

The Shared are power that the Goddess are used to protect other people were came from confidence people were new feature in SD: Lady White Heart, is symbol power of Interstellar Federation of Galactic Alliance, Goddess can strong can arrive this planet if the shared is strong, sometime if the shared are low, the Goddess can't have power to protect these planet or can't fight the enemies, most of are used feed for Federation Armed Force (Especially is Federation Defense Fleet). (SD: Lady White Heart)

The Shared around the Galaxy is 70% and another are power from another government such as Disco Federation and Disco Lando's Galactic Empire are power of Greatilism which can corrupt the shared, another from other galaxy are Star Wars and Star Trek's Trekkies, if Star Trek have Trekkies in Star Democratic, they are value of their power to teach the Goddess, The Shared are used from Capital shared and Local shared, a Capital are Chiyuki, Tomoya, K-11, Raji, Capital Disco, Lando's Main Club, these planet are highly to have the Shared, and they are also as power of the way to dominate Disco planet.