

The Anime Universe, the Animiratries, also known as Anime Dimension is the Dimension of all Anime Universe, including with Great Empire of Tomoyatalian and Species 20-3 are came from there, as well as the origin of most Relay that build to entire Hyperdimension, there are many anime such as Cardcaptor Sakura, Lucky Star and more are there, as well as birth place of Kagami Hiiragi Jr/Blanc.

The Animiratries is close to Scification which Star Democratic has been at wars with them in Jarson Dimension, and also this is original of Star Democratic.

Many Galaxies in Animiratries are red, blue and green in type are similar to Milky Way Galaxy model.

List of Galaxy
There are few anime that added, wait for new information.
- Cardcaptor Sakura
- Lucky Star
- Shugo Chara!

ASS Yoshi is a Relay in the Animiratries, which similar model in Scification is ASS Reality, guard by Federation Defense Fleet from invader in another Dimension.

Year of Animiratries is year C.G. 2015, used Cardcaptor Sakura as date.

- 'C.G.' mean Card Generation
- This is only dimension that any character died will not reset, that also count with Hyperdimension Neptunia in Videgamindustri dimension and Star Democratic in Scification dimension as well.