Second Actactan War

"Only war is high power of Actactan Empire with fight to Universal Federation on long time ago, they not have be help a marines in that year, and kill all a Disco Federation is They are not know this war as Federation's Saying, that Disco are Scream to Federation is Powerful Slavery"
- Marine Final 300,025 ADG

Second Actactan War
Date: 1,938 - 1,942 ADG
Location: Milky Way Galaxy
Result: Universal Federation of Alliance victory
           Actactan Empire Defeated
           Lost many planet in the Beta Quadrant
           Begin plan of the disco
Federation side
- Universal Federation of Alliance
  - Universal Force
  - Universal Defense Force
  - Universal Air Force
- People Alliance
Dark side
- Actactan Empire
  - Actactan Army
  - Actactan Navy
Notable commanders:
Federation side
- Princess/Cardcaptor Sakura Kinomoto
- President George B. Mesa
- Admiral P. Yamamoto
Dark side
- Emperor Actactan XI

The Great War of Disco Key, Second Actactan War was a four-year intergalactic conflict between the Actactan Empire and Universal Federation of Alliance, from 1,938 ADG to 1,942 ADG that consumed the entire Milky Way Galaxy in one of the most destructive and bloody wars in galactic history. By the end of the war, the Universal Federation to Destroyed the Actactant, the Actactan main capital planet - Universal Federation was set back for decades, and there remained a catastrophic death toll for all powers involved, and Disco Federation is readly to this plan.