United Citizen Autocratic

"Para el ciudadano! ("For the Citizen!')"

United Citizen Autocratic
Political information
Type of Government: Citizen dictatorship
Head of state: Sky Marshal
Head of government: Sky Marshal
Commander-in-chief: Sky Marshal
Executive branch: Autocrat Council
Legislative branch: Autocrat Council
Judicial branch: Autocrat Court
Military branch: Vader Armed Force
                           - Vader Infantry
                           - Vader Fleet
Societal information
Capital: Terra (Destroyed), Roku San
Official language: Spanish
Currency: Terra (?)
Motto: Para el ciudadano! ("For the Citizen")
Historical information
Formed from: United Citizen Federation
Date established: G.C. 2014
Date fragmented: G.C. 2014
Date destroyed: G.C. 2014 (by Lastation Empire)
Status: Destroyed
Affiliation: Lucas's Alliance
United Citizen Autocratic (U.C.A.), known as Terran Citizen Autocratic or Terran Autocratic, simply known as Citizens is the Dictatorship government in Starvessel Soldiers lead by Sky Marshal Omar 'Young' Anoke after the coup against various revolt across the United Citizen Federation after many people feel that war is not good to their people.

The UCA was blacklist by the Federation as the worst rights government for the people prior before the Great Universe War. Like most of Mind Trick Universe, the UCA is also at war against the Federation in Great Universe War and the UCA was destroyed after Lowee Empire have rise to power. (Memory of Kagami Rebirth)

The UCA is known as the worst human rights and worst of that citizens quality are such as there are racism exist since United Citizen Federation when they at war with other race (such as Bugs and Chiyukitalian) which later have became clear that their people are start to stop the conflict, although they gave rights for women  there are no rights for homosexual and non-human species, or even slave and P.O.W. so far. (Memory of Kagami Rebirth)

Rules and Law
Capital Punishment
According to Lady Kasami's Log, the punishment was seen since UCF include with Electrocution and Hanging (and seem to be have Shooting as well) which all are appear in public were all channel are broadcast in same channel. (Memory of Kagami Rebirth)