Gekino Bird (Touhou Galaxy Project)

"You know, you should have fly without me, that why your freedom is end."
- Kasami Hiiragi as talk to an Gekino Bird seal after Death of Kagami Hiiragi (Memory of Kagami Rebirth)

Gekino Bird
(げきの鳥 Gekino Tori)
Armiger: Interstellar Federation
Adopted: G.C. 1952
Supporter: A Gekino Bird proper displayed.
Motto: Lead the bird to the freedom and peace.
Use: Government seal
The Gekino Bird, official known as Great Seal of Interstellar Federation was the Interstellar Federation seal official adopted since G.C. 1954 and later, Lasatation Empire. The "Gekino Bird" was name after Mythological Tomoyatalian bird of same name that native in Chiyuki before they was extinct since fall of Tomoyatalian Empire by Star Conflict.

The Gekino Bird was symbol of peace, freedom and unite as federation which have become the common seal of Touhou Galaxy government since Ancient Chiyukitalian Empire until it became most important seal since Interstellar Federation. After Lastation Empire have rise to power. The Gekino Bird was turn into a symbol of imperialistic, ambition, order and terror of many among universe who oppose to Lastation Empire and Lady Kasami Hiiragi. The Gekino Bird symbol alongside with name 'Kasami' and 'Hiiragi' family are prohibited symbol to among the loser universe and also symbol of ruthless imperialism which anyone support or join the Lastation Empire will result the act of crime and crime against galaxy, as well as treason to their universe. (Memory of Kagami Rebirth)

The origin of symbol was came from Mythological Tomoyatalian bird called Gekino Bird that native in Chiyuki that gone extinction since fall of Tomoyatalian Empire, the Gekino Bird seal was adopted by Chiyukitalian Empire and later Tomoyatalian Empire after fall and later Neo-Tomoyatalian Empire as well. Interstellar Federation have adopted heavily version of Gekino Bird that have redesign which the seal was adopted since G.C. 1954 and Lastation Empire since G.C. 2014.

Military Seal:
Several Federation military seal take from Ancient Tomoyatalian Empire especially Army and Navy. Most of the military seal have been adopted since G.C. 1952 alongside as Gekino Bird which most of seal were dark blue.

G.C. 1952 - present
Seal of Federation Self-Defense Force
Dark Blue seal with combine all seal of Army, Navy and Air Force of Federation Self-Defense Force.
Federation Self-Defense Force, and later Imperial Lastation Armed Force
G.C. 1952 - present
Seal of Federation Ground Self-Defense Force
Dark Blue seal with Imperial Tomoyatalian Army symbol of Rema sun.
Federation Ground Self-Defense Force, and later Imperial Lastation Army
G.C. 1952 - present
Seal of Federation Self-Defense Fleet
Dark Blue seal with Imperial Tomoyatalian Navy symbol.
Federation Self-Defense Fleet, and later Imperial Lastation Navy
G.C. 1952 - present
Seal of Federation Air Self-Defense Force
Dark Blue seal with Roundel
Federation Air Self-Defense Force, and later Imperial Lastation Air Force

Lowee Empire Seal

Kiiro no hana, commonly known as Yellow flower. The version that used in Lady White Heart rule the Lowee Empire in Lady White Heart, unlike most of seal of federation. this symbol didn't use Standard Federation symbol like Gekino Bird, this symbol is still appeared in Memory of Kagami Rebirth as Royal Order of Hiiragi Family Honour.

Military Seal:
G.C. 2015 - present
Seal of Lowee Imperial Armed Force

Lowee Imperial Armed Force
G.C. 2015 - present
Seal of Lowee Imperial Army

Lowee Imperial Army
G.C. 2015 - present
Seal of Lowee Imperial Navy

Lowee Imperial Navy
G.C. 2015 - present
Seal of Lowee Imperial Air Force

Lowee Imperial Air Force

Behind the Scene
  See Gekino Bird/Behind the Scene

© 2017 Universal Arts, Touhou Galaxy Project. Gekino Bird and Kiiro no hana is part of copyrights of Touhou Galaxy Project story and related work.

Using one of these Gekino Bird outside of TGP work or not related to TGP work (especially for commercial, racist and hate symbol) is result of copyright infringement.