Ronado 'Big M' McDonas (Star Democratic)

"Well, I got some super pig attacking me before I lost my money to that Piggy scum so why I end up here"
- Ronado McDonas to Jason Michael (SD: Rise of the Disco)

Ronado 'Big M' McDonas

Biographical information
Homeworld: Unknown
Born: Unknown
Physical description
Species: Disconoid
Gender: Male
Blood Type: Unknown
Height: 187 cm
Mass: 62 kg
Hair color: Blown
Skin color: White
Eye color: Green
Chronological and political information
Nationality: Disco
Religion: Moonwalk
Rank: Dancer
Occupation: Dancer
Affiliation: Disco Federation
Ronado 'Big M' McDonas, former known as Ronald McDonald prior before Memory of Kagami Rebirth, known in his nickname as Big M or Big Mac was Disconoid Male dancer and disco master, he is minor antagonist of Rise of the Disco and support character during Jason Michael act. (SD: Rise of the Disco)

- There she is, DFS Ronald McDonald.
  - There she is, DFS Big Mac. (Remake)

Note: These quote below are appear in SD: Legacy.

And I always thought it would be the fast food that would kill me...
- Get that glowing, oversized french-fry away from me!
- We don't have Dr. Pepper. Is Mr. Pibb OK?

- This ain't Burger King, you ain't gonna get it your way.
- Over 40 billion severed.
- Would you like fries with that?

(Beloved Killed)
- Now you've done it... you can't have the SUPERSIZE now.

- You deserve a break today. A break in the neck!

(Killed Hated One)
- You just put a smile on my face.

(Killed On Purpose By Love)
- Grimace would never have done that to me.

(General Greetings)
- May I take your order please?

(Response Greetings)
- I'm lovin' it!

(Order Accepted)
- Yes, and I'll SUPERSIZE that for you.

- SD: Rise to the Disco (First Appeared)
- SD: Legacy

- He is name after Ronald McDonald, a mascot of McDonald's.
  - Before Memory of Kagami Rebrith Reference Book was release, he is use same name as the McDonald's mascot although Memory of Kagami Rebirth is part of Touhou Galaxy Project more than Star Democratic.

- Hyperdimension Neptunia: Touhou Galaxy Project: Memory of Kagami Reference Book (Identified as Ronado McDonas)