grab' Travis were Starship Troopers is simply as "FedNet Correspondent". The Log have pros, neus, cons and lims. By Pros were the Log have accuracy information, easily to read and also the Log is have easily to use. Neus (Neutral) were the Log is information of an person only, The Log have update everytime when Kasami Hiiragi have action against these person and the Log were have short summary. Cons were the Log have classified were many Log were around Beta or Gamma, and Rarely are Special-Alpha, the Log have not given other information more than a general information and the Log can't be use by other person more than Kasami Hiiragi, not even Teijiki Peon can be use (unless in co-op gameplay and it will fill the main log with their characters). And Lims (Limited) were the Log can't have more information than 500 person due to the code can't allow to use and also the person who classified as Special-Alpha are require more information.

"Are you sure to edit this information that you encounter than us?"
- CARS Warning player about confirm your edit information

As Special-Alpha or anyone (except player's other character such as Kasami player can't edit Aiko's information when Aiko player is still active) can be edit as player want if see one of cutscene that character may can't be see but it need a code key, if you may if this information is not correct, you may reset this to default information which will set to their current information.

Those wanted person who have been killed by not being directly by CPUs such as Gray 'Bruce' Dienes was killed by Yui with CCSS Yui, the log however, given as killed by Kasami Hiiragi instead of non-CPU killer although she didn't involved it, but still keep killer of that person in the log.

CARS have limited information to person who classified as Special-Alpha which Kasami have to edit their information and make it correct and update to current time.

Editing the log were easy to do, however, the security were extremely advanced which will force to reset to current form of update that CARS have backup if find out that if player edit the log in offensive way. For example, if player edit Kasami Hiiragi's Gender from "Female" to "Male" or Edit Aiko's summary were "she love Lu-Al", the log will not just reset the text that edit, the log also reset all text that previously have been edit in that log by player except those have been confirm by player and the log knew.

Known Classified Person
The CARS have classified many person from person who have been classified as Special-Alpha are very important and they don't have much information about these person (also they will tell you to need more information about these person) such as Yoshino Yoshimizu and Unidentified FedNet Cameraman, and person who classified as Delta or None/Other are not very important or very easily to know about their intel.

- Aiko (Code: AIKO)
- Haku Tsunemi (Code: TSUNEMI)
- Kagami Hiiragi (Code: KAGAMI)
- Kasami Hiiragi (Code: KASAMI)
- Kashima Tominoru (Code: TOMINORU)
- Miki Hiiragi (Code: MIKI)
- Teijiki Peon (Code: PEON)
- Tomoya Dinogi (Code: TOMOYA)
- Tsukasa Hiiragi (Code: TSUKASA)
- Vertimiki Niwa (Code: NIWA)

The "Other" was first debut in Birth of Lady Tomoya Dinogi as Tomoya can access to these information. These information can't be edit.

The Others are the person were out of universe (of Touhou Galaxy Project) beyond than CARS can record it.

- Alexander Munro (Code: MUNRO)
- Blanc (Code: BLANC)
Blank Obumas (Code: DUMBDISCOPEOPLE)
- Dameron Volk (Code: USASPY)
- Gamatara Dyson (Code: DYSON)
- Harry Clinton (Code: USAPRESIDENT)
- Hatsumi Sega (Code: SEGAMI)
- Histoire (Code: HISTOIRE)
- Jackson Marker (Code: JACKSONJKMARKER)
- James Pars (Code: CULPRIT)
- Jan Michael (Code: JANMICHAEL)
- Jarson Gamatara (Code: GAMATARA)
- Jason Michael (Code: JASONJACKMICHAEL)
- Lando Davien (Code: DISCOLANDODAVIEN)
Majuwwa Piesaja (Code: RODIANPIG)
- Makito Taka (Code: MAKITOTAKA)
Maraineo Finaltion (Code: MARINEFINAL)
- Nepgear (Code: NEPGEAR)
- Neptune (Code: NEPTUNE)
- Noire (Code: NOIRE)
- Ram (Code: RAM)
- Rom (Code: ROM)
Ronado McDonas (Code: BIGMAC)
Tavion Piguxua (Code: TAVIONPIG)
- Uni (Code: UNI)
- Uzume Tennouboshi (Code: UZUME)
- Vert (Code: VERT)

- George 'Will' Lucas (Code: KARMAPEOPLE)
- Margaret 'Egan' Jane (Code: ISNARCHOR)
- Yoshino Yoshimizu (Code: YOSHINO)
- Unidentified FedNet Cameraman (Code: FEDNETCAMMAN)

- Georgia Brush (Code: IRUQAWAR)
John Wilson (Code: IGNORELETTER)
Jonez Gonzalez (Code: BRUSHWAR)
Paul 'Duch' Verhoeven (Code: GOODBUGDEADBUG)

Garry 'Grab' Travis (Code: FEDNETCOMMAN)
Gray 'Bruce' Dienes (Code: UCFWARMONGER)

Abraham 'Abe' Ellis (Code: APOLLOCAP)

- In Memory of Kagami: Hero of the Villain were Lady Kasami's Log can't be used by other than Kasami but Miki Hiiragi can used Lady Kasami's Log in game, but not with Jimmy Vars except in Party mode since Vars can enter to Miki Room which the log is here.
- Lady Kasami's Log also appear in Birth of Lady Tomoya Dinogi as Tomoya can use this log to given character information by using Tomoya's computer.

Touhou Galaxy Project:
- Memory of Kagami Rebirth (First Appeared)
  - Hero of the Villain.
- Traveler from Beyond of Gamindustri
  - Birth of Lady Tomoya Dinogi.