I will kill you if you say 'I'm from Buenos Aires' or your location that you came from after your city was destroyed
This achieve was Banned by Kasami Mikiyoru |
"Your people will no longer He he hee anymore, prepare yourself!"
- Kasami Hiiragi (Memory of Kagami Rebirth)

First Michael Jackson's Music appeared is "Billie Jean" in 1992 on End Scene of SD: Dark rise of the Federation.
Michael's Album
List of Michael Jackson Music used in Star Democratic
In Star Democratic series during Disco Era, a music appeared in the scene are:
(Before Memory of Kagami)
Off the Wall:
- Don't Stop 'Til You Get Enough (SD: HDN) = First appeared on .......
- The Girl Is (Mine) = Sometime have referred 'Mine' which mean 'own' to deadly landmine as well, First appeared in Celebrities trooper are ambush universal force. (SD: Rise and Shine of Celebrities Army)
- Billie Jean = First appeared in End Scene of SD: Dark rise of the Federation. - Beat it = First appeared enter to Muslim Hive. - Thriller = First appeared during enter to Universal Outpost on Tomoya. - Human Nature |
- Bad = First appeared during Invasion of Tomoya.
- The Way You Make Me Feel = First appeared Opening of SD: Rise of the Disco. The Way You Make Me Feel is first music appeared in SD: Rise of the Disco during battlecruiser, DFS John's Battlecruiser arrive to Tomoya outpost to Invasion of Tomoya. - Man in the Mirror (SD: HDN) = First appeared on ....... - Dirty Diana (SD: HDN) = First appeared on ....... - Smooth Criminal (3,008 ADG) = First appeared during Battlecruiser shoot down in Sand Club. - Leave Me Alone (SD: HDN) = First appeared on ....... This new version of Michael's action. - Liberian Girl (3,008 ADG) = First appeared during Captured Universal Base at Hoth. |
- Black or White = First appeared during Bomb on Hyperion Shipyard.
- Remember the Time = First appeared during Captured Universal Base at Hoth. - Remember the Time remix (or 2 time faster) = First appeared only sound in Lucky Star. Remember the Time is one of feature of disco era to Star Democratic: Rise and Shine of Celebrities Army, by theme word is "The Celebrities are ready to service for Disco Federation, More Dangerous Than Ever, If you fight to still alive, Your live has been get by celebrities troopers", and also used as video that character from another are imported, but was done in Memory of Kagami. - Jam = First appeared during Invasion of Tomoya. - Heal the World = First appeared On the Lava club. (SD: War of Disco Remastered) - Dangerous = First appeared during Bomb on Hyperion Shipyard. |
- Scream = First appeared during Escape the Muslim Hive
- Earth Song = First appeared in Battle of Tomoya. (SD: War of Disco Remastered) - You Are Not Alone = Appeared as alternate ending of SD: SC: RH 2. - Childhood - They Don't Care About Us = First appeared on Gas Disco platform (SD: War of Disco Remastered) - Stranger in Moscow = First appeared in Cool Disco Club. (SD: War of Disco Remastered) |
- You Rock My World = First appeared during Bomb on Hyperion Shipyard. (Remasterd)
- You Rock My World remix = First appeared only sound in Lucky Star. - Butterflies (SD: HDN) = First appeared on ....... - Cry (SD: HDN) = First appeared on ....... |
- Hold My Hand = First appeared in Disco-Federation cease-fire. (Remastered)
- Love Never Felt So Good = First appeared as pre-HDN series were Star Democratic become as Developed Universe were used this music as Disco Federation become as powerful, and also replaced Remeber the Time is used as music video that import character from another universe.
- A Place with No Name = First appeared on Disco Federation cutscene |
- Ghost taunt
- Show to how ...... (beat it)
- We are the world
- Who is Bad
- When Michael (as well as Colorer in Legacy and Marker in War of Disco) killed or Mission failure, a ghost taunt are playing. (SD: Dark rise of the Federation)
- If AFG died at Disco Mission, 'Beat it' intro, play as "...... around here". (SD: SC: AMU 2 only Para Disco chapter)
- Remember the Time as Music Video was used as testing were Lando is king and queen is character that import and also Michael Jackson will kiss the import character by almost is anime female character, this music was done in HDN series by replacing Anime Music.
Behind the Scene
Michael Jackson's Music are based from the music video (example: Thriller and They Don't Care About Us) used for Main protagonist (antagonist) fight against Universal Force (Disco troops in War of Disco) and final boss are used heavily music with powerful of pressure (example: Beat it).
Memory of Kagami and new series since HDN and Lady White Heart were no need to used Michael's Music anymore, also Rise of the Disco Remastered as well.
Michael Jackson Music have decline since first year of Kagami series were rare to appeared, Lucky Star series is only 2 music is appeared, since Memory of Kagami and beyond is not appeared Michael Jackson's music anymore, but Xscape is only music is still appeared but only trailer and Michael's SP skill in Lady White Heart, TGP is completely no Michael Jackson Music prior before Xscape.
Although Kasami Mikiyoru have banned all pre-Xscape Michael Jackson's Music appeared, other song that relation to Michael Jackson such as The Jackson 5 and We are the World is still allow since they are not part of Michael Jackson music at all.
Federation Tier series:
- SD: Federation Tier 1 (First Appeared as radio)
- SD: Federation Tier 2
- SD: Federation Tier 3
- SD: Federation Tier 4
- SD: Federation Tier 5
- SD: Federation Tier 6
- SD: Federation Tier 7
- SD: Federation Tier 8
- SD: Federation Tier 9
Kagami series:
- SD: LS series (only You Rock My World and Remember the Time, Last Appeared)
Rise of the Disco series:
- SD: Dark rise of the Federation (First Appeared)
- SD: Legacy
- SD: Moonwalk Academy
- SD: Plan of Disco Federation
- SD: Plan of Disco Federation 2
- SD: Rise and Shine of Celebrities Army
- SD: Rise of the Disco
- SD: Rules of the Disco
- SD: Unknown groups
- SD: Up-rise of the Federation
- SD: War of Disco
SC series:
- SD: SC: AH
- SD: SC: AH 2
- SD: SC: AMU 2
- SD: SC: GC
- SD: SC: HK
- SD: SC: HK 2
- SD: SC: Lando's Most Revenge
- SD: SC: RH
- SD: SC: RH 2
- SC vs SD (Thriller only)
- Billie Jean is the one of Music appeared in Star Democratic series.
- Remember the Time is most appeared in Rise and Shine of Celebrities Army.
- Dangerous is most Disco Federation's highly or Michael is Michaelism.
- Michael Jackson's music has appeared all time during character in Disco area. (SD: Rise of the Disco)
- All music has appeared all series from SD: Federation Tier 1 except in Original Memory of Kagami.
- According from current creator (Kasami), Memory of Kagami series early time has used music during title of Capital Disco, but later she said "This music has more effect to her (Kagami) and this story and not music title to used this series".
- However, as HDN series will appeared as less-appeared much like Federation Tier series.
- After of this series will not appeared michael's song because this music is futile for almost series were most of Rise of the Disco series has been change that accept by Jason Gamatara.
- As SD: HDN, only few sound are appeared, but not appeared as full music, only Xscape is appeared.
- Some music that appeared in HDN were pre-Xscape has say as First appeared on ....... which is say as not appeared.