Jackson's Toy R-8

"Semi-Automatic, Disco class Heavy Sniper Rifle with powerful high outpost damage against armor and deadly against organic, but extreme recoil and aiming when not in cover."
- Description of D-8 (Memory of Kagami Rebirth)

Disco-class Heavy Sniper Rifle
Type: Sniper Rifle
Type Energy: Disruptor
Length: ‪1,143‬ mm
Weight: 12 kg
Ammunition: 6 shot
Velocity: Beam
Place of origin: Tally
Barrel length: 73.7 cm
Cartridge: Disruptor Energy
Sights: Sniper Scope
Range: 500 meter
Recoil: Very High
Accuracy: Very High
Rate of fire: (Semi-Automatic)
Action: Short-stroke piston, rotating bolt
Designed: Jackson's
Produced: Unknown
In service: Unknown
Manufacturer: Jackson's
Used by: Interstellar Federation
The Jackson's R-8 Disruptor Rifle, commonly known as Disco class Heavy Sniper Rifle is a sniper rifle under Disco class, it was most powerful and high-powered sniper rifle in the Touhou Galaxy, although it extremely recoil and heavily sniper rifle to aiming without cover. (Memory of Kagami Rebirth)

Behind the Scenes
The D-8 was based on Gepard GM6 Lynx which have take from Star Democratic's TYE-8E sniper rifle and V-8 as both were based on M82A1 sniper rifle.

Touhou Galaxy Project:
Memory of Kagami Rebirth (First Appeared)