The Rifle was serve as level 1 rifle class and it was primary rifle that used by Kasami Hiiragi alongside Hiiragira sword. (Memory of Kagami Rebirth)
Assault Rifle is start rifle weapon as one of Rifle Tier 1 as one of best rifle to using any mission as strong against Organic armor such as Soldier or Enemy CPU, but suffer weak against Armor to due energy bullet and many of Vehicle are low damage against them but this rifle weak against enemy villain such as Antony Emerson when you are low level. The Gun is also easy to gain character level up for better damage and against enemy. Unlike any Old G36 series, M-50 can't select camouflage and it allow to attach with Military Scope more than modern real life military of the world. (Lady White Heart)
In Memory of Kagami Rebirth, the rifle is same with except that the attachment of this weapon can be allow as no weapon have allow to do this since end of original Memory of Kagami which can be attach a Grenade Launcher, the rifle also appear to be a semi-automatic and this weapon have setting mode which can allow to stun, kill or even burn their body, but rarely case that Kasami have set this rifle to maximum setting which cause enemy head explosive when get shot or even single shot (even hit in the leg) will cause entire body explosive into a piece instead of burning which may will be see when she loss her friend and want to raged at their enemy. (Memory of Kagami Rebirth)
- Particle Barrel
Increase damage outpost, but increase energy used
- Suppressor
Reduce sound to enemy from 50 meter or longer, but it reduce range and damage outpost. Enemy may still hear at close range.
- 2x-series Military Reflex Sight
This military scope increase range, but decrease accuracy.
- MARS-series Reflector sight
This Red dot sight increase accuracy, but it increase recoil.
- ECOSYS-series Holographic sight
This CQC sight decrease recoil, but also decrease accuracy.
- Grenade Launcher
FX-Helium Grenade that useful against ground support, but it not explosive at close range.
- Grip
Increase aim stability, but increase recoil.
- Fusion Launcher
FX-Blaster Projectile for good blast, but it slower.
- Rocket Launcher
Downgrade version of handheld rocket launcher which useful against armor, but inaccuracy against infantry.
- Shotgun
CQC love this FX-Blaster masterkey as useful against close range, but not design for long range, and it have limited clip size.
- Flashlight
See enemy in the dark, but have chance for enemy to see you.
- Heavy Heat Sink Magazine
Increase ammo, but it reduce damage.
- Laser sight
Can using hip fire at enemy more accuracy, but it easily for enemy to see you.
The GC-36 variants were appearred in video game as level up version which can be choose after gain specific level.
- GC-36 (Level 0)
Standard version.
- GS-36 (Level 10)
Short version with rapid fire.
- GM-36 (Level 20)
Large version as machine gun.
- GL-36 (Level 30)
Sniper version.
- GB-36 (Level 40)
3 Round Burst.
- GX-36 (Level 50)
Hyperblaster beam.
Behind the Scenes
"Semi-Automatic, most common rifle in the Touhou Galaxy that firing in single shot to allow massive damage at enemy target, it classified as Assault Rifle as can shoot in automatic mode although this was lack in this game."
- Description of Assault Rifle (Memory of Kagami Rebirth)
Assault Rifle is start rifle weapon as one of Rifle Tier 1 as one of best rifle to using any mission as strong against Organic armor such as Soldier or Enemy CPU, but suffer weak against Armor to due energy bullet and many of Vehicle are low damage against them but this rifle weak against enemy villain such as Antony Emerson when you are low level. The Gun is also easy to gain character level up for better damage and against enemy. Unlike any Old G36 series, M-50 can't select camouflage and it allow to attach with Military Scope more than modern real life military of the world. (Lady White Heart)
In Memory of Kagami Rebirth, the rifle is same with except that the attachment of this weapon can be allow as no weapon have allow to do this since end of original Memory of Kagami which can be attach a Grenade Launcher, the rifle also appear to be a semi-automatic and this weapon have setting mode which can allow to stun, kill or even burn their body, but rarely case that Kasami have set this rifle to maximum setting which cause enemy head explosive when get shot or even single shot (even hit in the leg) will cause entire body explosive into a piece instead of burning which may will be see when she loss her friend and want to raged at their enemy. (Memory of Kagami Rebirth)
- Particle Barrel
Increase damage outpost, but increase energy used
- Suppressor
Reduce sound to enemy from 50 meter or longer, but it reduce range and damage outpost. Enemy may still hear at close range.
- 2x-series Military Reflex Sight
This military scope increase range, but decrease accuracy.
- MARS-series Reflector sight
This Red dot sight increase accuracy, but it increase recoil.
- ECOSYS-series Holographic sight
This CQC sight decrease recoil, but also decrease accuracy.
- Grenade Launcher
FX-Helium Grenade that useful against ground support, but it not explosive at close range.
- Grip
Increase aim stability, but increase recoil.
- Fusion Launcher
FX-Blaster Projectile for good blast, but it slower.
- Rocket Launcher
Downgrade version of handheld rocket launcher which useful against armor, but inaccuracy against infantry.
- Shotgun
CQC love this FX-Blaster masterkey as useful against close range, but not design for long range, and it have limited clip size.
- Flashlight
See enemy in the dark, but have chance for enemy to see you.
- Heavy Heat Sink Magazine
Increase ammo, but it reduce damage.
- Laser sight
Can using hip fire at enemy more accuracy, but it easily for enemy to see you.
The GC-36 variants were appearred in video game as level up version which can be choose after gain specific level.
- GC-36 (Level 0)
Standard version.
- GS-36 (Level 10)
Short version with rapid fire.
- GM-36 (Level 20)
Large version as machine gun.
- GL-36 (Level 30)
Sniper version.
- GB-36 (Level 40)
3 Round Burst.
- GX-36 (Level 50)
Hyperblaster beam.
Behind the Scenes
"This Rifle didn't have setting mode to kill enemy with explosive into piece since the maximum is limited to burn their body and become the ash. I think that she want to kill their enemy who just kill her friend more than her modification."
- Tominoru reaction to Kasami as she shoot this rifle with maximum setting (Hyperdimension Neptunia: Touhou Galaxy Project: Memory of Kagami Reference Book)
GC-36 is one of initial weapon that used by protagonist.
Lady White Heart, original model of M-50 is to be as this which using from Hyperdimension Neptunia and original called as 'Assault Rifle Model 50' than as M-50 in Video Game with firing Three-Round Burst to Five burst rather as Full-Automatic, but later was model after Heckler & Koch G36-KV and half of ACR, in Memory of Kagami Rebirth were these rifle was semi-automatic.
Entire rifle is white plastic were design as Modern rifle which most of Lowee weapon are entire white, unlike most of Star Democratic weapon are grey or black like one was in Memory of Kagami or HDN, in video game, most of Lowee weapon can't select or skin camouflage to these weapon include this one.
This gun was the iconic weapon of Star Democratic, as well as Blancitunia and Touhou Galaxy Project. In Memory of Kagami Rebirth, one scene that Kasami have shoot an Tornadotrooper explosive into a piece with this rifle after they kill her friend much like those Platinum Pulse Laser from Star Democratic.
Touhou Galaxy Project:
- Lady White Heart (First Appeared)
- Memory of Kagami Rebirth
- Traveler from Beyond of the Gamindustri
- Birth of Lady Tomoya Dinogi

- M-50 and various SCR product in Memory of Kagami Rebirth were mark with "Made in Chiyuki", in Lady White Heart, it was "Made in Lowee".
- Like All initial weapon for Kasami such as Hiiragira and M-1 pistol, GC-36 rifle can't be sell.
- GC-36 were oversized in some CG.